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Americans' role seen in Uganda anti gay push


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“the gay movement is an evil institution” whose goal is “to defeat the marriage-based society and replace it with a culture of sexual promiscuity.”

Oh now I absolutely love gay people... They're trying to change the culture in order for me to get laid!!!

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I usually don't do this, but I'm requesting a title change to this thread.

This group of preachers does not represent America. In fact, in the article it states that the US has officially demanded Uganda drop their proposed law that would allow the hanging of gays.


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“the gay movement is an evil institution” whose goal is “to defeat the marriage-based society and replace it with a culture of sexual promiscuity.”

That's a great quote. I guess it's the gays faults that marriage rarely works out any more.

If gays are married, how are they in a culture of promiscuity?

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Well I'll be damned!! And here I've always thought minor things like incredibly high HIV/AIDS prevalence in sub-Saharan Africa...millions of deaths from malaria...diarrheal diseases killing millions...food insecurity...rampant poverty...civil unrest....and a FREAKING BAZILLION other things were really the pressing problems that needed to be addressed in Africa!!! And all this time it's been the GAYS bringing that continent down!!!

These preachers are so full of crap, it disgusts me. Homosexuality needs to be the least of peoples' concerns regarding Africa...not to mention, what these MORONS are "preaching" is utter bullcrap.

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I will never figure out why oppression and injustice will go largely unspoken about while but people are preoccupied about who other people are having sex with.

Wouldn't oppression and injustice be directly addressed in the aggravated homosexuality part of the bill?

It seems similar to health reform bills pending ,some good and some really bad parts...But I'm sure their intentions are good.

Just ask them:evilg:

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Wouldn't oppression and injustice be directly addressed in the aggravated homosexuality part of the bill?

It seems similar to health reform bills pending ,some good and some really bad parts...But I'm sure their intentions are good.

Just ask them:evilg:

Africa has so many problems and people are preoccupied on with whom a person is having sex with.

How many billions have been given to African nations and how little of it has made it to the people it was suppose to help?

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Rachel Maddow reported on this a few weeks ago. Interesting story, and she interviewed Scott Lively who denounced the law. he's a moron anyway...remind me to not vacation in Uganda...phew, almost made my reservations.

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Africa has so many problems and people are preoccupied on with whom a person is having sex with.

How many billions have been given to African nations and how little of it has made it to the people it was suppose to help?

Truth in every word. The priorities of the "pious" can be so ridiculous.


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That's a great quote. I guess it's the gays faults that marriage rarely works out any more.

If gays are married, how are they in a culture of promiscuity?

You have to blame someone. And nobody is ever going to take the blame themselves.

For now, let's hate on the Gays like we hated on the Blacks years ago. I wonder who my grandchildren are going to hate?

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Africa has so many problems and people are preoccupied on with whom a person is having sex with.

How many billions have been given to African nations and how little of it has made it to the people it was suppose to help?

Have you bothered to read their definition of aggravated homosexuality?:)

That part is not about sex as much as crime..

It seems more people are outraged about this than the abuses in donations:silly:

So just who is really preoccupied with sex?:evilg:

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Have you bothered to read their definition of aggravated homosexuality?:)

That part is not about sex as much as crime..

It seems more people are outraged about this than the abuses in donations:silly:

So just who is really preoccupied with sex?:evilg:

Is rape and sexual assualt legal there so that they need to make a law on it?

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I remember reading years ago that one of the largest ways aids was being spread was improper sterilizing of surgical instruments that were predominantly being used to circumcise women so they would not enjoy sex.
I don't know the truth to that...I would like to look at that reference. Do you know where you read it? I'm not calling you out or anything, I am genuinely interested in looking at that.

I think female circumcision is prevalent in regional pockets of Africa, but not entirely throughout, particularly in the more urban areas. I am not completely sure on this however. :)

From what I understand from colleagues who have worked with different humanitarian aid agencies in Malawi, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, and Nigeria, one who is an OB/Gyn running a massive OB & AIDS project in Malawi at the moment, the really, really, really majorly pressing problem is the stigma of condoms. In most African cultures, condoms are absolutely frowned upon. Even if women ask for their partner to use a condom, it is not uncommon for them to be beaten and raped anyway.

There has also been significant hesitancy for governments to work with aid organizations to promote condom use because of the stigma. Some governments outright deny the fact that there is an HIV/AIDS problem in their country.

It certainly is a multifacted problem that is going to take eternity to figure out, but I'm not quite sure where female circumcision plays into the HIV/AIDS statistics.

Now...as to the actual topic of the thread, I am happy to state again I think these "preachers" are idiots.

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I don't know the truth to that...I would like to look at that reference. Do you know where you read it? I'm not calling you out or anything, I am genuinely interested in looking at that.

I think female circumcision is prevalent in regional pockets of Africa, but not entirely throughout, particularly in the more urban areas. I am not completely sure on this however. :)

From what I understand from colleagues who have worked with different humanitarian aid agencies in Malawi, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, and Nigeria, one who is an OB/Gyn running a massive OB & AIDS project in Malawi at the moment, the really, really, really majorly pressing problem is the stigma of condoms. In most African cultures, condoms are absolutely frowned upon. Even if women ask for their partner to use a condom, it is not uncommon for them to be beaten and raped anyway.

There has also been significant hesitancy for governments to work with aid organizations to promote condom use because of the stigma. Some governments outright deny the fact that there is an HIV/AIDS problem in their country.

It certainly is a multifacted problem that is going to take eternity to figure out, but I'm not quite sure where female circumcision plays into the HIV/AIDS statistics.

Now...as to the actual topic of the thread, I am happy to state again I think these "preachers" are idiots.

The article was from a few years ago, recently I have read there are calls asking the Catholic church to change their stance on birth control so the spread of aids could be slowed down. Of course I do not get that one, a person will listen to the church on bith control but ignore the bible on the teachings of no sex outside marriage.

Sort of like the topic of this thread, yes the bible says to not have a homosexual relationship it also teaches to show love for your neighbour.

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