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Jeff Fisher- Sure his job his safe?


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Fisher is 0-6 after today. He's currently losing 0-59, wow!

Are you sure the 15 year coach may isn't in trouble? This will be his second losing season in 4 years. It maybe time for a change in Tennessee.

Jeff wouldn't be unemployed too long but maybe it's time for a change both Jeff and Tennessee.

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:hysterical: That makes me feel better about that beatdown we received by them

I was thinking the same thing as I was watching. Haha.

As for Fisher, I think he'll still be there. The man can coach. Tennessee's just not that talented. They're not good at all. They looked like a high school team today. Vince Young led the team in passing yards today....and he had ZERO. I'd love to get Fisher here, but I also know it's not likely.

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So, New England should've just ran the ball every play?

I don't understand how you came to that conclusion, but I believe you missed his point.

I think he's saying that considering their top three CBs were out, it would be inevitable that a team with a ridiculously accurate QB and a plethora of elite WR would score passing touchdowns. Additionally, their DL hasn't been the same since Haynesworth left, and thus Brady had a very comfortable pocket to pick apart a backup secondary.

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If Fisher is fired from Tennessee, I want him here. It's not his fault that his defensive coordinator currently is a poor replacement for Jim Schwartz, and that his team has no true future at QB.

That is somewhat of a conspiracy in Tennessee as far as the QB goes. Vince Young goes ahead and wins rookie of the year, has one bad game, and was benched since then. They are refusing to start Vince over Kerry, only giving Vince a few minutes during garbage time to run the offense. People think that management doesn't want to start him because he is due a huge roster bonus in the off season, and they have no plans of keeping him.

Rather then start him and feel a backlash when they cut him should he do well, they are deciding just not to play him. It's kinda ****ty really, but I guess some people just have warped minds.

Some team is gonna get really lucky in the off season and pick Vince Young up for next to nothing.

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Bellicheat and Brady are totally classless and stupid to run up the score on them :doh:. I remember Mark Rypien who refused to break the record Tds thrown in a game vs the Lions, total class and respect :applause:.

Apparently you didn't watch the game. They pulled Brady after 1 series in the 2nd half. Not only that, but them running up the score was because the Titans were playing SO bad. They gave up 5 turnovers which led to points scored. Every team isn't like the Redskins and choke away a turnover in their opponents red zone.

Hell, even the BACKUP QB ran for a touchdown. What do you expect them to do, just come out and say, "Man, you all suck...here, just take the ball -- free turnover! We won't even try until you make it competitive again."

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Some team is gonna get really lucky in the off season and pick Vince Young up for next to nothing.

Wrong. Vince Young is nothing more than an athlete playing QB. He can't throw for crap, and has not improved at all since he was benched. He's a headcase and has been overrated since the start. He was in danger of losing his job to Patrick Ramsey of all people. He was a mistake to take 3rd overall, and I have a feeling that the Titans FO is kicking themselves for taking him over Cutler or even Leinart.

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His team is quitting on him:

Week 1: Loss to Superbowl champions by 3.

Week 2: Loss to Texans in a shoot out by 3.

Week 3: Loss to Jets by 7 things are getting worse.

Week 4: Loss to Jags by 20 things are getting ugly.

Week 5: Loss to Colts by 22 uh oh!

Week 6: Loss to Pats by 59 and they've gone right off the cliff

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Apparently you didn't watch the game. They pulled Brady after 1 series in the 2nd half. Not only that, but them running up the score was because the Titans were playing SO bad. They gave up 5 turnovers which led to points scored. Every team isn't like the Redskins and choke away a turnover in their opponents red zone.

Hell, even the BACKUP QB ran for a touchdown. What do you expect them to do, just come out and say, "Man, you all suck...here, just take the ball -- free turnover! We won't even try until you make it competitive again."

I thought Brady left the game after the 2nd series of the 3rd quarter at 52-0, final score 59-0.

''I know the score got out of hand,'' Belichick said, ''but we were just trying to run our offense.'' As if running his offense versus one of the worst team under this terrible weather is going to make him learn anything.

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The Titans would have to absolutely stupid to let him go. What do they have on offense that scares anyone? I know that Chris Johnson is a good back, but since nobody is afraid of their pass attack, they just load the box. Collins is a good game manager and yes he is better than Vince Young will ever be.

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3 Things:

1: Jeff Fisher is a GREAT coach.

2: Vince Young should start and is A LOT better then most people think.

3: The pats "running up" the score is a absurd thing to say. the point of the game is to win, and its not like they can just turn the abll over on purpose... you don't like them scoring at will? fine... then how about stopping them.

If it was the Skins doing this, everyone would be saying "run it up more!!!!" I have no problem with a lopsided score like that; just like when they beat us 52-7.

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