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ESPN: Mosley: Who's holding Dan Snyder hostage?


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Who's holding Dan Snyder hostage?

All signs pointed to another Redskins spending spree. For years, we'd become accustomed to Washington winning the month of March by signing big-name, if aging, free agents to lucrative contracts. To owner Dan Snyder and his top lieutenant Vinny Cerrato, the NFL draft was for weaklings.

While teams such as the Baltimore Ravens loaded up on offensive and defensive linemen, the Redskins turned to established stars in the league. Unfortunately, though, the Skins' version of March Madness couldn't overshadow what happened each fall.

Snyder built a foundation on smoke and mirrors, and the results had become downright depressing. At least the '09 season provided comic relief when Cerrato interrupted Sherm Lewis' bing0 calling to name him the team's playcaller. In retrospect, coach Jim Zorn was in over his head from the start. He was a panic hire by Snyder after his candidate pool evaporated in '08.

He has fired plenty of coaches in more than a decade as owner, but following last season's 4-12 campaign, Snyder knew his organization was at a crisis point. The losing was bad enough, but the Redskins had managed to alienate their fan base through a stunning series of blunders, the most humorous being a ban against homemade signs at games. In addition to being treated to a poor on-field product, fans were asked to express their dissatisfaction in healthier ways, such as politely clapping for first downs and pretending to recognize Marcus Mason's name.

If Snyder didn't get the next hire right, he might have encountered fan revolt. Fortunately for him, a Super Bowl-winning coach happened to have the '09 season off. Mike Shanahan might as well have had an office at Redskins Park because you knew he would replace Zorn from about Week 4 on. Snyder's only serious competition for Shanahan would've been the Cowboys, but most folks don't have an appreciation for Jerry Jones' devotion to Wade Phillips, a man who's happy to let the owner wear the whistle, and at times, the Russell coaching shorts.

The Redskins hired general manager Bruce Allen, son of George, late in the '09 season to start assessing the damage. Once he sacked Zorn, the stage was finally set for Team Shanahan to take over the building. The former Broncos coach hasn't done anything that dramatic (Artis Hicks, anyone?), but his presence alone has changed the club's perception around the league. As I walked the streets of Indianapolis during the combine in search of scouts and refreshments, people told me stories about Shanahan's iron-fisted ways. Members of the Cowboys' delegation weren't shy about admitting that the landscape of the NFC East would quickly change with Shanahan on the scene.

In fact, I'm not sure there's a coach in the league that Jones admires more than Shanahan. In the past, Shanahan had been a ghost at the combine, slipping into town to look at a certain player and then leaving before anyone saw him. But this year, Shanahan was popping up all over the place. He spent more than an hour with reporters and then I later saw him sharing trail mix with Wade Phillips at a Marriott property. For now, Shanahan's the face of the franchise and I think he realizes how important it is for fans to see him at work.

On the eve of free agency last Thursday, Redskins fans gathered at their laptops (hopefully) and read about Shanahan and Allen releasing 10 players. It sort of felt like the final cuts in the preseason. Allen was rather diplomatic in his description of Black Thursday at Redskins Park. Cornerback DeAngelo Hall was a little more blunt, telling ESPN that the Skins were able to shed some "dead weight." Nice touch, DeAngelo.

Some of us interpreted these moves as a prelude to a big-ticket item in free agency, but unless Hicks and Maake Kemoeatu were at the top of your wish list, the Skins basically sat on their hands. You keep waiting for that other shoe to drop, but it looks like this is all we're going to get. It makes you wonder if someone's kidnapped the free-spending Snyder, an owner who has been known to covet another man's roster. Surely he'll put a stop to all this inactivity at some point. But Allen recently told SI.com's Peter King that Snyder seems to be taking the (non) news in stride.

"He didn't throw anything at me," said Allen of Snyder. "And he didn't throw a tantrum. He's fine with it."

So we've apparently entered a new era of Washington Redskins football. To be clear, though, Shanahan won't be given license to have a couple more 4-12 seasons. He isn't expected to win the NFC East title in 2010, but the Redskins will need to show marked improvement.

Fortunately for Shanahan, the bar's been set pretty low over the past decade. His critics will point toward his playoff record in the post-John Elway era in Denver. But his total body of work is impressive.

The best news for Redskins fans is that Shanahan and Allen don't appear to be looking for shortcuts. As we've seen in the past, shortcuts look a lot better in March than they do in December. Artie Hicks and Kemo might not get your heart pumping, but regaining the respect of your division foes should.

And that has already happened.

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Some of us interpreted these moves as a prelude to a big-ticket item in free agency, but unless Hicks and Maake Kemoeatu were at the top of your wish list, the Skins basically sat on their hands. You keep waiting for that other shoe to drop, but it looks like this is all we're going to get. It makes you wonder if someone's kidnapped the free-spending Snyder, an owner who has been known to covet another man's roster. Surely he'll put a stop to all this inactivity at some point. But Allen recently told SI.com's Peter King that Snyder seems to be taking the (non) news in stride.

And the Skins mostly sat on their hands in 2007 and 2008 as well. It was pretty easy to see that the FA market was pretty thin at the places where we have the biggest needs.

Course, had Sproles been available, this article probably would have been very different. They will also flip around if we pay someone in the future as well. The media keeps going back and forth on this subject.

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In addition to being treated to a poor on-field product, fans were asked to express their dissatisfaction in healthier ways, such as politely clapping for first downs and pretending to recognize Marcus Mason's name.

Is Mosley an dummy or what?? If he talked to Florio/JLC all he had to do was take a glance at the messageboards to find that Marcus Mason was a preseason darling around here(I am definitely included in that bunch)

It makes you wonder if someone's kidnapped the free-spending Snyder, an owner who has been known to covet another man's roster. Surely he'll put a stop to all this inactivity at some point. But Allen recently told SI.com's Peter King that Snyder seems to be taking the (non) news in stride.

"He didn't throw anything at me," said Allen of Snyder. "And he didn't throw a tantrum. He's fine with it."

Grasping at straws..not surprised;) Dan stepped aside for Gibbs and you heard ARE say that Dan finally had someone in Shanahan/Allen that he could trust . That wasn't the first time I'd read that from someone who was actually associated with the team. Hey Mosley google Synder's name and see what you find why don't you one of the best and most insightful article's I've read on Dan was http://www.washingtonian.com/articles/sports/1679.html

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I dont think anybody has mentioned it yet, but I will credit snyder for finally getting the process of rebuilding a team down right. Hire from the top, and let THEM build the rest of the team down. Zorn had a cobbled together staff that was already picked out for him, no wonder he tried to do everything himself and was clearly overwhelmed.

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Artie Hicks and Kemo might not get your heart pumping, but regaining the respect of your division foes should.

And that has already happened.

Wahoo! Getting the R.E.S.P.E.C.T. back. Look out NFCE even if by perception only. :D

Now we are the offseason champions of respectability.

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The team is on the right track. Its just a matter of time and player development. When the Skins sign FA's in the future, its going to be all about ...the same old spending Skins. Whatever the Skins are on track to wins, playoffs, and Super Bowls.

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In addition to being treated to a poor on-field product, fans were asked to express their dissatisfaction in healthier ways, such as politely clapping for first downs and pretending to recognize Marcus Mason's name.

Is Mosley an dummy or what?? If he talked to Florio/JLC all he had to do was take a glance at the messageboards to find that Marcus Mason was a preseason darling around here(I am definitely included in that bunch)

Yeah, I was about to say the same thing lol...how could Mosely think that Skins fans did NOT know who Marcus Mason was? Some fans have even been calling for him to replace Portis for several years now, and quite a few got P.O.'d when we released him after the 2008 preseason.

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Yeah, I was about to say the same thing lol...how could Mosely think that Skins fans did NOT know who Marcus Mason was? Some fans have even been calling for him to replace Portis for several years now, and quite a few got P.O.'d when we released him after the 2008 preseason.

Now that wasn't me:ols:

I wish Marcus well,he's a good guy..hopefully he gets a chance in San Diego.

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My own personal theory about the lack of free agent signings this year is this.

Snyder's money well is drying up. He is scared of the possibility of a lock out 2011 season and the loss of revenue if there isn't a season and having to pay the money he owes players. Snyder decided to go out and get Bruce Allen who's most notable success was writing friendly contracts in Oakland, not actually signing players or being able to draft unknowns and a head coach that is feared around the league. The night before FA he told Allen to trim his costs which resulted in the Redskins going from the most expensive roster in the league to the 4th cheapest in the league overnight. Snyder's sitting on his thinning wallet until the labor agreement is reached and then will open it back up to the league once the football fate is known for 2011. In the meantime Redskins land is scratching it's collective head wondering what happened to Richie Rich and his millions and amusing itself with the thought that they've finally arrived to some sort of sensible money management as a team and the league wonders what happened to the Redskins. Of course the rest of the league is rejoicing knowing the Redskins aren't beating everyone to the punch and actually get to sign some quality players for a change. Once the fate of the 2011 season is known get ready for more Redskins money to be thrown around again. For the Redskins fans they now get excited about signing unknown guys like Maake Kemoeatu instead of known All Pros and await the season with baited breath. Funny how things change around Washington.

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I dont think anybody has mentioned it yet, but I will credit snyder for finally getting the process of rebuilding a team down right. Hire from the top, and let THEM build the rest of the team down. Zorn had a cobbled together staff that was already picked out for him, no wonder he tried to do everything himself and was clearly overwhelmed.

Out of curiosity...what is it you think he did when he hired Gibbs?

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My own personal theory about the lack of free agent signings this year is this.

Snyder's money well is drying up. He is scared of the possibility of a lock out 2011 season and the loss of revenue if there isn't a season.

What in the :silly:??? Dan's Snyder's money drying up:ols::ols::ols:

read this http://www.washingtonian.com/articles/sports/1679.html it was written in 2006 but no way is Snyder anywhere near MC Hammer/Mike Tyson status buddy:silly:

Snyder did not need cash from the Redskins. He had sold Snyder Communications in 2000 for about $2.3 billion; Snyder took away more than $275 million of stock in the new owner’s company.

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ummm.. addicted.. if his money were drying up... why would he release 10 guys ... still pay them... knowing that he's going to have to get 10 more guys to replace them and pay them too. Basically he's paying 20 guys to do the job of 10. Broke people don't do that. When we released the ten.. all of their guaranteed money and bonus's came due this year.

I'm tired of all these redskin "fans" that just like to be cynical of everything we do. First we spend too much now we spend too little. I think when the bus does get turned around we're going to have a lot less fans who just enjoyed being a skins fan to have something to complain about for the past 15 years. Go buy a nats jersey

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Artie Hicks and Kemo might not get your heart pumping, but regaining the respect of your division foes should.

And that has already happened.

Wahoo! Getting the R.E.S.P.E.C.T. back. Look out NFCE even if by perception only. :D

I'm actually pretty excited about the Kemo signing too :) Hicks is in an area of great need, so I like that...just doesn't excited me.

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Fans' and reporters' poor memories are in full bloom in this thread.

It is horrendous. I wonder if anyone has ever actually compared the Redskins free agency activity against the rest of the league. There was the infamous start of the Snyder ownership era. We got it...Deion, Carrier, Smith, George. Those are some pretty "Big" names. Then during the Marty and Spurrier era I hardly remember the Skins going out and paying outrageous for "big name" free agents. And then Gibbs came along. It is debatable about how much influence Snyder had over his moves. The one ridiculous FA move is Archuleta. Of note, Lloyd was acquired through a trade, not FA.

I think you pretty much have to come forward to Haynesworth to find the next time the Skins made a big "splash" in Free agency. Mixed in we have the very unlfashy London Fletcher(someone argue that was a bad pickup) and Derrick Dockery(a lineman) and Rabach(another lineman). Marcus Washington was a pretty good FA pickup and Shawn Springs as well.

But I guess the unsupported "big splash, big name" claim has taken such hold that there is no hope to actually report it like it is.

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Y'all are missing the real reason Snyder is not spending money like a mad man this off season.

No more Vinny Cerrato.

We now have Bruce Allen (A real GM) and so far he has proven who is really running things at Redskins Park.

Wondering if you would provide the actual basis for Snyder and Cerrato pairing to spend like mad men in the off season.

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So as a proud member of the NNT club, I can't start new stuff :) I think this fits here though.

I was thinking about the lack of activity from the skins, other than cutting "dead weight". There was a post a short while ago about having the 4th lowest payroll in the league, cutting something like 70 million in dead cap.

Fast forward to next season. Shanahan will have a chance to look at players that are new, played little in the system or have different roles this year (guys switching to the 3-4).

If the cap does come back, I assumed the rules of RFA would most likely go back to the rules of the past. So I did a search and found this article...


With the threat of a lockout I fell like the players union might reconsider the cap system. If things go down as the article suggests, this could make the Redskins very big players next year. With a large FA class, even if they go for the secondary market again, the secondary guys will look a lot more appealing than Chad Clifton, Tony Pashos and Larry Foote.

It would be a smart way to "rebuild" without putting us into future "cap hell".

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In addition to being treated to a poor on-field product, fans were asked to express their dissatisfaction in healthier ways, such as politely clapping for first downs and pretending to recognize Marcus Mason's name.

Is Mosley an dummy or what?? If he talked to Florio/JLC all he had to do was take a glance at the messageboards to find that Marcus Mason was a preseason darling around here(I am definitely included in that bunch)

<b>It makes you wonder if someone's kidnapped the free-spending Snyder, an owner who has been known to covet another man's roster. Surely he'll put a stop to all this inactivity at some point. But Allen recently told SI.com's Peter King that Snyder seems to be taking the (non) news in stride.

"He didn't throw anything at me," said Allen of Snyder. "And he didn't throw a tantrum. He's fine with it."


Grasping at straws..not surprised;) Dan stepped aside for Gibbs and you heard ARE say that Dan finally had someone in Shanahan/Allen that he could trust . That wasn't the first time I'd read that from someone who was actually associated with the team. Hey Mosley google Synder's name and see what you find why don't you one of the best and most insightful article's I've read on Dan was http://www.washingtonian.com/articles/sports/1679.html

Santana_89, why do you constantly change font and color of your text in every post? Its incredibly hard to read.

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