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What are the Best sites for getting Political Articles/Stories


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I see a lot of criticism of the sources/messenger on this board lately. Post your recommendations for getting political information. Ironically one of the the most criticized sources here is the one I find to be the best and most impartial.

#1 RealClearPolitics.com

I find it to provide links to the broadest sources on the dominant political questions of the day. It does have a conservative leaning but also balances itself out with opposing links. (e.g. Today there are Nation and Newsweek Articles listed from the left).

#2 Drudgereport.com

I don't find it as useful as RealClearPolitics for providing links but they do often cover areas that are missed by my first choice

#3 Democratic Underground

Believe it or not I also like this extreme left (as in bat loon left ranging from very liberal on the right, to communist -seriously, on the left) forum for finding off-the-wall links posted by the members. Plus there is a lot of interesting reading. This site definately shows that there are "progressives" out there that are definately not enlighted (Just read some of the hate filled grave dancing threads). An additional benefit is watching the train wrecks occur when some of their more moderately left oriented members criticize Chavez or Castro. (BTW can't join if your moderate or conservative as it is restricted site for the left, but you can lurk).

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I see a lot of criticism of the sources/messenger on this board lately. Post your recommendations for getting political information. Ironically one of the the most criticized sources here is the one I find to be the best and most impartial.

#1 RealClearPolitics.com

I find it to provide links to the broadest sources on the dominant political questions of the day. It does have a conservative leaning but also balances itself out with opposing links. (e.g. Today there are Nation and Newsweek Articles listed from the left).

#2 Drudgereport.com

I don't find it as useful as RealClearPolitics for providing links but they do often cover areas that are missed by my first choice

#3 Democratic Underground

Believe it or not I also like this extreme left (as in bat loon left ranging from very liberal on the right, to communist -seriously, on the left) forum for finding off-the-wall links posted by the members. Plus there is a lot of interesting reading. This site definately shows that there are "progressives" out there that are definately not enlighted (Just read some of the hate filled grave dancing threads). An additional benefit is watching the train wrecks occur when some of their more moderately left oriented members criticize Chavez or Castro.

I think it's RCP.

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Full disclosure since I frequent the government sites.

Congressional Record. Its a great source to see precisely where the parties are on issues.

Congression Hearings pages. Again, a great source to see precisely the arguments and where the parties are. I focus on financial issues, just because that draws my attention the most. I think 90% of the work gets done in hearings (at least most of the public work) and its where we have the most transparency. Additionally I feel the experts or series of experts who testify increase my knowledge of whatever topic in general. I go through the effort of converting the hearings from embedded flash or streamed .wmv to MP3 and dumping them onto my mp3 player.

C-SPAN. Mainly its disappointing since its basically both parties repeating the same 5 points on the floor to each other. It would be nice to see real debates on issues, I'm not even sure we got a real debate other than puff press conferences.

Since you asked about political news; mostly I get it from comments on sites like here (Tailgate) or other sites I frequent (financial). I do look at HotAir, I understand they are virtually neo-conservative so I've grown to disagree more with them over time, I've moved more to the middle. Drudge is also great.

These sites aggregate, so Politico, and TheHill... they are good resources.

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Realclearpolitics.com really delivers on a daily basis. It offers up disparate voices and updates its content twice daily. You get the mainstay papers (LA Times, NY Times, Chicago Sun, WP) as well as smaller regional papers with strong writers. You also get a fair amount of content from "across the pond" (Financial Times, Economist, etc). which I feel is a great way to find what others think of developments here in the States. Best of all they give you views from various standpoints so in that sense it comes across as balanced (to me at least). I read it daily.

They also have 3 sister sites which are decent (though not entirely political in nature): realclearmarkets (a stock market/investing/business driven site), realclearworld (about world politics/news) and realclearsports (which culls top stories from across the nation on all things sports related). All are worth checking out.

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Although it isn't day to day Foreign Affairs is a really good publication with good balanced and in depth articles from some pretty prominent people across the spectrum. I also check out Al Jazeera English, BBC, and sites like pressdisplay.com for news.

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