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We're back to Marty's year.

So I do believe things have changed from the garbage we've seen in this Front Office dating back to 2002.

What remains to be seen is if Danny gets bored and doesn't like the immediate results, will he dump Shanallen after a season or two like he did Marty.

Well, it'll be tougher this time since he'll have to go through a GM (one wasn't in place in 2001). Additionally, I believe that GM has clauses in his contract giving him control in football operations.

It's Snyder's team and he can ultimately do whatever he wants...but he's set it up so that it'll be a little tougher to pull the plug this time.

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Snyder has done what we've been begging him to do for years now: Get a GM. That same GM turned around and Hired a super bowl winning coach. No more experiments, no more ol' ball coach non-sense or nostalgic hooplua. This is a serious start from a serious man, and I do believe the Snyder "meddeling" is over. Whether we're actually gonna win anything, I believe we will, but we'll have to wait and see.

This thread should have a poll...

Renegade I agree, we have in place now what many of us have wanted for a long time; a real GM and a succesful / respected coach. I think we now have hope for the future.

My belief is that if this is not a success then it is Allen and Shannahan that will shoulder the blame. If Snyder has now truly stepped aside and is out of the "football decision" process then he has already done his job with these two hires.

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Now you will have Bruce Allen bracketed by the Snyder-Shanahan connection/alliance.

This is my main worry.

That Snyder-Shannahan will potentially influence or outright trump any authoritative decisions Allen tries to make.

Then we may find ourselves without that GM that we thought we were getting after all.

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We have changed..for now. Firing Vinny was a HUGE change. I seriously doubt that Snyder will bring back Vinny like he did after Marty. We have a real GM now. We have a very reputable HC. I see major change. I'll wait and see what the results are from this change.

Will that "real GM" have any power over Snyder's new pet HC?

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I can add my name here... I just dont trust Danny. The way everything wnet down just feels like a "calming the masses" type move... fwiw, I knew about the Shanny hiring back in October...


to add to that original blurb, Krystal had stated (paraphrasing here) that "Danny gets what Danny wants and he wants my father as HC".

I sure hope my gut is wrong. My source was not.

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This is my main worry.

That Snyder-Shannahan will potentially influence or outright trump any authoritative decisions Allen tries to make.

Then we may find ourselves without that GM that we thought we were getting after all.

I think you might be forgetting that Allen was brought in as a prerequisite to Shanahan. From numerous reports, the two went hand-in-hand. I'm not sure why someone would believe that they wouldn't be a good team working together and forge a closer relationship than with Snyder.

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I think you might be forgetting that Allen was brought in as a prerequisite to Shanahan. From numerous reports, the two went hand-in-hand. I'm not sure why someone would believe that they wouldn't be a good team working together and forge a closer relationship than with Snyder.

Listen, I hope you are right.

It's just that as several posters here have pointed out, a leopard doesn't change his spots overnight. I'm just skeptical since we ARE dealing with Danny here.

Time will tell - otherwise he risks losing the fanbase (and any organic growth of fanbase among young, emerging potential sports fans in the DC area) for good.

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Well, it'll be tougher this time since he'll have to go through a GM (one wasn't in place in 2001). Additionally, I believe that GM has clauses in his contract giving him control in football operations.

It's Snyder's team and he can ultimately do whatever he wants...but he's set it up so that it'll be a little tougher to pull the plug this time.

He certainly can do whatever he wants.....................and has and we've seen the results. I'm happy to hear that it'll be harder to just simply dump Shanallen after a season. Thanks.

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I think you might be forgetting that Allen was brought in as a prerequisite to Shanahan. From numerous reports, the two went hand-in-hand. I'm not sure why someone would believe that they wouldn't be a good team working together and forge a closer relationship than with Snyder.

I'm trying to imagine a scenario where Allen does NOT stipulate that he gets to have say-so on the head coaching hires if he accepts the job as GM. If so, then I have an even harder time imagining the following scenario:

Allen: "And I want control over who gets hired as head coach..."

Snyder: "I agree. Done."

Allen signs his contract...

Snyder: "Ok, welcome aboard. Now, you ARE going to hire Shanahan as next head coach..."

Allen: "Yes, Mr. Snyder..."

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This is my main worry.

That Snyder-Shannahan will potentially influence or outright trump any authoritative decisions Allen tries to make.

Then we may find ourselves without that GM that we thought we were getting after all.

I think Bruce Almighty is the figurehead...dude is gonna get a fat check each week to basically stand in and be the "GM". Shanny will pick the FA's/make trades he feels necessary and WE KNOW Snyder will gladly oblige. Whats Bruce Allen gonna do? I mean is he gonna set up a draft board and measure the body fat on possible draft picks? And then Shanny will decide who he wants?

Im just not sure why Bruce Allen is even in the picture...it doesnt add up...he is clearly THIRD in command, oh by the way he is the "GM". LOL.

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I think for me at this point its like an addict's high, in that after awhile you get high to feel normal instead of to try and feel high...right now I feel normal I guess that shows how deep in the hole I was.

I agree with this, totally.

I'm not saying I predict a huge failure, I'm definitely with the wait and see crowd.

I refuse to get my hopes up.

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Listen, I hope you are right.

It's just that as several posters here have pointed out, a leopard doesn't change his spots overnight. I'm just skeptical since we ARE dealing with Danny here.

Time will tell - otherwise he risks losing the fanbase (and any organic growth of fanbase among young, emerging potential sports fans in the DC area) for good.

You make good points and I understand your reservations. I wouldn't exactly call this "overnight" though. I think, in many ways, Snyder has recognized the problems (including himself) since the Pittsburgh game last year.

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You make good points and I understand your reservations. I wouldn't exactly call this "overnight" though. I think, in many ways, Snyder has recognized the problems (including himself) since the Pittsburgh game last year.

From reports after Vinny was canned, Snyder wanted to replace Vinny with Bruce Allen a few times back when Gibbs was still coaching...

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I think Bruce Almighty is the figurehead...dude is gonna get a fat check each week to basically stand in and be the "GM". Shanny will pick the FA's/make trades he feels necessary and WE KNOW Snyder will gladly oblige. Whats Bruce Allen gonna do? I mean is he gonna set up a draft board and measure the body fat on possible draft picks? And then Shanny will decide who he wants?

Im just not sure why Bruce Allen is even in the picture...it doesnt add up...he is clearly THIRD in command, oh by the way he is the "GM". LOL.

Well, people here are crowing that he will be keeping our cap in check and making the "business decisions". While that is an important role for the GM, he also needs to be the leader of the team - including the HC.

Snyder may (and I'm still saying "may" at this point) have yet again mucked up the chain of command enough that we again are left with a rudderless ship and no clear captain at the helm. I was hoping a true GM would be that. The more I'm reading about how Shannahan and Allen plan on interacting, I fear we don't have that authoritative figure in place who can spearhead the organizational change the team so desperately needs.

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I'm trying to imagine a scenario where Allen does NOT stipulate that he gets to have say-so on the head coaching hires if he accepts the job as GM. If so, then I have an even harder time imagining the following scenario:

Allen: "And I want control over who gets hired as head coach..."

Snyder: "I agree. Done."

Allen signs his contract...

Snyder: "Ok, welcome aboard. Now, you ARE going to hire Shanahan as next head coach..."

Allen: "Yes, Mr. Snyder..."

I have a hard time believing that Snyder and Shanny were sitting at the Capitol Grille eating a steak and this broke out:

Snyder: "I want u to coach the Skins"

Shanny: "I will but I wont work for Cerrato"

Snyder: "Ok, he's out....who do u want me to bring in as the new puppet, i mean GM?"

Shanny: "If you bring in Bruce Allen or _______ then I will come coach the Skins"

Snyder: "Okay, if thats what it takes then I will do that"

And if that did happen it still seems a bit dysfunctional.

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You make good points and I understand your reservations. I wouldn't exactly call this "overnight" though. I think, in many ways, Snyder has recognized the problems (including himself) since the Pittsburgh game last year.

But does he understand the depths of the problems afflicting the team?

The lack of leadership?

The dysfunctional relationship between members of the FO and certain key players?

The taking for granted of fan goodwill for over a decade?

These are key issues that hiring a new GM and HC only begin to address.

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Well, people here are crowing that he will be keeping our cap in check and making the "business decisions". While that is an important role for the GM, he also needs to be the leader of the team - including the HC.

Snyder may (and I'm still saying "may" at this point) have yet again mucked up the chain of command enough that we again are left with a rudderless ship and no clear captain at the helm. I was hoping a true GM would be that. The more I'm reading about how Shannahan and Allen plan on interacting, I fear we don't have that authoritative figure in place who can spearhead the organizational change the team so desperately needs.

Exactly, and until the troll is thrown overboard this ship will continue to sail rudderless and will have a muck of captains.

We are Titanic bound probably until Snyder is gone....he is the common denominator with all that is wrong with the Skins.

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I have a hard time believing that Snyder and Shanny were sitting at the Capitol Grille eating a steak and this broke out:

Snyder: "I want u to coach the Skins"

Shanny: "I will but I wont work for Cerrato"

Snyder: "Ok, he's out....who do u want me to bring in as the new puppet, i mean GM?"

Shanny: "If you bring in Bruce Allen or _______ then I will come coach the Skins"

Snyder: "Okay, if thats what it takes then I will do that"

This seems like a more plausible scenario.

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Exactly, and until the troll is thrown overboard this ship will continue to sail rudderless and will have a muck of captains.

We are Titanic bound probably until Snyder is gone....he is the common denominator with all that is wrong with the Skins.

I will save my Snyder prognostications for another day. For his sake and my favorite football teams' sake, I'm hoping that discussion never comes up.

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But does he understand the depths of the problems afflicting the team?

The lack of leadership?

The dysfunctional relationship between members of the FO and certain key players?

The taking for granted of fan goodwill for over a decade?

These are key issues that hiring a new GM and HC only begin to address.

Yes and no. The first two issue you list, to me, fall onto the laps of Allen and/or Shanahan. The "football guys" have to establish the leadership for the organization as it pertains to players and coaches. Same goes with the odd relationships between players and the owner. THEY need to snuff that out and tell Snyder that it needs to stop.

The fan goodwill issue is one that Snyder will either need to address on his own or get some help doing, but I would agree it's more on his plate than either Allen's or Shanahan's.

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I will save my Snyder prognostications for another day. For his sake and my favorite football teams' sake, I'm hoping that discussion never comes up.

Fair enough.....I have yet to meet a Redskins Fan that LIKES having Snyder as an owner, so I will take the chances that I know your inner feelings :D

Next year is a new year, the Skins have to turn around sometime. I just hope Im alive when we can straighten things out.

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Hard to say for sure right now, but the acid test will be if we get off to a poor start, or things start well and then we hit a losing streak. How long will Dan leave it before he gives in to the overwhelming temptation to get involved again.

Never forget, Dan really thinks he knows football!

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Nothing has changed. Nobody can really believe that Bruce Allen had anything to do with the hiring of Mike Shanahan. Its the same as getting players in the past. Snyder knew who he wanted so there wasn't a thorough search for a coach and I wonder if there was any discussion of the success rate of Head coaches being completely in charge of picking players.

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