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Hypothetical : Jason Campbell has a legit Pro Bowl year.


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Could be a "one-year wonder" like the Derek Anderson year, however, Campbell is a much better quarterback overall than Derek Anderson. I'd definitely look to trade him if we had drafted a QB though. I certainly wouldn't sign him to a Peyton Manning/Tom Brady deal unless he had an MVP-type season (and even then, wouldn't be sure). 6 years/75 million for a 25+ TD, 3850+ yard, 10+ win season including a playoff win or two (with a questionable RB and at least one rookie on the line assuming we draft Okung or Bulaga) is good enough for me, though I'd also like to see some come from behind wins as well, or some examples of Campbell taking command of the game in the 4th Q, lest I believe he was the product of the Shanahan system.

I think more important than statistical improvement is how many big plays he makes, and how many wins HE leads us to, especially late in games/when behind/in the playoffs. Let's say he puts up numbers similar to this year, but our defense plays a bit better, he produces more big plays downfield, and he wins about 7 close games and leads 3 or 4 game winning drives. I'd definitely be open to eating my crow and supporting his return.

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If JC has such a season, and it's possible with an OLine that provides decent pass protection and gives the opposing D a runnning game to think about, then I can see the team wanting to keep him. Although it does not appear that JC is the type to be vengeful, it is common to only stay where you're wanted, and the Cutler fiasco from last year pretty much showed that Snyder didn't want him.

So if now the team wants him? Then they try to get him to sign a multi-year contract with the "It was only business." excuse. If Campbell says no, then they can franchise him, pay him an eorbitant amount of money for a season and draft his replacement. And then hope the replacement is as good as Campbell turned out to be.

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Is the implication of this thread that Jason would leave here if he had a great season because of the past? He does not have the gonads to do that anymore than he has the ability to have a top ten QB season. Put simply, he does not have that kind of fire within him.

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JC doesn't have a year on any contract. As far as I know he hasn't even signed his tender yet.

As for the Pro Bowl only way that happens is if he buys his own ticket.

I don't think anyone has signed their tender yet, but wow what an interesting way too look at that.

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I doubt he would command a $75 million dollar deal. I'd say you look at what Romo sits to pee got in Dallas and use that as your ceiling. I think he got that contract after his 2nd Pro Bowl season, but they were still unsure about him. Either way, I would love for it to happen. A 5 year, $50-60 million dollar deal is a bargain if you know you've got a QB who can take you to the playoffs. Look at what the Giants have to pay Eli.

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Are you like a huge JC hater to the point that you can't even discuss a hypothetical question like this without getting weird?

There are plenty of things discussed every year. Congrats on finding out that someone asked this question last year. You've added nothing to the thread.

I love it when people get mad because someone else doesn't agree at all with what they put in their thread. Cracks me up when people get so **** defensive instead of just looking at all points, no matter how stupid or useless you feel they are. So let's once again re-hash this same topic that keeps showing up.

For one, since Kurt Warner retired, that gets rid of one person keeping JC out of the top 10 QB's. Now, can anyone honestly say that you see him outperforming Brees, Peyton, Brady, Favre (if/when he comes back), Schaub, Rivers, Rodgers, Romo sits to pee, McNabb, Eli Manning, and now Joe Flacco with his new target Boldin? What about Carson Palmer and his new receiving threat in Cinci? That's 12 QB's more likely to have a better year than JC right now, not too mention the possibility of Matt Ryan bouncing back.

So at this rate, that puts JC about 13th/14th. So unless he manages to jump some of these guys...that once again puts him middle of the road and definately not anywhere near "Pro Bowl level".

Based upon last years NFC Pro Bowl level QB's, JC would have to throw for approx 4,200 yds, 32 TD's, and roughly 10 INT's or less to be considered up there in the Pro Bowl discussion. That being said, I don't see anyway outside of acquiring Brandon Marshall and a totally revamped beast of a line and DB's who don't watch JC stare down receivers, that he would have a shot at that type of production.

So if JC manages to do what he has NEVER done on the football field ever before, put up Pro Bowl numbers, then lock him up for years to come and don't change anything with the new offense and hope nobody gets injured...ever.

I seriously hope he succeeds, but the past 9 years suggest this is the best you'll ever get out of JC...middle of the road performing nice-guy QB.

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Are you like a huge JC hater to the point that you can't even discuss a hypothetical question like this without getting weird?

There are plenty of things discussed every year. Congrats on finding out that someone asked this question last year. You've added nothing to the thread.

Why discuss somethign that was just discussed just a couple of weeks ago?

By the way that thread was created on February-19th-2010, 02:58 PM. I guess you must in year 2011. :doh:

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Well hypothetically, if Shanny some how makes a pro bowler out of JC, I would have to be overly excited with what he could do with a real QB! And if JC leaves off a pro bowl year and we have no one on the roster to replace him, I would volunteer as the starter, and don't worry about production, I can complete 2 and 3 yd passes all day long, and can hand the ball off with the best of them.:silly:

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You Franchise him and negotiate... If we cant negotiate something reasonable then you pull the tag and let him walk. No matter how good of a year he has he will never be worth top 5 money. Maybe top 10 but never top 5... My opinon

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I love it when people get mad because someone else doesn't agree at all with what they put in their thread. Cracks me up when people get so **** defensive instead of just looking at all points, no matter how stupid or useless you feel they are. So let's once again re-hash this same topic that keeps showing up.

For one, since Kurt Warner retired, that gets rid of one person keeping JC out of the top 10 QB's. Now, can anyone honestly say that you see him outperforming Brees, Peyton, Brady, Favre (if/when he comes back), Schaub, Rivers, Rodgers, Romo sits to pee, McNabb, Eli Manning, and now Joe Flacco with his new target Boldin? What about Carson Palmer and his new receiving threat in Cinci? That's 12 QB's more likely to have a better year than JC right now, not too mention the possibility of Matt Ryan bouncing back.

So at this rate, that puts JC about 13th/14th. So unless he manages to jump some of these guys...that once again puts him middle of the road and definately not anywhere near "Pro Bowl level".

Based upon last years NFC Pro Bowl level QB's, JC would have to throw for approx 4,200 yds, 32 TD's, and roughly 10 INT's or less to be considered up there in the Pro Bowl discussion. That being said, I don't see anyway outside of acquiring Brandon Marshall and a totally revamped beast of a line and DB's who don't watch JC stare down receivers, that he would have a shot at that type of production.

So if JC manages to do what he has NEVER done on the football field ever before, put up Pro Bowl numbers, then lock him up for years to come and don't change anything with the new offense and hope nobody gets injured...ever.

I seriously hope he succeeds, but the past 9 years suggest this is the best you'll ever get out of JC...middle of the road performing nice-guy QB.

I agree that JC is a middle of the road QB AT BEST.

Hypothetical question. And the question wasn't "Can Jason Campbell have a Pro Bowl year", it was mainly what would we do from a front office standpoint, and what would Jason Campbell do after such a year, if he somehow had one.

EDIT - I read the first post from the thread that was linked, and it is not the same question.

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Why discuss somethign that was just discussed just a couple of weeks ago?

By the way that thread was created on February-19th-2010, 02:58 PM. I guess you must in year 2011. :doh:

Didn't read the link that was posted. Assumed it was from last year because someone cried about this being talked about last year. I was just stating that this is a brand new question and things have changed last year.

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I have no doubt that Shanahan has already spoken to him and told him, much like Rogers, that if he performs he will see the contract he wants.

It's that simple. Campbell has no reason to expect, or believe, otherwise and he should take the opportunity at face value and run with it.

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It won't be on us to keep him though, it would be up to JC, and I don't think he's the happiest guy in the world being here.

If he doesn't want to be here after finally having some success, then you franchise tag him and then trade him picks in the draft.

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If he has a pro bowl caliber year this year, it could be argued it was a product of the system, and therefore merely a taste of what is to come when a more competent QB stands behind center. Plus, I can't imagine him endearing himself to the organization with all the shenanigans that have surrounded his tenure as a starter. Either way, I am inclined to think he walks.
What if he's not a product of the system? What if he was just held back by Jim Zorn's crap show? If we have a chance to lock him up after a pro bowl year, shouldn't we do what it takes to keep him?
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At this point, the writing is on the wall for Jason. No matter what happens this season, he will not be here for the '11-'12 season. I think that if he has a good season, he will want to go somewhere else as he probably isn't very pleased with they way things have gone for him here, and if he is average or below, he will be shown the door and told not to even look back.

At any rate, Campbell has one year left at most in D.C.

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What if he's not a product of the system? What if he was just held back by Jim Zorn's crap show? If we have a chance to lock him up after a pro bowl year, shouldn't we do what it takes to keep him?

What if he "bloomed" under Zorn and that was the best he is ever going to be? It was a contract year for him you know.

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What if he's not a product of the system? What if he was just held back by Jim Zorn's crap show? If we have a chance to lock him up after a pro bowl year, shouldn't we do what it takes to keep him?
Then was Saunders holding him back also? Was Gibbs holding Candle back? At what point is it the guy playing?

The thing is, if he plays lights out next year, it's a fluke. He posted almost exactly average numbers last year, his best year, while the other NFCE QBs did much better against the same competition.

We've already seen Candle seemingly play at Pro-bowl level, the first half of 2008. Nothing spectacular, but great numbers, mistake-free and doing what we needed him to do to win. Then the O-Line finally gave out, teams stacked the box on us to stop the run, and we found out it was the running game / the team that was carrying Candle, not the other way around.

We need to move on at QB position. Candle's been shown 5x the patience we've shown other QBs like Shuler, Frieze, Ferrotte, etc. It's not been a spectacular failure, but it's not working out either.

Going by 2007 and 2-3 games in 2009 that Collins has come in for Candle, it's been Candle holding back the Skins, not the other way around.

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it's always if this or if that with this guy Jason Candle who happens to be a bad QB. it is always Hypothetical with this dude when people chat about him. it's never what he has done and how good he was , is. is it impossible for him to have a pro bowl type season next year? of course not but if you really have some common sense and analyze this Hypothetical question in depth, one you look at the evidence that matters the most. his past games/performances as a professional QB. when you look at his 50+ starts, and have set of eyes, the guy is a bad qb. now with that in mind, what is the probability with over 50+ starts and 5 yrs in the league that he will have a pro bowl years? not likely.

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