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WP DCSportsBog - Jurgensen thinks Campbell will be back


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I think he's right on all points....


There's a longstanding assumption that Redskins radio analyst Sonny Jurgensen is privy to inside information from the front office. If that's true, Jurgensen's pre-game interview during ESPN 980's radio broadcast Sunday afternoon qualifies as significant news.

Host Kevin Sheehan asked Jurgensen about Jason Campbell's future, and Jurgensen didn't hesitate.

"I'm not sure he's going any place," Sonny said. "I think he'll be back with the Redskins next year."

Jurgensen also said he thought that there would be changes in the team's leadership regardless of what happens in the next four games, which led to this pithy exchange.

Sheehan: "Tell us your gut right now, does Vinny Cerrato come back?'

Jurgensen: "I'm not sure. Maybe not in the same capacity."

Sheehan: Does Jim Zorn come back as the head coach?"

Jurgensen: "I don't think so."

Sheehan: "Jason Campbell?"

Jurgensen: "I think he will be back."

Sheehan: "Sherm Lewis?"

Jurgensen: "No, I don't think so...."

Sheehan: "What about Clinton Portis?

Jurgensen: "I think so. Of course it has to do with whether or not he's healthy and it's not a risk for him to come back and play. That has to do with his health more than anything else. He has to make that decision, along with the doctors and specialists he's been going to. They will make those decisions for him. And I'm sure Clinton and his family will also. He doesn't want to risk anything there, he's had a great career. And he has a lot of guaranteed contract coming."

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More specific on JC, and I have said this all along. He is an average starting NFL QB. He is not bottom 10 or top 10. He is in the middle.

The biggest problem I have with drafting a QB is not getting a new QB that isn't better than JC. Meaning, the FO better bring in a top half starting QB or don't waste a pick.

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Sell the team! Fire Vinny! Anything!

Seriously, JC had a good game against a bad team. Our offense has improved (it should!). However, we continue to ignore the constant, fundamental problems we have with our GM and o-line play.

We've improved. We have some good young players. However, JC is not the answer and neither is the current front office structure.

One good game against the Raiders and we're already falling back into the trap....

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For someone who hates on Jason as much as I do, I have to admit the guy is tough. He took a beating early in this game and came back to score in the 30's for the second week strait. I still say next week will prove if he has taken that next step, seems that NY has had his number these last 2 seasons.

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Sell the team! Fire Vinny! Anything!

Seriously, JC had a good game against a bad team. Our offense has improved (it should!). However, we continue to ignore the constant, fundamental problems we have with our GM and o-line play.

We've improved. We have some good young players. However, JC is not the answer and neither is the current front office structure.

One good game against the Raiders and we're already falling back into the trap....

did you miss the saints game? changes are being made for the better.

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On the radio today, before the game on 980 Vinny Cerrato said Jason Campell WILL be back next season.

wow, i didn't hear that. i've been all for it. draft a kid, get brennan (if he can stay healthy through the preseason, which would be a miracle), and campbell and let them all duke it out.

he's shown that he can be successful with this team, and that's something that we take for granted. not a lot of qbs would trade teams with JC and he hasn't thrown anyone under the bus, even though his FO threw him under the bus.

if he really is what people on here say he is, then he'll get beat by brennan or a rookie. if he continues to grow like he has the second half of the season, we could have a good year next year.

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