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Anyone ever had trouble focusing?


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And not for just a few minutes. Ever since my senior year in high school, 2006-07, I've not been able to keep my focus on pretty much anything. I'm afraid this is going to end up biting me in the ass in school. I just CAN'T stay focused on anything. Has anyone ever had this problem and if so, are there any specific techniques that you used to help? This is very frustrating and I can't take it much longer.

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I'm sure that I have ADD and have had since elementary school. Every time I read a book, I begin to daydream and don't realize it for a page or so. These days it translates into chronic forgetfulness. I have to use organizational skills and aides (daily planner, to do lists) Caffeine seems to help

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There are tons of supplements out there that help with focus. I hate the fact that people run to medicine instead of just amping up their intake of vitamins, minerals and amino acids a little more.

Any specific ones you know of?

I'm sure that I have ADD and have had since elementary school. Every time I read a book, I begin to daydream and don't realize it for a page or so. These days it translates into chronic forgetfulness. I have to use organizational skills and aides (daily planner, to do lists) Caffeine seems to help

I think I do, too, but I'm not sure. I've always heard that if you think you have it, you likely do. Lol. But anyways, I'm the exact same way with the book deal. I have plenty of caffeine, but it doesn't seem to effect me any. :-/

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Love that the first responses are ADD

try harder have some discipline


I went through this my senior year of high school and first 2 years of college

Then I buckled down my last 2 years of college and got it together

Organize your time better. Set aside time for school work, for the gym and for partying or whatever.

Stay away from the computer unless you need it

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Yeah. I used to have trouble focusing because I used to study in quiet and you get bored really fast studying in silence without anything to stimulate you. So when I went off to college I started to listen to sports while I studied and everything's better now. Every night I always have some sports game on the radio while I surf around forums and work on college ****

Matters on what the topic is. If you're learning something boring and unstimulating like math, that's not your fault that you're bored. It's the poor American education system's fault. If you're learning about something else that's fairly interesting and still bored, then get some of that medication, it might help

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Any specific ones you know of?

Sure, but you should do fairly extensive research on your own as well.

I always recommend a multivitamin first. If that doesn't give you the desired results, try zeroing in on specific vitamins for focus, including amino acids. Look for supplements with Omega-3 fatty acids, they are very good for brain function. I also keep reading great things about Ginkgo Biloba.

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Love that the first responses are ADD

try harder have some discipline

Oh it's sooo hard. I've GOT to work on it, though.

Yeah. I used to have trouble focusing because I used to study in quiet and you get bored really fast studying in silence without anything to stimulate you. So when I went off to college I started to listen to sports while I studied and everything's better now. Every night I always have some sports game on the radio while I surf around forums and work on college ****

Matters on what the topic is. If you're learning something boring and unstimulating like math, that's not your fault that you're bored. It's the poor American education system's fault. If you're learning about something else that's fairly interesting and still bored, then get some of that medication, it might help

Well, it's for the most part Climatology, which is boring and not interesting to me, but the class I'm more so concerned about is Developmental Psych. It's very interesting to me, yet I'm still bored. I might go about checking out what's wrong, of anything. I get on my own nerves with it, which is sad. Lol.

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We'll see, you have to have these tests run on you before you can be diagnosed with ADD. My early days in college, I struggled too, and was kicked out once but was able to overturn that with ADD. Then I got kicked out again for bad grades and was exiled to local community college.

Was eventually able to return and kick ass though, the point is if you think it's ADD then talk with people and they'll run these tests and diagnose it, then you may be able to get specialized treatment such as extended time on tests, or specialized note taking measures.

But as SHF said it could also be study habits so see if you can adjust those too

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I have the same problem with my MS. I couldn't hold my job without adderall. Probably wouldn't make it out of bed most days. Wasn't ever an issue for me till I gt sick. I hate the things but I love them too. There's a possible medical situation here and you and I aren't the ones to make the call. You can't get in someone's head and know if their situation is the same as yours thus rendering your anecdotaly based judgments reckless and unfair.

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Stop saying "run to meds" like they don't help.

I have AD(H?)D, and Ritalin is a lifesaver.

Well I say "run" because people tend to skip looking for anything less than a perscription medication for ADD. Some people need the medication, yeah, but my point is that it's not the only way to help brain function. It's like getting percocet for headaches before trying asprin or ibuprofin.

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Stop saying "run to meds" like they don't help.

I have AD(H?)D, and Ritalin is a lifesaver.

me too bro. I NEED adderall, without it, i would be failing. But considering that I work at a pharmacy and have seen a tremendous increase in teh volume of ADD prescriptions and so I use the phrase "run to meds" because i know it for a FACT.

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Stop saying "run to meds" like they don't help.

I have AD(H?)D, and Ritalin is a lifesaver.

Glad that they helped you, but one of the main arguments against meds is that they treat the symptoms and not the cause.

So I ask you 2 questions :

1) Do you think you will be on Ritalin for the rest of your life ?

2) Do you want to be ?

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Yes. Oddly enough both me and my younger (by 9 years) brother both had teachers try to diagnose us with ADD (different teachers too), but it turns out we were gifted, and therefore bored.

So my guess is you're bored, and need more discipline.....and now that I've called the kettle black because I surely lack that discipline, I shall bow out.

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I would be lost without adderall. I often find that I need it to focus on school work. I don't take it all the time, but if I did I would be a straight A student. My problem isn't intelligence, it's lack of motivation and concentration.

Are we the same person? I'm 100% the exact same way.

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Yeah, studying would help, but I've never really studied... I just kid of winged it, and was pretty much always successful. I know I could have a 4.0 if I studied, but that damn non-ability to focus is KILLINNNG me. So annoying. :(

Ok dude, you really are like me then ;). Your problem is probably that it's always been so easy, that you've never had to develop the discipline that others require.

I'm guilty as well.

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Stop saying "run to meds" like they don't help.

I have AD(H?)D, and Ritalin is a lifesaver.

I would be lost without adderall. I often find that I need it to focus on school work. I don't take it all the time, but if I did I would be a straight A student. My problem isn't intelligence, it's lack of motivation and concentration.

It's not that they don't help. People are using the phrase "run" to meds, not because meds are a complete cop-out, but because Doctors mostly do NO medical troubleshooting before putting people on meds. They almost always do it as the FIRST and ONLY option.

Why is it Psychiatrists almost exclusively use meds now, and do not offer Psychotherapy anymore, hardly ?

Why is it you family physician, will put you on psych meds, before doing any testing ?

Because those Docs and Psychs are in bed with the Billion Dollar Pharma.

THAT, my friend, is what's referred to as "running to meds"

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After my ADD diagnosis I did take Ritalin and failed out, then went to community college, then went back to VT and did better. It should be noted I did better when I went to VT because I changed my major from engineering to psychology , not because of Ritalin. I stopped taking that stuff after I failed out lol

To be honest I recall absolutely no changes about Ritalin when it came to studying, it felt the same. I do know I'm better taking classes in the morning than in the afternoon and night, where I either get tired or angry because the class is interfering with some sports game ;)

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