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Albert Haynesworth - Totally Classless


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More Redskins fans trying to tear their players down.... What else is new?
I know right? seems the skins "fans" these days are going out of there way to make our players look bad rather then cheer them on....I dont get it...If your playing on the redskins team, I'm gonna root my friggin but off for you i dont care who or what you are
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Frankly, at the moment I can believe Al remembers enjoying Tennessee more. Tenn was a winning team. Winning is more fun. The 'skins are not only a losing team this year, but a dysfunctional team that seems to be coming apart at the seams. The coach looks to be gone. There's infighting between management and the coaches. Players are bickering and some publicly. And worst of all, they suck. We're one of the very bottom teams in the NFL. Who would enjoy that?

It's a fixable problem, but I wouldn't doubt that Haynesworth isn't enjoying his time with the Redskins so far. Who would?

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Frankly, at the moment I can believe Al remembers enjoying Tennessee more. Tenn was a winning team. Winning is more fun. The 'skins are not only a losing team this year, but a dysfunctional team that seems to be coming apart at the seams. The coach looks to be gone. There's infighting between management and the coaches. Players are bickering and some publicly. And worst of all, they suck. We're one of the very bottom teams in the NFL. Who would enjoy that?

It's a fixable problem, but I wouldn't doubt that Haynesworth isn't enjoying his time with the Redskins so far. Who would?

I can think of 100,000,000 reasons why he should be perfectly fine with his stay in the DC area.

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Same here. This is just hearsay.

I'm starting to think that people on this forum just make up crap to get a reaction out of everyone here. Shut up about this until there is some kind of proof about it.And proof to me sure aint saying you had a beer with Chris Samuals :doh:

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I can think of 100,000,000 reasons why he should be perfectly fine with his stay in the DC area.

I know a lot of unhappy rich people. Doesn't mean he wants to leave or hates the 'skins, but I certainly can buy the idea that he's having no fun and while his bank account certainly is... he isn't. Hopefully, we can straighten this out next year and at least be building towards a better team. For today though, if you told me there was a Redskin who was happy, I'd be very suspiscious of their pride and professionalism.

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Alcohol leads to people not knowing what they are doing and it may very well be that he just forgot about his tab. We also don't know how he was approached by these people that tracked him down. If they came at him open and publicly, he should have reacted poorly to that...in that case, the bar owner was classless.

As for treating a waitress poorly, we don't know any exacts of that. Did it come from the same guy who had approached AL and didn't like how AL responded.


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Well Reag, would you have been reporting this story had we been winning.

You guys find the right time to come out with anything to tarnish any amount of respectability that a player has. Talk about animosity!

But to each his own, the team is losing and there is no feel good story out there right now when concerning this team. BTW, a guy that works here at my job said that his brother saw Haynesworth two nights ago inducing himself to an alcohol frenzy at a midnight bowling alley.

As has been said on multiple occasions... "useless without pics." ;)

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Sounds to me like he didnt leave a $200 tip so someone got a little upset.

Come on man, your story is ridiculous. Haynesworth, who can literally BURN $100 bills for an hour and not even feel a dent in his bank account, is trying to sneak out of a $200 tab, and when he gets approached about it, he "abuses" a waitress?

Get real. While I do enjoy rumor and "my friend said" threads like this from an entertainment perspective, this is just stupid.

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A few weeks ago I invited Haynesworth over for dinner, and sometime during the evening, someone washed their hands with our nice little decorative soaps. I can't say it was Albert for sure, but based on all the other awfult things he does, I'd be inclined to believe it was.

The ****.


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Albert Haynesworth climbed a tree and saved my kitten!

The next day I saw him helping an old lady cross the road!

And you're not going to believe this, but last week I saw him put his coat over a puddle so a woman didn't have to walk through it; AND he opened the car door for her!

I'm throwing the red flag here. There ain't a damn tree Hayneworth that wouldn't bend into the shape of the St Louis Gateway if he climbed it. :D

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Yes, he did play well but vs the weakest, let's see him vs much tougher opponents, and by the way we all know why he came to DC to play football.
Yeah you can say that. But you can also say that he wasn't truly motivated. Maybe against the better teams of the NFL, big Al might unleash the beast. (No Romo sits to pee)
Then you would not have liked the Gibbs teams of the 80's :)

There were some serious "characters" on those squads.

Yeah I know about the 5:30 club or whatever with Riggins and them. But I am pretty sure they tried their best to keep it a private affair.

All I am saying is if you want to get f'd up to do it somewhere private. Not only for Albert, but everybody. Not only do you embarrass

yourself, but you embarrass your family, organization/school and everything else associated with you.

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The story in the OP is true. It is hearsay, but this isn't a court of law. It's a court of public opinion. I don't really care how Haynesworth is playing. I've been critical of Darrell Green and his treatment of fans in the past, so this isn't breaking a trend. Haynesworth isn't happy and that is bad for the team. He isn't as bad as Pacman, but he's halfway there. He could have been arrested for skipping out on his dinner check which is a low class move for anyone, let alone a Redskins player. How would those headlines been played out... Haynesworth Arrested on the cover of the Washington Post yesterday morning? If the bartenders had called the cops, that's exactly what would have happened. So, you may not like to hear information like this and it may sound sensational to you, but people were willing to forgive a lot about Albert such as the Gurode incident and the reckless driving because he could turn over a new leaf here. Well, he isn't turning over a new leaf here, he's just turning the page in the same book. Expect bad behavior from Albert, it's the norm not the exception. My reaction is strong because where there's smoke there's fire. This is a sensitive time for the organization and Albert is acting like this in an echo chamber. He's a classless idiot.

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