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"Tea Party" Movement Will Die after 2010


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This is my own original take:

With tea-party mania sweeping through the country, since practically a couple of months into office, and the tea party convention coming up, keynoted by the polarizing Mrs. Palin, many believe the tea party is going to be a force to recken with in the future. I am more skeptical.

America has long held a tradition of two-party system. One of the barriers this system has erected to a third party challenger is the funding of a third party. Both parties have such a strong infrastructure of major donors, as well as well-connected, charismatic and bought for politicians. So far I've yet to see one major politician, sitting in office who supports the tea-party. There is also no evidence the tea-party is a 2010 phenomena, and once they work to elect GOP folk for office in 2010, there will be momentum to continue to elect more conservatives to office in 2012. Right now the GOP can benefit a bit on riding on the coat-tails of the tea party by being in opposition; but it will be interesting what happens to tea-party mania post 2010.

I'll contend the only way a tea party continues post-2010 is if a number of currently GOP Senators and major fund-raisers split from the party, a party which has basically bankrolled their careers. This type of back-stabbing is something would be akin to the likes of Lane Kiffen. Additionally, if they were to leave the GOP, the question is would the major donors follow the politicians, or would they follow the party? So far no one has taken the leap, in fact there's no reason in this political season to. The GOP and tea-party goals are largely aligned, essentially to erect barriers to the Democrat agenda. However, 2012 may represent an interesting dynamic. The GOP goal will be to have their party member elected as President. The tea-party already looks to have gift-wrapped the nomination to Sarah Palin. By allowing the tea-party to die out as soon as possible, the Republicans will be essentially pulling the plug on her career. I don't expect her to give up without a fight... in fact she might become the Reagan 1976 that the tea-party movement wished she could be in 2008. Palin right now is utterly unelectable on the national level. Whether all of the negative press about her is true or not (although this is confirmation of what was seen in national interviews) Palin 2012 might become just as irrelevant as her fellow Fox Contributor Mike Huckabee in 2010.

For there to be a lasting "tea party", that party needs to be open thinking and inclusive of more viewpoints, as well as include donors, and folks with political might able to organize and impact things on a national level (although generating scale on the local level as the Massachusetts special election has shown). I had a sense in early 2009 that the "tea party" movement was made up of folks on both sides of the spectrum angry at the way things are run in government, but I believe now the GOP has rightly co-opted the movement, which will hurt it going forward beyond 2010. Instead of an "angry with government" movement, it appears now to have morphed into an "angry with liberals/Obama" movement. All of the problems that will happen with the tea-party are likely to be a symptom of the two-party reign, and the fact that there are major infrastructure setup. The only way to set up a lasting third party is to "steal" some of the infrastructure, or somehow set-up an organic infrastructure (this will take some time, and why would an aspiring political leader waste time on this effort?). Perhaps Palin can pull it off, and if she can... well she might actually be a genius.

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If anything I believe that the tea party movement will continue to gain strength. The people are angry, VERY ANGRY, and rightfully so.

The tea party movement is about people who want CHANGE, REAL CHANGE. Not this fugazi JUNK that we see in DC now. Its largely made up of conservatives and independents. Thing is....we are also seeing quite a few disenchanted democrats joining the fight too. Democrats who feel USED/LIED TO by this administration and congress.

Thing is,...at least the old style crooked politicians had the common decency to try and HIDE their corruption. Not this new crew. These guys will do it right in front of you and laugh in your face. BAD MOVE. Its awakened a whole lot of people. EVERY poll reflects it too. The democrats/liberals are in huge trouble. Despised by many.

Thing is, each time this administration and congress pulls yet ANOTHER fast one, they awaken more people. People who are angry/against them. As our numbers grow, their numbers continue to shrink. The hope and change scam is now exposed, will only get worse from here. Never wake up a sleeping giant that has the ability to CRUSH YOU. The Liberal left should have known this FACT. I for one am glad they didnt.

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You see, there are millions of people out there who are just like myself. Were actually HAPPY every time this administration and congress tries to blow another one past the people. Each time they do........a few thousand more WAKE UP. By all means, continue on. Were willing to hand out all the rope in the world to hang yourselves with. So far, they have been more than happy to TAKE THE ROPE...LMAO! You wanna see corruption on a grand scale? HERE YOU GO.........

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Lastly, and this is pretty telling Imo.....During the Bush years we saw huge war protests being televised, 24/7 non stop STOP THE WAR whining. Oh, and most of the mainstream networks were there to record every second of it. ;) The democrats told us all they would end the war if elected to congress, not only did they say they would end the war but that they would end it ASAP. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, how long has it been now?

To continue on with this story we need to flash forward to the Obama election. Before he was elected, ...war demonstrations everywhere. After he was elected? GEE....Not so much. In fact, it would appear that most packed up their signs and went home. Gee, now WHY IS THAT? Did I miss the war ending?...LOL If anything it has expanded.

This says alot imo, in fact in many cases it says that quite a few of those protesting the war quite frankly could give a damn about the servicemen and women overseas. It was simply ALL A SHOW as a way of winning an election in congress and the whitehouse. Because if they really truly CARED........They would all still be on that street corner protesting the war. But, you know,....they are NOT!...LOOKS BAD, REAL BAD.

And finally, I have to laugh every time I hear someone talk about leaving Iraq. All one needs to do is simply pick up a history book. Regardless of which political party is in power at the time, the Unites States NEVER leaves, unless they are ran out. Gee when did ww2 end? 1945...TROOPS STILL in Japan and Europe. What about the Korean war? Yup, were still there. What about desert Storm, Yup still there. LEAVE IRAQ??? ROTFLMAO! Not in our lifetimes. Get real. Oh sure, we may well see a draw down of troop levels, but leave...totally? Come on, get real, not happening.

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Just to kind of show what type of TOTAL INSANITY we are now dealing with in regards to our govt...:D We have all been told our entire lives that there are a couple things you need to do when having money problems. First....find a way to cut your spending, pay down your debt, give up certain extra's that really arent a need. Second.....find a way to maybe generate a little extra income. This will speed up the process of recovery.

We were told these things our entire lives because, ummmmmm...they happen to be TRUE! So what does our government do in times of financial trouble? SPEND MORE....actually like a drunken sailor on shore leave, AND...Make it HARDER for folks to earn extra money.

YUP......That is insane alright! Luckily the people are finally waking up to whats REALLY going on here. And not a moment too soon either.

Like I say, Im more than happy to ride this thing out and keep handing out the rope to them. Gotta admit, its a BLAST watching people I despise dig their own graves. it is my sincere prayer that they continue on the exact same path that they are on right now. Heck, I hope they REALLY start coming up with programs and policies that are even crazier yet....LOL Tick tock tick tock....10,000 more just woke up.....:)

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The big problem with the Tea Party is that it was a con job. It wasn't a grass movement that started in response to a tax raise or bad fiscal policy. It was a movement that began by a sponsored GOP PR group in response to a tax cut. Literally, the first tea parties came out as the administration announced a middle class tax cut. Now, some claimed that the cut was too small, but given all the insanity happening in the economy that any cut happened was impressive.

I agree that there's a lot of frustration out there that's bubbling towards government and I think all ideologies feel it. That dozens of thousands were duped into funding the GOP coffers when they thought they were making a statement is pretty frustrating, because there are a lot of honestly mad people who want better. Why they wanted better after being quiet through 8 years of horrible fiscal policy remains a mystery, but they remained still.

As to the war demonstrations, there have been plans to significantly ramp down in Iraq. Iraq was always the war at issue. It was the one people questioned and felt moral ambiguity about. I think that's half of why some of the protests are gone. I saw one in DC last week so I don't think they're totally gone either.

It would be very cool if there were an honest, genuine conservative third party option to replace the Republicans. It's needed. Heck, an honest, genuine liberal option is needed too. The Tea Party isn't it. It's a sham sponsored by the GOP to sow discontent and sponsored via lies and exaggerations by FOX and the Right Wing Media.

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The big problem with the Tea Party is that it was a con job. It wasn't a grass movement that started in response to a tax raise or bad fiscal policy. It was a movement that began by a sponsored GOP PR group in response to a tax cut. Literally, the first tea parties came out as the administration announced a middle class tax cut. Now, some claimed that the cut was too small, but given all the insanity happening in the economy that any cut happened was impressive.

I agree that there's a lot of frustration out there that's bubbling towards government and I think all ideologies feel it. That dozens of thousands were duped into funding the GOP coffers when they thought they were making a statement is pretty frustrating, because there are a lot of honestly mad people who want better. Why they wanted better after being quiet through 8 years of horrible fiscal policy remains a mystery, but they remained still.

As to the war demonstrations, there have been plans to significantly ramp down in Iraq. Iraq was always the war at issue. It was the one people questioned and felt moral ambiguity about. I think that's half of why some of the protests are gone. I saw one in DC last week so I don't think they're totally gone either.

It would be very cool if there were an honest, genuine conservative third party option to replace the Republicans. It's needed. Heck, an honest, genuine liberal option is needed too. The Tea Party isn't it. It's a sham sponsored by the GOP to sow discontent and sponsored via lies and exaggerations by FOX and the Right Wing Media.

I'd like to point out the "Tea Party" idea came out of the Ron Paul for President campaign. On December 16, 2008 tens of thousands of small contributors gave a collective 6 million plus to express their displeasure over the current state of the Republican Party.

I think the first of the new Tea Parties were in this spirit. Activist, small-government, former-Ron Paul supporters expressing their new discontent over the agenda of the new Congress and President.

Like anything that becomes "popular," the substance has been watered-down and in some areas completely reversed. What began as an anti-war conservative movement has now been co-opted by militaristic Republicans.

So I think the soul will be removed from the movement and the OP's thesis has merit.

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Gotta disagree with you somewhat. There are millions of people involved in the tea party who are totally GRASS ROOTS. You see, its all about THE MESSAGE. All I know is THIS.......As this administration and congress continue on down its path of corruption, our numbers continue to GROW. THIS is a fact that every poll reflects. I along with many others continue to revel in the fact that the liberals have not learned their lesson and continue with unbridled corruption. Each day their numbers shrink, while ours grow. As I posted earlier, I hope the liberals REALLY ramp it up. In the end...they are only helping MY SIDE. Pretty sweet deal IMO. They have done more to destroy themselves and give our side power, then we could have ever achieved ourselves. And you know what? It was predictable. A VERY predictable outcome. What comes next will be a shock to some, ...but to others? Not so much. ;)

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Gotta disagree with you somewhat. There are millions of people involved in the tea party who are totally GRASS ROOTS. You see, its all about THE MESSAGE. All I know is THIS.......As this administration and congress continue on down its path of corruption, our numbers continue to GROW. THIS is a fact that every poll reflects. I along with many others continue to revel in the fact that the liberals have not learned their lesson and continue with unbridled corruption. Each day their numbers shrink, while ours grow. As I posted earlier, I hope the liberals REALLY ramp it up. In the end...they are only helping MY SIDE. Pretty sweet deal IMO. They have done more to destroy themselves and give our side power, then we could have ever achieved ourselves. And you know what? It was predictable. A VERY predictable outcome. What comes next will be a shock to some, ...but others? Not so much. ;)

Yes, but with growth comes many problems. The message will take a back seat to the "movement." It'll become sound and fury signifying nothing unless there's a personality who can successfully articulate the message. If that personality is Sarah Palin or Glenn Beck the movement will continue but the message will die.

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Oh, and before I get the standard FAUX NEWS response, just let me say this..........Is Fox news Biased? YUP...you bet they are slanted to the right. BUT that doesnt change the fact that MSNBC is a complete JOKE. Fox is bad, but they cant hold a candle to Msnbc when it comes to being slanted/biased. BTW....The ratings like the polls, reflect that little INCONVENIENT TRUTH also. Does ANYONE even watch that trash anymore?

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Yes, but with growth comes many problems. The message will take a back seat to the "movement." It'll become sound and fury signifying nothing unless there's a personality who can successfully articulate the message. If that personality is Sarah Palin or Glenn Beck the movement will continue but the message will die.

Heres to hoping that message DOES NOT die. That message started with Ron Paul. You know, the only guy thats ,..well.....actually BEEN RIGHT all along.

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On another related subject.......I cant help but thinking that God must have one heck of a sense of Humor. I find it amazingly funny, that at the absolute zenith of the final global warming push...........Most of the world has been plunged into severe cold weather!...LMBO! I mean, you couldnt script it any better if it were a movie. Al Gore standing in the middle of a blizzard....:D Its almost as if God said......" You know what, im REALLY gonna make a total fool out of these crooks for all the world to see"...LOL Umm tellin ya, the timing was PERFECT!

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Oh, and before I get the standard FAUX NEWS response, just let me say this..........Is Fox news Biased? YUP...you bet they are slanted to the right.

In this case, it isn't a matter of slanted. It's that they were caught red handed falsifying news reports. Bringing in the wrong image to make the events look bigger than they were and intentionally misreporting facts. That's a huge sin in the news game or at least it should be.

I think there should be a third party. I think there needs to be a new legit philosophical force driving politics as the old ones are too entrenched and much more interested in power and playing tug of war with seats than doing the business of America. The Tea Party isn't it from my perspective. It's already too cynical and it has already become a tool of the entrenched powers.

I think if a Ron Paul had split off and done a Ross Perot and a party formed around his Libertarian/isolationist notions that would be interesting and important. I think it would be better if the leader turned out to be Joe, the Plumber (no, not that Joe, the Plumber) or a Warren Buffet type who seems more genuinely interested in people or the country than his pocket book. I think there are a few people with the heft and daring to pull it off, but if and when it happens it most likely will happen by accident like a Rosa Parks incident. There will be a natural event and a rallying cry and people will respond.

I hope it happens. Modern Republicanism which doesn't stand for individual liberty, states rights, small government or any of the good notions of Conservatism is a horrible destructive animal and the Dems are proving themselves to be almost as bad.

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Heres another inconvenient truth......NONE of the agenda's the LEADERS of the far left are pushing have a darned thing to do with the ACTUAL issue. In otherwords, The bailouts/ stimulus isnt REALLY about any stimulus, healthcare isnt about improving healthcare, and global warming/cap and trade isnt really about saving the planet. NOPE.......Its all about ONE THING....CONTROL. How do you gain control? By robbing the nation and the world of its wealth and making them DEPENDENT. Heck....Conservatives/liberals/and Independents alike ALL KNOW this healthcare bill is a JOKE. Thats why its polling numbers keep tanking. Down to about 36% approval rating now. Not good.

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On another related subject.......I cant help but thinking that God must have one heck of a sense of Humor. I find it amazingly funny, that at the absolute zenith of the final global warming push...........Most of the world has been plunged into severe cold weather!...LMBO! I mean, you couldnt script it any better if it were a movie. Al Gore standing in the middle of a blizzard....:D Its almost as if God said......" You know what, im REALLY gonna make a total fool out of these crooks for all the world to see"...LOL Umm tellin ya, the timing was PERFECT!

This actually does make a lot of sense if you think about it. If you have a glass of ice water and the ice starts melting, temporarily it reduces the temp of the water. The melting of the caps and the destruction of glaciers could have the seem temporary cooling effect.

That said, I was doing a report (not on the environment or weather) for NPR a few weeks ago in December and the subject of global warming came up and I talked about how odd it was that we never see snow in December anymore. I remember snows in DC as a child. Four days later. Blizzard. I don't know if they remember, but I felt like a doofus.

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Millions? By what estimate, Fox news?

Kind of like when Rachel Maddow said......."TENS" of people showed up in Washington for the Tea party protest. You mean like THAT. Funny, I never saw this picture on MSNBC........EVER!...LMAO


But its all fake though, Right? None of it can possibly be grass roots!...LMAO

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In this case, it isn't a matter of slanted. It's that they were caught red handed falsifying news reports. Bringing in the wrong image to make the events look bigger than they were and intentionally misreporting facts. That's a huge sin in the news game or at least it should be.

I think there should be a third party. I think there needs to be a new legit philosophical force driving politics as the old ones are too entrenched and much more interested in power and playing tug of war with seats than doing the business of America. The Tea Party isn't it from my perspective. It's already too cynical and it has already become a tool of the entrenched powers.

I think if a Ron Paul had split off and done a Ross Perot and a party formed around his Libertarian/isolationist notions that would be interesting and important. I think it would be better if the leader turned out to be Joe, the Plumber (no, not that Joe, the Plumber) or a Warren Buffet type who seems more genuinely interested in people or the country than his pocket book. I think there are a few people with the heft and daring to pull it off, but if and when it happens it most likely will happen by accident like a Rosa Parks incident. There will be a natural event and a rallying cry and people will respond.

I hope it happens. Modern Republicanism which doesn't stand for individual liberty, states rights, small government or any of the good notions of Conservatism is a horrible destructive animal and the Dems are proving themselves to be almost as bad.

There won't be a third party movement. We have a plurality-take-all system, which prohibits viable third parties. You point out Ross Perot who had a viable third candidacy, but his party died out when his personality was taken away.

Also, Ron Paul isn't an isolationist. Trade, travel and honest friendship with all nations isn't isolationism. If Ron Paul is an isolationist, then your neighbor is a hermit because he isn't doing doughnuts in your front yard and throwing bricks through your window.

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It may or may not be in the millions. But like religions it started out as a beautiful thing and then people tried to take it over and put themselves in charge of it.

To say its just a Fox news ploy and that there are no real people is to not pay attention.

Or to just enjoy blaming Fox news and be terribly lazy.

Now 3rd party is a difficult thing especially due to the fact some states have it setup so you can't even get on a ballot.

The Repubs and Dems work together 90% of the time to ensure they have revolving leadership and only fight over the 10% of the casualties each election.

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As Ive said......there are many out there just like me. More than willing to bide our time. We feel this way because we ALREADY KNOW that the longer this goes, the worse the left looks. In fact, in less than a year they have given us more ammo then we could have ever hoped for. By all means, please continue. Its great fun when our opponents strengthen our side on a daily basis......FOR US. ;)....Oh, and remember, keep turning in those FISHY emails!...LMAO That was yet another humdinger. MORE PLEASE, Lots more......

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To say its just a Fox news ploy and that there are no real people is to not pay attention.

Or to just enjoy blaming Fox news and be terribly lazy.

Oh, I think there are real people involved. Many real people looking for a legitimate outlook for their opinions and a voice. I also believe based on reports that the leaders of the Tea Party is the GOP. Most of us have read that Tea Party monies have been funneled through a major GOP PR firm.

Locke is right that a third possible is next to impossible these days because the financing of a candidate is so bloody expensive. On the other hand, using twitter, U-tube and other free resources someone one day will find a way to generate a POV that catches fire. That's the way a new philosophy will grow... and really, more than a new Party what this country needs is a new philosophy.

The old ways of measuring success or determining right and wrong and how or why are clumsy and ill fitting in many ways. Sometimes, I look at the way we construct our reality and see a lot of 19th Century thought. Well, the world has changed in many ways and we've been slow to adapt.

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I think that Obama is finding out that Congress has his own mind and won't follow the president's dictates. Frankly, Congress has let Obama down a lot whether via its revenge tactics for past Republican tactics or its gimme, gimme, gimme style of bloated reform.

It's a major shame that this Congress is just about as bad as the one from 2000 to 2006. They need to do better.

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The big problem with the Tea Party is that it was a con job. It wasn't a grass movement that started in response to a tax raise or bad fiscal policy. It was a movement that began by a sponsored GOP PR group in response to a tax cut. Literally, the first tea parties came out as the administration announced a middle class tax cut. Now, some claimed that the cut was too small, but given all the insanity happening in the economy that any cut happened was impressive.

I agree that there's a lot of frustration out there that's bubbling towards government and I think all ideologies feel it. That dozens of thousands were duped into funding the GOP coffers when they thought they were making a statement is pretty frustrating, because there are a lot of honestly mad people who want better. Why they wanted better after being quiet through 8 years of horrible fiscal policy remains a mystery, but they remained still.

As to the war demonstrations, there have been plans to significantly ramp down in Iraq. Iraq was always the war at issue. It was the one people questioned and felt moral ambiguity about. I think that's half of why some of the protests are gone. I saw one in DC last week so I don't think they're totally gone either.

It would be very cool if there were an honest, genuine conservative third party option to replace the Republicans. It's needed. Heck, an honest, genuine liberal option is needed too. The Tea Party isn't it. It's a sham sponsored by the GOP to sow discontent and sponsored via lies and exaggerations by FOX and the Right Wing Media.

The tea party started off grass roots. It has quickly been infiltrated by the Hannitys and Becks now.

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Yes......this liberal democratic led congress is easily the worst in history. Oh wait, yeah....that maybe WHY this particular congress has the worst approval rating in American history. Last I checked they were down to 11% WOW!!! :D Like I said, they are doing our jobs FOR US. We dont have to defeat this enemy when they are defeating themselves. Makes it a whole lot easier. Time is on my side.

Again,....here is YOUR democratic congress in action......


BTW....That video, should make ANY American sick , regardless which political party they belong to.

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