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Albert Haynesworth - Totally Classless


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Ten years ago, my closest friends were out at a local establishment near Sterling Virginia and saw a large man sitting on two bar stools by himself eating with a beer. They parked next to him and a conversation ensued. Come to find out the cool guy sitting next to them who got their drinks was none other than rookie Chris Samuels the night he signed his contract. Chris didn't know anyone in town to celebrate with. These friends live near and know a number of Skins players in the Great Falls area. Consensus is that Chris is their favorite Redskin player.

Enter Albert Haynesworth who is not turning out to be the toast of the town in Northern Virginia at this early juncture in his career here. The stories are getting around about his massive drinking late night at local establishments. Apparently, that's not all he's been up to.

A couple nights ago, he not only had his fill at an upscale place in Reston Town Center, but he just walked out on a check for a couple hundred bucks. The bartenders tracked him down in another establishment with the tab and Haynesworth verbally abused them. He paid cash for his bill, but they have been telling anyone who will listen about this loser. A week before in this same establishment, Haynesworth verbally abused a waitress. My guess is he's worn out his welcome and this is just the beginning of his Stubbification.

I heard how much Stubby hated the Redskins months after he arrived first hand from a friend who was installing his swimming pool. Dana basically laughed out loud about how he was allowed to walk all over the team with his behavior. His entire house was done up as a shrine to the 49ers and even had a Harley Davidson done up for him while at Washington in 49ers details. He made it a point to tell visitors in his home how much he loved his former team and how much he despised the Redskins. We know how that turned out.

Haynesworth is just getting started my friends. He is out on the town and he clearly does not have respect for anyone. He got off easy doing permanent injury to a man in Tennessee with his adolescent joy riding in an expensive car. He's in the BIG city now, so no telling what he's prepared to do. The team is in disarray, he's not feeling the love from fans and his game checks are fatter than he is.

This is not good for the team and the fans who have enough problems to worry about. He's only been here for six games and cannot stand the guy already. Haynesworth is one step away from getting in a LOT of trouble here. He was very close to being arrested for his stunt in Reston two nights ago. We don't deserve this. Our owner has screwed the pooch again here on this obnoxious player. He's no Redskin for sure. :doh:

(This story is holding up through multiple sources by the way. You might not care about this and make jokes about him doing something meaningless like passing gas in a crowded elevator, but bartenders and waitresses get fired if they let people skip out on checks. It's a serious matter if you are supporting a kid and have a good job as a bartender in an upscale restaurant where you get twenty dollar tips. Let's put your job on the line and see how easily you laugh this off.)

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not really my business to judge how someone lives their private life. Maybe he is stressed? I mean, I remember when he had his intro Press Con. when he signed and everyone kept asking him about the pressure. Plus i think the title is kind of insulting.

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Why does it seem like some fans dont like him just cause he took a boatload of money to be here?

Maybe he's getting a lot of hate from people or fans. He hasn't even done nothing, or been here that long.

(Not intended at anyone in this thread, I've just seen a bunch of fans acting like the guy doesn't deserve to be here.)

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You're very liberal with the term "abused."

You might want to define it better.

And I don't understand the juxtaposition with Dana.

Are you saying that Fat Al likes Tennessee better?

And to what proof?

If not, then the comparison fails hard.

As far as everything else you have to say:

So what if the guy has some drinks.

So what if he gets a little drunk.

He hasn't done anything here to be despised, except for talk to a waitress who you claim to be cool in way that she didn't appreciate. And he got drunk and forgot to pay a bill, which I'm sure he's not the only person to do such a thing.

All of your "stories" sound very one sided. How do we know how the person who "tracked" him down approached and treated him? We don't know all the circumstances or extraneous details. Yet we are supposed to despise him? I don't get it...

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I love what Albert brings to the table football wise, but I cant stand his antics. This dude is an alcoholic with a bad attitude. He cant pick his fat *** up off the field about every other series. And this is just my personal opinion, when we were losing to detroit and he got carted off i told my family that he was just humiliated and would be back on the field if we somehow started to make a come back. Everyone thought i was being ridiculous. The redskins scored a TD and whos fat *** did you see make a "heroic" comeback?

Albert get your **** together or get your *** out

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I love what Albert brings to the table football wise, but I cant stand his antics. This dude is an alcoholic with a bad attitude. He cant pick his fat *** up off the field about every other series. And this is just my personal opinion, when we were losing to detroit and he got carted off i told my family that he was just humiliated and would be back on the field if we somehow started to make a come back. Everyone thought i was being ridiculous. The redskins scored a TD and whos fat *** did you see make a "heroic" comeback?

Albert get your **** together or get your *** out

He goes up against 500 to 800 pounds of lineman EVERY PLAY. If he needs to take a breather here and there, its worth the sacks and pressure were gettin.

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One star thread all the way here.

What's "abused" towards these people? That seems like a pretty important detail to gloss over when you're using such a strong word. Especially with the thread title.

On top of that, the guy's going out drinking at night, but he's also playing great on Sundays. He's doing what we've paid him to do.

If somebody's going to get on Haynesworth's case for partying, a lot of other Redskins share the same hobby.

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I remember when I met Dana Stubblefield's wife one time when I was 18. I was flirting with her soo hard. She was the type of women who loved attention and was flirting back somewhat.

Three days later Dana was in trouble for beating the **** out of her. hmm....

As for Haynesworth, maybe he isn't the greatest guy, but when I was watching a show called "Walking with Prehistoric Beasts," I kept thinking that I would see Haynesworth's head appear from behind a bush.

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While it is unfortunate that happened to friends of yours, it is one incident and is a long way from calling him Stubblefield. To my eyes, he's working hard on the field and helping the Redskins out there. Whether or not this was a bad night or a pattern will play out over time, but one incident isn't going to soil anything about a player, especially when misunderstandings can happen.

I don't know, if I worked my ass off and lost to Kansas City, I might be a surly drunk as well. ;)

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