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I For One Cannot Wait Until Humans No Longer Decide Games

Looking For Number Four

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Wrong forum for this thread. :chair:

it's the offseason. relax.

i agree with bang's post. it's not so much the refs, but the rules. certain infractions are concrete, whereas others are up to a ref's discretion. i don't think computers or 'dudes upstairs' should review every play. i think the game would be vastly improved if penalties could be reviewed. not something like holding or pass interference, but things like facemask, offsides (could be important on kickoffs as well), etc. For some reason having 12 men on the field (which is a penalty) can be reviewed, although i'm not exactly sure it's a challenge.

but bang hit the nail on the head. here are rules that need changing. i'm sure over time goodell and the nfl will only continue to improve the game.

the only technology i'd like to see implemented would be some type of chip inside a football that would judge whether the line passes the goal line. it doesn't seem like that would be difficult.

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This has nothing to do with the Redskins nor shows any sense of intelligence or reasoning.

That said, glad you weren't a crying baby about Ravens. My traitorous father is all QQ'ing (crying) about the refs "screwing [his] team yet again!" SUCKERS.

not a Ravens fan but they were robbed yesterday

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Any time the phrase "official's interpretation of the rule" is used (every week as the NFL defends yet another horrifyingly bad call) , then there is a problem with the rule. Football is basic. It's simple in it's essence. Holding is holding, Facemask is a facemask. A false start is a false start. SIMPLE. The minutia that the rules have reduced the game to make it so that NO ONE can call a good game.

The rulebook needs fixing. not the refs.


I could be wrong, but it seems to me they started dinking around with the rule book in order to remove any real decision-making from the refs. Seems they make a change along these lines nearly every year, similar to mandatory minimums in sentencing for a criminal case. Neither one was a good idea in my opinion. Both were motivated by good intentions, but have had unexpected side-effects. I also think that what the OP desires is slowly coming about due in part to aforementioned rules changes. I lament the day that will happen, my friends. My soul will lapse into despondency. :(

Cannot post anymore new threads, will not, I just want to know what you guys think in regard to these concepts.

Just baffles me how you are going to go under center and throw ONLY to Ray Rice when you are in IND and down two TDs. Where do they find these coaches!?

Wait, the coaches are the problem? I thought it was all the refs' fault... me are confoosed. :doh:

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The rulebook needs fixing. not the refs.


Actually, it's both. The refs officiating has been getting worse and worse and often do seem suspiciously slanted.

In baseball, humans should be out of the picture for calling strikes and balls. It would actually be really easy for a computer to figure out the strike zone and ump the game quickly and efficiently. Sort of like they do with tennis and line shots.

Football would be harder, because there are too many gray areas. Still, the subjectively allows for bias and even cheating. I've seen too many screwy games where the refs choose the winner.

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the only technology i'd like to see implemented would be some type of chip inside a football that would judge whether the line passes the goal line.

I am ALSO a big fan of installing computer chips into... well... pretty much anything or anyone....

In addition, I think they should replace the leather panels on the football with 4 Hi-Def LED screens so that while the offense is in the huddle, the defense can stand around and watch their favorite programs On Demand. (It's pretty ridiculous that the "D" sometimes has to wait around for so long with nothing to do!)

Also, I was thinking instead of whistles.... Referees should each be given handheld Lazer-tag pistols. So when a player commits a penalty they will know the play is over because a Rumblepack installed into the shoulder pads will alert them that they have been shot by the ref! (Courtney Brown would have LOVED this)

Other changes I'd like to see:

- Cleats should be replaced with rocket-powered rollerskates, and everything should be designed by LA Gear.

- Helmets should be canned in favor of magnetic forcefields around the head/neck area.

- Players should definitely be required to wear some type of cape.

- Hoverboards are a must.

- The replay booth should be moved out to the nearest space station and replay officials should be probed (daily).

And last but not least, I think that human cheerleaders should be replaced by the blue alien chicks from Avatar.

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I agree w/ some of what the OP says. We should use technology to get the calls right as much as possible. But I don't think it's reasonable on every play. I hate the way each umpire has his own strike zone in baseball. A strike should be a strike no matter who the ump but it is accepted that each ump has his own zone. Considering they are making a call almost every play it can completely change the game and the pitchers and hitters strategy. I think it would be great to have a computer determine balls and strikes. In football I think they need to use the review more at the end of games including penalties. Just in the last 5 minutes would be a huge upgrade. I will never forget when the Miami Hurricanes won the national championship in 2002 over Ohio State only to have it taken away by a flag that came about 10 seconds after the play ended. On the replay it clearly showed there was nothing even close to a penalty. The refs literally decided the national champion that year. In a call that actually can change the outcome of a game it should be able to be reviewed.

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Cowboys are going to get every single call this game.The NFl would rather see Romo sits to pee& the Cryboys in and BF out! Brett has proved everyone wrong this year,and the Media is wating to finally say i told you so about Brett.If the Vikins some how win today it will not be because of fair calls by the ref,It will be just because the Cryboys are that damn sorry:D

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Unauthentic as it may be, refs are horrid, in every sense of the word at every level in every sport.

I CANNOT wait until cameras and replay and people viewing all of this decide the calls in every sport. From balls and strikes to pass interference to charging calls.... Teams win a lot of games because of calls going their way, as much as I want it to not be true, it is.... I would love to say it goes both ways and cancels but I just have seen too much over too many years.... From Wade and their Championship at which point he shot more free throws than he did in his career, to the Cards last week getting away with everything you can find through Google, to the unreal amount of inaccurately balled balls and strikes I see from watching ESPN's strike zone as well as the game at the same time.

I play A LOT of fantasy football, baseball, etc. and I really am exposed to a lot of situations were I've semi-perfectly analyzed a particular situation and everything works out except this call or that call.

Until then, may the calls go in favor of our beloved Skins!!!!

All Hail!!!

if you're basing your argument on the NBA's officiating (which is nominally fixed, but is a league problem altogether), ESPN stikezone (which isn't based on anything, no algorithms or anything, just some fat dude in a trailer who can make awesome replay graphics), and your fantasy skillz, you need to reevaluate where you're coming from.

for the most part, refs are fine.

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