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Would the Earth be better off without humans?


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Personally, I think so. I can't think of anything we have done, to make it a better place, for every living thing, except maybe the rat.

We consume to a point of deforestation, across the globe. we pollute our water sources, to the point we need to clarify it to be able for us to drink. Most animals have been able to evolve enough, to continue drinking out of rivers and lakes, but not all of them.

When we drive down the road and see dead deer, foxes and raccoons, we are so desensitized, we don't think twice. If we hit a deer, our first thought is usually that of an insurance claim, not of the pain inflicted or the life force taken, in the sense of human convenience.

We carefully place poisons around our homes, spray pesticides that are poisonous to us and all animals and insects on our food, while it grows.

We treat animals as if they were merely placed on Earth for our own substance and farm them like they are simply already beef patties and bacon slices, despite knowing they understand what is going to happen to them.

We fight wars, around the world, in the name of religion, territory and lower energy costs. Humans spend thousands of dollars for the newest TV, while people live and die, without knowing shelter, medicine or peace all over the planet. We destroy and rebuild, without any consideration of any other life force, other than that of our own.

Eventually, our Planet will be gone. That's inevitable, but the time we spend on it and the impact we have, in my opinion, is not one of good karma.

This is not a conversation about global climate shift/ global warming/ whatever you want to call it. Just about the global quality of life for every living thing.

In a country, where living is great, even the poor don't go without shelter or food and people can make as much of themselves as they want, we focus on personal comfort and convenience, as opposed to global betterment. As technologically advanced as we are, as rich as our country is and as compassionate as the world knows, to others needs, I still don't think we are close to doing things correctly and I don't think good will come from it ultimately.

This thought has been triggered by several things I've seen lately. Thoughts about how the focus of our military and spending is in others countries, killing and crippling men, women and children, guilty or not, when at a time that if they were home, could have been used to help the people of Haiti and saved several more lives. Watching movies like "the day the earth stood still", where the premise is other galactic communities watching how we behave and needing to stop it, for the sake of our planets livability and although I'm not religious or do I even believe in (nor not believe, more indifferent) God, but if there is one, would he approve of our effort to sustain the gift we've been graced with.

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You can make a case for the Earth being a living organism, perhaps not in the same way that we are but you can. In that regard I think it is the height of arrogance to think that Earth is even aware of us anymore than we are aware of intestinal bacteria. It has survived for billions of years, probably will outlast us by billions more, at most we are a speck up dust in an eye, winked away and instantly forgotten.

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I'm sure lots of other living things would be better off... but on the other hand, we will be the only living things that could have the ability to prevent an asteroid impact, or barring the ability to stop the destruction of life on earth, we are probably the only ones that could have the ability to colonize other worlds with the living species of this one...

so depending on how we play our cards, its quiet possible that humans could actually help the rest of the living things here

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The problem is, what do you consider "Earth" and what's in "Earth's" best interest?

In the big picture, it doesn't matter because at the end of the day, it's just a big floating rock.

The question should be... Would the rest of life on Earth flourish without humans? The answer there is probably yes.

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maybe the worst thread ever. definitely the worst poll ever.

maybe the world would be better off without one human.


I should be dead, because I think we may not be doing as well as we are capable of, to take care of the most important thing we have?

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Humans vastly overestimate their significance.

Deforestation definitely leads to the extinction of thousands of species.

Pollution does the same.

So, factually, we do impact other species on our planet. I'd say that's fairly significant.

I figured their would be some hate for this line of thought, but damn.

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Deforestation definitely leads to the extinction of thousands of species.

Pollution does the same.

So, factually, we do impact other species on our planet. I'd say that's fairly significant.

I figured their would be some hate for this line of thought, but damn.

I'm with you on taking care of the planet. Of course we play a role. I do my part in watching energy use and recycling. But I am hardly going to feel bad for a dead deer on the road. **** happens. Plus I had one total my car a few years back and that ***** walked away unscathed. I think he flicked me off, too.

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