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How many of us are really excited about Mike Shanahan


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First of all I am optimistic that Dan Synder may have learned some lessons, and is finally hiring two good football men (GM and HC) and will let them run the team. That in itself is a huge step in the right direction and reason for hope.

Shanahan can lead, has an eye for talent, and will bring a very talented OC (his son) from Houston. As long as he makes a good hire for Def Cord., the skins could be much improved next year. So I am more excited about the prospects for improvement than the fact that Shanahan is some coaching genius.

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Zorn or Shanahan?

Zorn got delt a bad bad hand by the skins with vinny at the controls. Zorn was however offered the chance of a lifetime to coach the Washington Redskins and that ain't bad.

Comparing the two I'm excited and happy to see Shanahan coming to town.

vinny getting the boot was more exciting. that clown screwed this team up big time. the skins were instantly better the day he departed.

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consider me excited. Do I love shanahan? No, but I believe he was the best option at the moment that danny could understand. Another young coach wouldn't work. Zorn wouldnt work. We need a guy with tons of experience and somewhat of an offensive mind with stats to back it up. He is legitimate. That doesnt't mean he will be successful but at least we have a known commodity here and that's part of what I'm excited about.

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I like the hiring but His face spooks me. I don't know what it is, maybe because he looks like Bush but I'm still excited to see how this team plays after getting a GM and Shanny. I want a win against the giants and I'll be happy

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A couple of years ago a lot of people clamored that they didn't want a retread coach. We tried the other route with an unknown assistant only to find out it didn't work this time in D.C. We need someone who has been there before, a professional, a person with a long resume, and a previous HC with a SB ring. It sounds all so familiar, but this is what works with the Redskins. Shanahan is not my first choice but he may be the best candidate available to rally this team into a winning way.

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First of all I am optimistic that Dan Synder may have learned some lessons, and is finally hiring two good football men (GM and HC) and will let them run the team. That in itself is a huge step in the right direction and reason for hope.

That was my reaction at first as well, buth then I started with a nagging thought.

If Bruce Allen was brought in to provide a new direction for the team, and to truly hand over control to a football professional that's great. However, after thinking about it there is something fishy. If Snyder has wanted Shanny as long as he seems to, isn't it sort of a coincidence that he hires a new GM and suddenly that GM is hot on Shanny's trail as well?

If it's just a case of both Danny and Allen agreeing one who was best for the job than great. I'm happy. But if it's more of a case of Danny still calling the shots through a new and more respected mouthpiece.....

Well, I hope that I am dead wrong.

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i personally am not too excited, he wants to bring in cincys d-coordinator which im not too thrilled about and his son as the o-coordinator which again im not too thrilled about. Houstons offense is better than cincys defense. I think they should keep blatch as d-coordinator. why change the 1 thing the redskins have been consistent at and been in the top 10 for awhile now?

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my next question thouggh is will snyder give up on them as soon as they have 2 losing seasons in a row? its bound to happen since we are rebuilding. we have a pretty tough schedule as well....indy, minnesota and our tough division games as well.......


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I am excited not because of Shanny alone, but the package of Bruce Allen and Shanny has me giddy beyond belief. This is due to the fact that CHANGE is here. Vinny Cerrato is gone and Bruce Allen was named GENERAL MANAGER. Bruce Allen will be making the decisions along with Shanny. IMHO, this is a drastic change from Snyderatto making all of the decisions. A new era has begun in Washington, the era of Shanny and Allen is among us. Let's embrace it and give it the shot that it deserves. Snyder with the dismissal of Cerrato admitted defeat and is attempting to change.

I for one am on excited fan.

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This franchise is so pitiful and the fans are holding their collective breaths for some good news. I wonder how many fans are like me and will turn in their tickets or at least sell them at season's start so as not to support "The Danny and his fantasy football franchise."

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I am excited not because of Shanny alone, but the package of Bruce Allen and Shanny has me giddy beyond belief. This is due to the fact that CHANGE is here. Vinny Cerrato is gone and Bruce Allen was named GENERAL MANAGER. Bruce Allen will be making the decisions along with Shanny. IMHO, this is a drastic change from Snyderatto making all of the decisions. A new era has begun in Washington, the era of Shanny and Allen is among us. Let's embrace it and give it the shot that it deserves. Snyder with the dismissal of Cerrato admitted defeat and is attempting to change.

I for one am on excited fan.

That's the key point in all of this. If Vinny was still here, I don't think we'd have the enthusiasm for Shanny coming back that we do. we have a COMPETENT GM now who knows how to make football decisions and doesn't act like a clown and a jacka**.

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