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More Bad Playcalling: Portis Tackled for a Safety


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Another great example of our offensive playcalling genius.

We're back on our what, second yard line? We call a stretch play to the right. WHY ARE WE RUNNING WIDE IN OUR OWN ENDZONE? GET OUT OF THE ENDZONE AS QUICKLY AS YOU CAN!

So not only was the playcall stupid, but I'm pretty sure Portis wasn't thinking on that play, either. He should have cut straight forward as soon as he saw he was being closed in on to at least get close to the 1. Just a bad play all around, and came at a terrible time as this play really gave the Panthers some life.

Was anyone else screaming at the TV during this play?

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I think the QB sneak call before that one showed a complete lack of confidence. The next play proved they were right.

I disagree. Ive been calling for QB sneaks for years since we have a large QB, and it worked beautifully.

But the stretch play is an absolute microcosm of the season.

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I disagree. Ive been calling for QB sneaks for years since we have a large QB, and it worked beautifully.

But the stretch play is an absolute microcosm of the season.

A 2 yard gain is 'beautiful'? Well, I guess for THIS team...

Personally, I think it was a give up call that any successful offense wouldn't even consider.

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Did Sellers miss a block on that one? I didn't catch it because FOX crapped its broadcast.

I'm a Sellers critic but after looking at that play again, he shouldn't take heat for it.

Heyer got blown up by Peppers.

Yes Sellers ignored Peppers and continued outside but that wasn't his man. Peppers was not supposed to be there. I mean Heyer was barely a speed bump.

I can't blame Sellers or even Zorn for the call. Heyer played that play about as well as I would have if I had been asked to block Peppers. The play turned into a disaster because one player could not even play at a competent level of professional football.

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Did Sellers miss a block on that one? I didn't catch it because FOX crapped its broadcast.

I thuoght Sellers had a chance to make a block but kept stretching to the outside and allowed Portis to get stuffed from the inside. Maybe he's still muffed from earlier this week.:evilg:

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A 2 yard gain is 'beautiful'? Well, I guess for THIS team...

Personally, I think it was a give up call that any successful offense wouldn't even consider.

QB sneak was the right call and perfect. It was 1 st down gave us room to set up for 2nd and 3rd down.

Now the stretch play on 2nd.....well that was just horrible horrible play calling.

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Well you run wide because teams usually stack the box at the goaline and stretching the play gives a good chance at breaking a long run.

Two problems are portis is not capable for breaking the long run and I'm surprised he didn't trip over his own feet before being tackled and our team cannot block very well. I still put that on portis he could have turned upfield and not gotten a safety but instead stayed behind sellers hoping sellers would pick peppers up.

Our team needs to be benched. I'm tired of watching portis, dude is done and it is so obvious. Marcus mason came in for one run and had like 7 yards and he got hit about 3 yards into the run, if thats portis thats a 3 yard run. Im tired of campbell, yah its not his fault but that doesnt mean he is capable of playing in this situation. Collins at least can make reads quicker and is more accurate. No point in going downfield when you can't block nor can your wrs catch. I want to see marko mitcehl out there. I want randle el to stop returning punts(i seriously think they keep letting him return in hopes he gets injured). I'm tired of this defensive scheme and our lbs cannot cover at all so put more dbs out there. I'm tired of the playcalling, I'm tired of the same ole bs. Make some god damn changes.

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Poor execution led to the safety, but I agree, it's not a call that make sense to me in that situation.

You simply cannot go sideways in that situation.

What's the most frustrating thing to me is that this team hasn't been executing that off tackle stretch play all season. We've been getting killed on that play in short yardage time and time again.

Why would you continue to call this play, and to make it worse, in a situation where a lack of execution clearly is going to result in two points for the other team.

I don't understand it.

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I'm a Sellers critic but after looking at that play again, he shouldn't take heat for it.

Heyer got blown up by Peppers.

Yes Sellers ignored Peppers and continued outside but that wasn't his man. Peppers was not supposed to be there. I mean Heyer was barely a speed bump.

I can't blame Sellers or even Zorn for the call. Heyer played that play about as well as I would have if I had been asked to block Peppers. The play turned into a disaster because one player could not even play at a competent level of professional football.

Yes, Heyer gets blown up, but Sellers has to put his pads on somebody in that situation.

To me this comes down to either coaching or simply poor awareness by Sellers.

Given Sellers recent penchant for whiffing on blocks it makes me wonder if it couldn't be the latter.

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Yes. Let the dude go right by him and almost just waved him in to Portis. Terrible play call, even worse execution. :kickcan:

Peppers was already shoved back into the endzone, he shoved Heyer into Sellers, it was Sellers job to seal the edge. He couldn't get to the edge because the play was already blown up due to Heyer.

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Sellers was running sideways instead of straight. The worst came later when Zorn challenged the punt. We lost the game there and it was so stupid because we're supposed to have guys in the booth to see the replay and tell the coach.

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The QB sneak was a smart play. It was a safe way to get a little room to operate.

The run play was blown by Sellers. regardless of whatever else happened, he needs to hit someone. Not run down the line trying to push people with his hands. He never even lowered his shoulders.

Zorn's playcalling is not the problem. Lack of fundamentals and toughness is. Unfortunately that still falls on Zorn who I believe has been so focused on the X's and O's of his offense, and coaching Campbell, that the rest of the team has gone backwards.

I cant believe I'm saying this... I've never been so pessimistic before. But barring a miracle, this season is over. :doh:

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Sellers was running sideways instead of straight. The worst came later when Zorn challenged the punt. We lost the game there and it was so stupid because we're supposed to have guys in the booth to see the replay and tell the coach.

What about Campbell wasting a timeout because he was confused about what to do with the look he was getting. Dumb.

Seriously man. After five years, he still looks lost out there. :doh:

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