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Is this your lowest point as a Skins fan?


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I really believe this is my lowest point as a Skins fan.

I have seen many good and bad teams, but at least I had hope and some kind of pride, now I have neither.

I remember being a little kid and we sucked bad, but at least we had class, and you felt something good about your beloved Skins. I now feel like there is no hope at all, and that his one man with big pockets has taken away something we love so much.

It might sound pathetic, but it is the way I feel, and I'm sure there are others who feel the same way.

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I really believe this is my lowest point as a Skins fan.

I have seen many good and bad teams, but at least I had hope and some kind of pride, now I have neither.

I remember being a little kid and we sucked bad, but at least we had class, and you felt something good about your beloved Skins. I now feel like there is no hope at all, and that his one man with big pockets has taken away something we love so much.

It might sound pathetic, but it is the way I feel, and I'm sure there are other who feel the same way.

The Redskins look like trash right now, but its not like they are getting blasted off the field. i remember in '01 they started 0-5 and were losing by an average of nearly 30pts a game. The Redskins have been FARRRRR WORSE THAN THIS. When they started off 0-7 in '98 it was worse that year too.

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The Redskins look like trash right now, but its not like they are getting blasted off the field. i remember in '01 they started 0-5 and were losing by an average of nearly 30pts a game. The Redskins have been FARRRRR WORSE THAN THIS. When they started off 0-7 in '98 it was worse that year too.

That's what I expect Vinny to say. "You know, Frank, we're losing but it isn't like we're losing big. As soon as these VULTURES start leaving us alone, we're going to start winning some ball games!"

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That's what I expect Vinny to say. "You know, Frank, we're losing but it isn't like we're losing big. As soon as these VULTURES start leaving us alone, we're going to start winning some ball games!"

I'm not trying to stand up for this garbage on the field. This is definately the worst atmosphere i've felt in Redskinsville. The skins aren't getting blown out, but they are losing to bad teams. Zorn should be fired right now and so should vinny. I'm just saying I've seen the Skins play far worse and the fans weren't nearly as mad back then.

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This is one of the lowest seasons that I can ever remember. Not even during the Spurrier years did I feel this bad. I knew what we had with the Spurrier years, but this team has talent, but I think that they have been lead to believe by many including me that they are better then they think that they are. They haven't earned anything and yet we treat them as good or better than players who have won super bowls for us. It is really a shame that this team has to go through this, but they say it is darkest before the dawn. Perhaps there will be an epiphany and all this will turn around. Then again, I have felt like Charlie Brown for the last twenty years going to kick the football and have it pulled away.

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It's not even about winning or losing anymore. I could deal with sucking hind tit and being a totally crappy franchise. What I can't stand is lining Dan Snyders pockets while he single handedly destroys this team. He's a slimy little **** that has absolutely, positively ran this once proud team straight into the ground. I can feel his grubby little paws all over the chaos and sorry play of this team. He sits in his ivory tower and looks down at the guys out there busting their asses for his sorry, worthless ass.

I think every player on the team, every fan and every sponsor should refuse to do another thing for Dan Snyder.

I'm sick, I'm tired and I'm so over loving a team that sucks so ****ing bad.

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Yes. Mostly because I can't even convince myself that we're capable of changing what's happening. In my opinion, I won't be excited and passionate about a game (I haven't gotten upset since the Rams game) until we really have a shot to contend. That won't be until we have a competent GM and he's assembled the staff and roster.

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not sure.

the team was in much worse shape after the first time gibbs left, if anyone here remembers.

but with this owner... its almost as though there is no hope. At least back then we 'knew' it was just a phase. it has turned into 20 decades worth of a 'phase'

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Nope. Nothing was worse than getting blown out by the big mouth Raiders in the SB. Talking smack about us, like we were nothing... that loss still hurts!

I was at that game, and it was horrible, but at least we had a good future and owner. Now we are screwed

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This is the low point for me. We had bad years but this is different. I think we are seeing the result of years and years of bad choices. This isnt a young team working to get better. The team is old and overpaid. Realization has hit me. It will take years to fix this. And that is what makes this the lowest point for me.

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Absolutely the lowest point because I no longer believe that we are close. I think the entire offensive unit is a crap, the owner is a loser douchebag, and the GM is incompetent. I'm not sure we aren't seeing the beginning of the Redskins turning into the lions of the last decade. I'm also not sure the defense is going to continue to be good forever, as soon as they fail we become the worst team in the league.

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