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PFT/ESPN-Report: Redskins interested in Leonard Little(merged)


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Good lord, look at this from PFT.com:

Haslett's Little comments could be the latest case of tampering

Posted by Mike Florio on February 16, 2010 2:46 PM ET

Rosenthal posted earlier today regarding the report that Redskins defensive coordinator Jim Haslett "has let it be known" that he believes defensive end Leonard Little can still get to the quarterback on a consistent basis.

And since Rosenthal is not yet as cynical as yours truly (he'll get better at it once he turns 20), Rosenthal didn't mention the first thing that came to mind when I say his item.


Regardless of how or where Haslett "let it be known," the fact that he's saying anything in any context about a player under contract with another team constitutes tampering.

We know. We know. A bunch of you will post comments regarding the fact that you don't care. And, frankly, I don't care that some of you don't care. Until the rules change or are enforced as written, I'll point out possible violations that, for whatever reason, are being ignored.

That said, 49ers fans should care about the situation, since the Niners got their knuckles slapped a couple of years ago for the kind of thing that virtually every team does without consequence.


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Haslett was just making a comment about a former player. While possible, it doesn't mean for sure that we're "interested" in him. :doh:

Considering that the company line around Ashburn has been "youth infusion" I doubt the new bosses one to toss that policy out by bringing in a 36 year old DE.

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Absolutely not.

While I am all for dicks like this getting treatment, playing on this team is not a form of treatment. Being a Redskin is a privilege, not something that a reckless killer deserves.

I'll sour very quickly on a Redskins team that involves him as anything except for a tackling dummy or a guy who wear a sign that says, "Do not be like me."

You have got to wonder if the emphasis on character that this organization has been so accustomed over the years will be taking a backseat under the new regime. Shanahan has a history of overlooking some pretty disturbing behavior.

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Can anybody find the actual direct quote from Haslett on this?

This is from the actual St. Louis sports talk website that all of this came from originally:


Leonard Little has yet to make his decision about returning or retiring from the NFL.

But if he decides to play another season, he may have more than just the Rams wanting his services.

As the new defensive coordinator in Washington, Jim Haslett has let it be known that he believes Little is still good for 10+ sacks a season--provided he stays healthy and is used appropriately.

The situation is similiar with the Rams--who have made it clear to Little they would like him back if intends to play in 2010.

So what are we talking about again? Nothing? Alright then.

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There is no real story here as Florio seems to be reaching big time with this one and there has never been a strong indication that we would switch to the 3-4 to begin with. :doh:

I agree that there's no story in us wanting Little, but there was an interview with Andre Carter a few weeks back where he commented about switching to LB for the upcoming season.

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It seems that anybody whoever played with any of the new coaches and are UFA's will probably get linked to the Skins . Sounds like PFT is throwing **** on the wall to see what sticks.O r perhaps Little is trying to generate some buzz and threw this out there. Personally I don't see Shanahan wanting an36 yo, broke down pass rusher when he has Orakpo,Jarmon,&Wilson. Until there is an press release from Ashburn..I ain't buying this one.

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You have got to wonder if the emphasis on character that this organization has been so accustomed over the years will be taking a backseat under the new regime. Shanahan has a history of overlooking some pretty disturbing behavior.

That would break my heart.

Does he have a history of taking on players like that? I'm not sure if Allen wouldn't at least have a strong word about tarnishing our name, either.

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That would break my heart.

Does he have a history of taking on players like that? I'm not sure if Allen wouldn't at least have a strong word about tarnishing our name, either.

Shanahan took Maurice Clarett in the 3rd round.

Brandon Marshall had some legal issues while he was at UCF (and has been in and out of trouble pretty consistently since being drafted).

Outside of those two guys, I don't know. Neither are as bad Little, but of course, few are.

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No way Little is productive in the 3-4. He has never played in a 3-4. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

Don't be so certain we're going to run a 3-4 as the base defense. I think we'll be 4-3 base, with some 3-4 pessure packages. That's not too different than Blache or Williams at times. I just think you'll see it more frequently under Haslett.

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We need to replace Wynn and Daniels. I know it would be better to do that with youth but it just might not be possible. If Little has more in the tank and could provide depth then go for it. The DUI Manslaughter was 10 years ago and the 2nd DUI was 6 years ago. I think it was horrible what he did but its not like it was last week. Perhaps over the 6 years it has set in what he truly did.

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