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Thanks Jim Zorn


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I don't think Zorn is as big a part of the problem as many make him out to be. It takes a special person to succeed in the face of the situation he has been in. And as you can see, no one has been able to do it so far. Thanks Danny! If you all remember, Zorn came here to be the OC, not the HC. Had he been able to focus solely on that and had he been given a few pieces (healthy) to work with he might have had some success. Good luck to a decent guy. Hope he gets a chance to work in the NFL somewhere.

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There is no reason to thank Jim Zorn. He didn't get the job done. Clearly he is better suited as a position coach. I'd like to thank Snyder and Vinny for taking a chance on a guy who had absolutely zero experience. That panned out quite well. Sarcasm! Seriously, I'm sort of glad they took a shot, but they screwed Zorn from the get-go. He didn't have a chance in hell IMO...just glad they got rid of Vinny.

Zorn is a nice guy, but he's the type of guy that you'd want coaching your kid's rec' league team, not your favorite professional sports team.

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There is no reason to thank Jim Zorn. He didn't get the job done. Clearly he is better suited as a position coach. I'd like to thank Snyder and Vinny for taking a chance on a guy who had absolutely zero experience. That panned out quite well. Sarcasm! Seriously, I'm sort of glad they took a shot, but they screwed Zorn from the get-go. He didn't have a chance in hell IMO...just glad they got rid of Vinny.

Zorn is a nice guy, but he's the type of guy that you'd want coaching your kid's rec' league team, not your favorite professional sports team.


not trying to be mean or belittle the man

you summed up what a lot people have felt since day one of his hiring

Thank you

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Why in the world should be "thanked" for being "classy?" People will give thanks over anything...."you don't kill someone....thanks!"

It's "thanks for trying." It's what's known as parting amicably. There's no need to be a jerk about it. Vinny deserved a "good riddance." Zorn deserves a hand shake, a thanks for trying, and a good luck. Sheesh.

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I have no ire towards Zorn, and thank him for showing some class given what transpired during this past season. The Redskins were a mediocre team before Zorn. He really wasn't ever qualified to be a HC so I don't blame him for not turning around a franchise that has been in the bottom quarter of the league over the course of a decade. After all, the same people who hired him also played a large roll in assembling the roster.

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There is no reason to thank Jim Zorn. He didn't get the job done. Clearly he is better suited as a position coach. I'd like to thank Snyder and Vinny for taking a chance on a guy who had absolutely zero experience. That panned out quite well. Sarcasm! Seriously, I'm sort of glad they took a shot, but they screwed Zorn from the get-go. He didn't have a chance in hell IMO...just glad they got rid of Vinny.

Zorn is a nice guy, but he's the type of guy that you'd want coaching your kid's rec' league team, not your favorite professional sports team.

:doh: :jerk:

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There is no reason to thank Jim Zorn. He didn't get the job done. Clearly he is better suited as a position coach. I'd like to thank Snyder and Vinny for taking a chance on a guy who had absolutely zero experience. That panned out quite well. Sarcasm! Seriously, I'm sort of glad they took a shot, but they screwed Zorn from the get-go. He didn't have a chance in hell IMO...just glad they got rid of Vinny.

Zorn is a nice guy, but he's the type of guy that you'd want coaching your kid's rec' league team, not your favorite professional sports team.

Well put....

and I wonder if there were "Thank You" threads for Brandon Lloyd, Jesse Amrstead, Adam Archuleta, etc....because they clearly didn't work out for the skins as well...but they are deserving of thanks, right?

He's a nice guy, but there's no need to thank him for anything.

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Why in the world should he be "thanked" for being "classy?" People will give thanks over anything.

Mainly because class seems to be in short supply within this organization - and among this fan base, if some of the responses in this thread are any indication...

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Mainly because class seems to be in short supply within this organization - and among this fan base, if some of the responses in this thread are any indication...

Exactly. Some of us want to root for an organization that we can be proud of. That takes more than a winning record.

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I'm not sure we can say Zorn would be a bad head coach. He seems like a pretty good people person, just a horrible play caller. And that, in large part, is why I don't expect to see him become a HC again. How do you get to HC if you can't be a good OC?

Doc Walker said on the pregame what I'd expected -- the last two games Zorn had been calling the plays again. If he could've lost some ego (ironically enough) and not called any plays, they could have been a slightly better team.

Anyhow, I do appreciate Zorn being accessible, honest, and not throwing the front office that asked him to interview for a job he'd never considered applying for under the bus. Which of us wouldn't take the HC job for the Skins for $2mil a year for a few years if it was offered? I hope Zorn learns some lessons and helps his new man Brady next year in Cleveland.

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Thank you Zorn, I was probably the only kid in the DC area with your jersey and know how good of a person you really are. You were thrown into an impossible situation with a win/win check making opportunity.

I wish you only the best in the future and hope you find a position with an organization that fits what you want it to be.

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As much as I wasn't pleased with the way Zorn called plays, or managed the game, in the end he was a professional and very classy in the way he handled adversity. And most importantly the players never seemed to give up on him, and that's huge.

Maybe under different circumstances, say if he was the OC and not the HC, things could have worked out better, but in the end hopefully whatever move we make next will finally be the step in the right direction.

Good Luck Zorn, wherever you end up.

Here's looking to 2010!

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Mainly because class seems to be in short supply within this organization - and among this fan base, if some of the responses in this thread are any indication...

Zorn isn't that classy....if you think classy is being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn and cussing out rookie punters while letting star RB's do whatever they want "classy," so be it.

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Thank you Zorn. hired to do one job, shortly given a promotion to another job no one wanted. You handled everything with class in a very political job, in a very political city. I have no idea who to actually blame for any of this season - I'm sure some with you, some with cerato, some with snyder, and some with the players. I'm not looking to point fingers though, thanks for your work.

As unlikely as it may seem now, I fear that you are going to be the next belicheck. He got run out of Cleveland, but the change of scenery is exactly what he needed and is now considered one of the best. I wish you the best. I was hoping you would be our next coach for a decade, but apparently that was not to be.

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Thanks for being the winningest coach after Gibbs ever hired by Snyder

Thanks for being part of the reason Cerrato was canned and,like a forest fire, allowing us to start what hopefully be a new era of kicking behind

Zorn seems like a nice guy and I hope can coach at the NFL level, maybe for now as a QB coach...He has the money now to do what he wants

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