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Shanahan Guarantees Portis Will Be At Voluntary Workouts

Ellis Dee

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I'm glad Portis will be there. I need to see more than that though!

He needs not only to be there, but be there in shape, he needs an attitude adjustment, and he needs to practice.

There is a lot Portis needs to do before I feel OK with the fact that we kept him in a year that was tailor made to get rid of bloated contracts such as his.

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Interesting he's saying he wants Larry Johnson as his backup. Where's the signed contract?

The whip has been cracked. :ols: I'm pretty sure Portis knows his paycheck is on the line. He could still be cut if he doesn't show the effort that has been lacking the last few years.

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LOL. Its time for a name change, Yes :)

Uh YEah, it sooooo 2008.

I don't quite understand the LJ thing either, but I guess Shanny can whip him into shape professionally and personally.

more on Portis.... I want my leaders to be there, and hopefully we'll have 100 percent participation and if not, I'll be disappointed."

I don't think he'll be the only one disappointed, some guys may not have to worry about playing time.

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The whip has been cracked. :ols: I'm pretty sure Portis knows his paycheck is on the line. He could still be cut if he doesn't show the effort that has been lacking the last few years.

He's still got guaranteed money coming to him though right? Cut or not he's gonna get paid. Makes me question his motivation.

If Portis comes out looking great, no attitude issues and gets a few 100-yard games, it would go a long way to tell what kind of person he really is. It remains to be seen though.

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I keep saying this is no big deal as Clinton minus last year has shown up in shape before, the litmus test is if Landry is there on Monday.

It would make me feel pretty good if we have everyone there, especially Landry. I'd love to start the off season with everyone on the same page and no distractions. I'm sure this won't happen, but one can wish can't he?

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We'll see what happens. As with any system change, sometimes when you change what you do, you get players who are not content. It happens. You can try to appease them or move them on their way.

In Carter's case, he's been classy, so I have no ill will towards him. Hopefully they can find a way to make him happy.

Workouts are very important for these guys to be at. It sets a tone.

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"Oh, I guarantee you Clinton'll be there," Shanahan said. "I know Clinton too well. He'll be there, and he'll kick off the offseason on the right note. I want my leaders to be there."
"It was very positive," Shanahan said. "I'm a big fan of Carlos, and he will be here for the offseason program."

man ... is the mastermind brimming with confidence or what? i just love how he talks in absoulutes.

no, "maybes" no "we'll see."

and than he gets on the a personal level...he makes the players seem human. i.e. "I know Clinton" "I'm a big fan of Carlos."

good stuff

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"Oh, I guarantee you Clinton will be there," Shanahan said Thursday, per the Washington Post. "I know Clinton too well. He'll be there and kick off the offseason on the right note. I want my leaders to be there, and hopefully we'll have 100 percent participation and if not, I'll be disappointed."

Music to my ears

I love that Clinton is going to be looked to by Shanahan to be one of the leaders on this team.

I also love how Shanahan says "I know Clinton too well" and then proceeds to burst the bubble of the Agenda Boyz by basically saying that the Clinton Portis he knows is someone who will be here and work hard and kickoff the season on the right note. A far cry from the "lazy" player that some people have liked to portray Clinton as.

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It's also a coaching technique. He knows Clinton well, this is true, but what he's doing is putting Clinton and Carlos' (and others) character on the line. He builds them up by saying he knows them too well and that they will get the job done because they're great and he's a huge fan... Partly because it's true... And partly because flattery gets you every where as a coach.

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He's still got guaranteed money coming to him though right? Cut or not he's gonna get paid. Makes me question his motivation.

If Portis comes out looking great, no attitude issues and gets a few 100-yard games, it would go a long way to tell what kind of person he really is. It remains to be seen though.

It's not all guaranteed though, so he would still stand to lose a lot of money. His contract has a bunch of roster bonus and stipulations. I'm not sure how much it would effect him, but I think he'd lose more than he'd get from another team. (Maybe not enough to motivate him much).


Question 1.7cHold on. You said the team could release the player BEFORE the big money kicks in. Are you telling me that the contracts are NOT guaranteed? Answer: That's right. The team is not obligated to fork over the money for remaining years of the contract if they cut the player.

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Oh goody! Our 7 million dollar prima donna running back is going to "show up" for a meeting...yippee! I'll reserve my Super Bowl tickets!

I actually wish he wouldn't show up...then maybe we'd cut him. But they must have a burger stand at practice or something.

Yeah...I'm not a Portis fan...

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Remember last year when some key players didnt show for mini camps, the media asked Zorn about it. His response was something like " I am not sure where they are at", and " I have not heard from __________".

I bet none of that crap happens this year.

I do hope all the players show up,it will reinforce what Shanahan said about putting the team first.

I guess I am optimistic, as much as I thought Carlos and Landry did not play up to their potential last year, I still believe there is hope for Landry.

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