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I For One Cannot Wait Until Humans No Longer Decide Games

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Unauthentic as it may be, refs are horrid, in every sense of the word at every level in every sport.

I CANNOT wait until cameras and replay and people viewing all of this decide the calls in every sport. From balls and strikes to pass interference to charging calls.... Teams win a lot of games because of calls going their way, as much as I want it to not be true, it is.... I would love to say it goes both ways and cancels but I just have seen too much over too many years.... From Wade and their Championship at which point he shot more free throws than he did in his career, to the Cards last week getting away with everything you can find through Google, to the unreal amount of inaccurately balled balls and strikes I see from watching ESPN's strike zone as well as the game at the same time.

I play A LOT of fantasy football, baseball, etc. and I really am exposed to a lot of situations were I've semi-perfectly analyzed a particular situation and everything works out except this call or that call.

Until then, may the calls go in favor of our beloved Skins!!!!

All Hail!!!

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I play A LOT of fantasy football, baseball, etc. and I really am exposed to a lot of situations were I've semi-perfectly analyzed a particular situation and everything works out except this call or that call.

Dude, you should be in charge. I mean, your fantasy prowess and everything! You can look at stats better than anyone!! This is insanity the way the refs are. Every day!

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Well you're going to be disappointed because humans will officiate sports as long as we're alive and in future generations. Human error is part of sport, both by the players and officials, if you don't like it then I suggest finding something else to watch or associate yourself with.

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Total aside, and I'm not particularly complaining, but are you going for the record number of new threads at any one time title LFNF?


Current threads are kinda boring me, if we become obsessed with LB coach posts we are really losing touch, IMO.

I would like someone upstairs, staring at replays that says, "hey, this is going to need two minutes," no more and no less....

The face mask call that decided the Packer game is inexcusable, it decided the entire game, wrong! Something has to happen, it is just getting out of control in my opinion. The number one movie in America is shown in 3-D, it is time that sports grab hold, IMO.

How many threads per day is acceptable? Less than three? two?

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It's not the refs. It's the rulebook. The rulebook that says a receiver can take three steps with the ball then fall out of bounds and not have a catch called because the ball dislodged when he hit the ground OUT OF BOUNDS AFTER his third step.

A rulebook that allows a farce of a call like the one against Ray Lewis before the half. Let's face it, there's helmet to helmet contact on practically every tackle, and every receiver is defenseless when he's making a catch. (Note, in the first drive of the second half, Derrick Mason went over the middle, took a helmet to helmet hit, and had the ball knocked out. No call, same exact situation)

A rulebook that says that if a DB so much as touches a receiver past five yards it s a five yard penalty,.. and an AUTOMATIC FIRST DOWN no matter if it was 3rd down and 50 or 2nd down and 2..

Any time the phrase "official's interpretation of the rule" is used (every week as the NFL defends yet another horrifyingly bad call) , then there is a problem with the rule. Football is basic. It's simple in it's essence. Holding is holding, Facemask is a facemask. A false start is a false start. SIMPLE. The minutia that the rules have reduced the game to make it so that NO ONE can call a good game.

The rulebook needs fixing. not the refs.


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It's not the refs. It's the rulebook. The rulebook that says a receiver can take three steps with the ball then fall out of bounds and not have a catch called because the ball dislodged when he hit the ground OUT OF BOUNDS AFTER his third step.

A rulebook that allows a farce of a call like the one against Ray Lewis before the half. Let's face it, there's helmet to helmet contact on practically every tackle, and every receiver is defenseless when he's making a catch. (Note, in the first drive of the second half, Derrick Mason went over the middle, took a helmet to helmet hit, and had the ball knocked out. No call, same exact situation)

A rulebook that says that if a DB so much as touches a receiver past five yards it s a five yard penalty,.. and an AUTOMATIC FIRST DOWN no matter if it was 3rd down and 50 or 2nd down and 2..

Any time the phrase "official's interpretation of the rule" is used (every week as the NFL defends yet another horrifyingly bad call) , then there is a problem with the rule. Football is basic. It's simple in it's essence. Holding is holding, Facemask is a facemask. A false start is a false start. SIMPLE. The minutia that the rules have reduced the game to make it so that NO ONE can call a good game.

The rulebook needs fixing. not the refs.


AWESOME POST! Thank you, could not agree more.

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AWESOME POST! Thank you, could not agree more.

But his post disagrees with your OP....he's saying the refs are fine, its what they are forced to work with. You're saying that if you could find an incredibly advanced computer system to perfectly decide every single play, you'd jump on that because refs suck. :whoknows:

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How many threads per day is acceptable? Less than three? two?

Oh, I wasn't criticizing as such man, just an observation.

And so long as they bring about good debate, and aren't re-treads of a zillion and one others, then don't sweet it.

As to this one, whilst the standards of most crews frustrate the heck out of me these day's, the human error thing is one of the things that make sport so compelling, both from the athletes and officiating point of view.

And over a 16 game season, I tend to think these things even themselves out. I like the way things are now. Is it perfect? Not by any means. But we don't need 4 hour plus football games due to booth reviews every other play.


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A rulebook that allows a farce of a call like the one against Ray Lewis before the half. Let's face it, there's helmet to helmet contact on practically every tackle, and every receiver is defenseless when he's making a catch. (Note, in the first drive of the second half, Derrick Mason went over the middle, took a helmet to helmet hit, and had the ball knocked out. No call, same exact situation)

A rulebook that says that if a DB so much as touches a receiver past five yards it s a five yard penalty,.. and an AUTOMATIC FIRST DOWN no matter if it was 3rd down and 50 or 2nd down and 2..


Put down the purple Hooka and just admit that the Colts were better. Enough said.

Refs didn't decide the game, the players did. And the REAL Colts were better, end of story.

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Put down the purple Hooka and just admit that the Colts were better. Enough said.

Refs didn't decide the game, the players did. And the REAL Colts were better, end of story.

Bang just went on an absolute hate-rampage* of the Ravens in another thread, he's not saying that because he wanted them to win or thinks they're better than the Colts. The Colts kicked their asses, admittedly. But as a football fan watching that game, how can you not agree with his points about the rules??

*exaggerated for effect :silly:

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I play A LOT of fantasy football, baseball, etc. and I really am exposed to a lot of situations were I've semi-perfectly analyzed a particular situation and everything works out except this call or that call.

...is the most ridiculous line I've read on Extremeskins in the half-decade I've been here.

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Put down the purple Hooka and just admit that the Colts were better. Enough said.

Refs didn't decide the game, the players did. And the REAL Colts were better, end of story.

Uh, maybe you should drop the hash yourself. I didn't blame the refs for that game, only a moron would. I used them as a prime example of what I am talkingt about, and figured since it just happened, the exmple would be fresh in everyone's mind. The fact remains that was a moronic call based on a moronic rule, and the subjectivity of it was illustrated by an exact situation not drawing a flag. If it would have happened in the reverse, I'd complain about it and use it for an example again. The fact is the Colts dominated, and had that flag against Lewis not been thrown, the Colts were still at the 5 yard line, and won handily anyway. That call wasn't going to change that.

I'll go you one further and tell you that if you EVER hear me say that a ref or a call EVER cost a team a game, I'll send you a fresh fifty dollar bill. There's roughly 60 offensive plays in any given game, and ONE of them doesn't make or break anything that the other 59 can't or shouldn't cover for. I straight up hate when people blame a call for a loss,, because you can look at the game and see plenty of other missed opportunities in which the refs had no hand.

The fact is that the rules have turned NFL football into a pattycake game, and the handcuffs that have been put on defensive players is disheartening.

Besides, I can't stand the Ravens. Them losing is not a bad thing, in my opinion. I picked them to win today, but being wrong about that sure isn't going to undo my overall happiness that they've lost.


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Dude, you should be in charge. I mean, your fantasy prowess and everything! You can look at stats better than anyone!! This is insanity the way the refs are. Every day!

Fantasy Football junkies watch more football than anybody else. Don't knock that.

I don't play FF at all, but my friends who do usually know more about the NFL in general than die hard fans of teams.

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