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"Tea Party" Movement Will Die after 2010


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Yes......this liberal democratic led congress is easily the worst in history. Oh wait, yeah....that maybe WHY this particular congress has the worst approval rating in American history. Last I checked they were down to 11% WOW!!! :D Like I said, they are doing our jobs FOR US. We dont have to defeat this enemy when they are defeating themselves. Makes it a whole lot easier. Time is on my side.

Again,....here is YOUR democratic congress in action......


Well, you certainly sound like a zealot, but if you want to truly be a third party guy you need to reserve and include some ire for the Republicans too. After all, they share a minimum equal culpability in every mess we're in today and are completely responsible for the Democrats who got elected.

Study, Snyder Shrugged's posts. He's a cool third party guy.

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Well, you certainly sound like a zealot, but if you want to truly be a third party guy you need to reserve and include some ire for the Republicans too. After all, they share a minimum equal culpability in every mess we're in today and are completely responsible for the Democrats who got elected.

Study, Snyder Shrugged's posts. He's a cool third party guy.

All that yelling he's doing is making my virtual ears hurt. ;)

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Well, you certainly sound like a zealot, but if you want to truly be a third party guy you need to reserve and include some ire for the Republicans too. After all, they share a minimum equal culpability in every mess we're in today and are completely responsible for the Democrats who got elected.

Study, Snyder Shrugged's posts. He's a cool third party guy.

Naww, no need to study someone elses posts. Im my own man with my own thoughts. But you ARE right about the repubicans. Not alot of love in my heart for them either. Way too many FRAUD conservatives when in fact they are merely liberal lights. ...LOL But the far left? Nuthin but hate from me.

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as i said before:

How do you expect it to be different when you elect the same people?

Ohh sure, you remove the dems in 94/98

Ohh sure, you remove the repubs in 06/08

but they just get right back into power in the next election cycle..

So what if the Repubs win in 10.... 90% of them will be the bums we kicked out.

Their tactics are well developed and have thwarted the election process over time.

we keep removing the 3rd-7th round draft picks and make a few trades.. Even get a couple to switch teams.

but the CORE never changes.. and the Ethics committee over the last 10 years can prove it in one glance.

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Locke is right that a third possible is next to impossible these days because the financing of a candidate is so bloody expensive. On the other hand, using twitter, U-tube and other free resources someone one day will find a way to generate a POV that catches fire. That's the way a new philosophy will grow... and really, more than a new Party what this country needs is a new philosophy.

I don't think the prohibitive factor is money (Ron Paul raised plenty and an exciting third party guy could as well). The prohibiting factor is the system of plurality-take-all, which gives us the "wasted vote" phenomenon.

This would be cured with a simple majority-take-all run-off system, but that would require electoral reform. And why would either party do that? It doesn't benefit them.

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Listen....heres the thing. I almost HOPE the libs do go thru with their redistribution of wealth. In the end....its only going to strengthen MY SIDE.

Heres why.....a winner is a winner and a loser is a loser. Always been that way, always will be.

Little Johnny is excellent at gathering marbles in the school yard. Over the years he has really honed his skills. So much so that alot of the other kids complain to the teacher. Waaaa waaaaaa....Johnny has a bag of 100 marbles but we only have like 5-10 each because Johnny keeps beating us.

So the teacher takes Johnny's marbles and distributes them to all the other kids equally. Now EVERYONE, including Johnny, all have the same amount of marbles. You know what happens within a few days? In the end Johnny ends up with All the marbles again. You know why? He worked at it, he's just better, nobody gave him anything.

But the other kids, now their even worse off then before the teacher split the marbles up. At least back then they had 5-10 each. Now they have NONE because the stupid teacher pizzed Johnny off so bad he decided to REALLY prove a point. THAT RIGHT THERE....is how it ends EVERY SINGLE TIME. Thats how this will end too. Book it. Its just........THE WAY OF THINGS.

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I think if you want to attack the wasted vote theory you have to go after the House of Representatives or maybe the Senate. It's certainly easier to mobilize a large grass roots movement and power a vote in a local race than in a national one. A third party President is probably a pipe dream. I could easily imagine states like Minnesota, Oregon, and a few others going for a non major Party. Well... maybe not easily.

Honestly, even better than a third party would be no party, but I think Americans are far too lazy and like their brains turned off way too much for that to ever happen. And as you said, the entrenched powers have no incentive to change anything so why would they.

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I think that Obama is finding out that Congress has his own mind and won't follow the president's dictates. Frankly, Congress has let Obama down a lot whether via its revenge tactics for past Republican tactics or its gimme, gimme, gimme style of bloated reform.

It's a major shame that this Congress is just about as bad as the one from 2000 to 2006. They need to do better.

Which dictates would that be?



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Listen....heres the thing. I almost HOPE the libs do go thru with their redistribution of wealth. In the end....its only going to strengthen MY SIDE.

Heres why.....a winner is a winner and a loser is a loser. Always been that way, always will be.

Well, if that's the way you think you ought to be a lib. Think about it.

American Revolution: Liberals were for liberty and revolution. Conservative land owners thought there was no way in Hell we could beat the British Army, so why upset them and risk what they have.

Slavery: Conservatives thought the American Economy couldn't survive without it. Liberals believed human liberty is more important and we would thrive even without the institution of slavery.

Women's vote: Conservatives against. Liberals for.

Desegregation: Conservatives against. Liberals for.

Big Government: Conservatives for. Liberals for.

Hey, we found an area of consensus!!!

But if you like backing the winners. This country has trended towards the liberal notions of progress. And thank God it has.

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I think if you want to attack the wasted vote theory you have to go after the House of Representatives or maybe the Senate. It's certainly easier to mobilize a large grass roots movement and power a vote in a local race than in a national one. A third party President is probably a pipe dream. I could easily imagine states like Minnesota, Oregon, and a few others going for a non major Party. Well... maybe not easily.

Honestly, even better than a third party would be no party, but I think Americans are far too lazy and like their brains turned off way too much for that to ever happen. And as you said, the entrenched powers have no incentive to change anything so why would they.

It was certainly true back in the day when politics was more local, and you can still find the occasional Libertarian alderman or Socialist dogcatcher. But our politics has become more national especially since the Progressive Era.

You still have local variations like the difference between a Maine Republican and one for Alabama, or the difference between a Pennsylvanian Democrat and a Californian. That's the best we can do really, have various wings within the two parties.

I don't mind parties, I think they're inevitable in any democracy, but I don't like the plurality-take-all system. That's where the sticking point is. If that were changed, within a couple voting cycles you'd have four or five "viable" parties and politics in America would focus much more on issues.

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Well, if that's the way you think you ought to be a lib. Think about it.

American Revolution: Liberals were for liberty and revolution. Conservative land owners thought there was no way in Hell we could beat the British Army, so why upset them and risk what they have.

Slavery: Conservatives thought the American Economy couldn't survive without it. Liberals believed human liberty is more important and we would thrive even without the institution of slavery.

Women's vote: Conservatives against. Liberals for.

Desegregation: Conservatives against. Liberals for.

Big Government: Conservatives for. Liberals for.

Hey, we found an area of consensus!!!

But if you like backing the winners. This country has trended towards the liberal notions of progress. And thank God it has.

You do undestand I hope that for the most part democrats were against the civil rights movement. George Wallace anyone? All one has to do is go look up the voting records. Its all there....IN BLACK AND WHITE :)

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You do undestand I hope that for the most part democrats were against the civil rights movement. George Wallace anyone? All one has to do is go look up the voting records. Its all there....IN BLACK AND WHITE :)

Again... this gets tedious. Democrats do not equal liberals. Conservatives do not equal Republicans.

Those of a Liberal point of view supported desegregation and Civil Rights. Those from a Conservative point of view did not. It's not that hard. Plus, you had all the Dixiecrats who immediately became Republican because they were so offended by the liberal agenda of equal access to bathrooms.

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"Tea Party" Movement Will Die after 2010"

What Marie Antoinette said to Louis the XVI on the road to Versailles.

What do I win?

Yup....its also the reason that quite few top Dems are choosing to retire then to run again. If things ever do turn REAL UGLY, they dont want to get strung up with the rest of them!....;)

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Resurrect this post in 2011.

Landryslegend, thanks for making my point. You're in for a rude awakening with the 112th Congress.

Maybe maybe not. But one thing we all KNOW for sure.....this democratic liberal led congress is THE WORST IN HISTORY. 11% approval rating. Not much to say after that. No way to defend it either. THANK YOU for proving MY point.

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Liberals need to keep deluding themselves that their elite intellectual ideas have been a success the past year and what we see as a money grab, slush fund for the 2010 election isn't.

And the true scam by liberals and democrats other than Cap and Tax and global warming is the upcoming health care fleecing.

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The big problem with the Tea Party is that it was a con job. It wasn't a grass movement that started in response to a tax raise or bad fiscal policy. It was a movement that began by a sponsored GOP PR group in response to a tax cut. Literally, the first tea parties came out as the administration announced a middle class tax cut. Now, some claimed that the cut was too small, but given all the insanity happening in the economy that any cut happened was impressive.

I agree that there's a lot of frustration out there that's bubbling towards government and I think all ideologies feel it. That dozens of thousands were duped into funding the GOP coffers when they thought they were making a statement is pretty frustrating, because there are a lot of honestly mad people who want better. Why they wanted better after being quiet through 8 years of horrible fiscal policy remains a mystery, but they remained still.

As to the war demonstrations, there have been plans to significantly ramp down in Iraq. Iraq was always the war at issue. It was the one people questioned and felt moral ambiguity about. I think that's half of why some of the protests are gone. I saw one in DC last week so I don't think they're totally gone either.

It would be very cool if there were an honest, genuine conservative third party option to replace the Republicans. It's needed. Heck, an honest, genuine liberal option is needed too. The Tea Party isn't it. It's a sham sponsored by the GOP to sow discontent and sponsored via lies and exaggerations by FOX and the Right Wing Media.

Umm, you were saying about us RAMPING down in Iraq???LOL


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liberals need to keep deluding themselves that their elite intellectual ideas have been a success the past year and what we see as a money grab, slush fund for the 2010 election isn't.

And the true scam by liberals and democrats other than cap and tax and global warming is the upcoming health care fleecing.

well put.

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