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More Bad Playcalling: Portis Tackled for a Safety


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Well, can't argue that point. We need much help on our "O" line. I just wish that Portis would make those big runs,decisions that he used to make. Again, a good back, but tired............

Just think. Year after year of a deteriorating O-Line and he's still putting out 1000+ yard seasons. That first run against the Giants was vintage Portis. But he's getting beat up constantly because of his blockers mussing assignments. It's no excuse, but I understand....

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I'm not denying Mason and his abilities. He's a solid addition to this team. The play call was a stretch though. If everyone would have completed their assignments on the play, it would have worked. Portis could have made the cut and I'm not denying that either. But the main issue is what Portis almost went to blows for earlier in the week. These guys are not completing their blocks. Not on just this one play, but the majority of plays (defense and offense). No one player is going to make this team better...that's the way Snyder thinks and we all know that type of thinking is way off base.

You could call any play, and if everyone on the offense played it perfectly, it would always work. Saying that "if everyone would have completed their assignments on the play, it would have worked" is true no matter what you call. If your team plays perfect, it would always win, will it not?

The issue is that the play WAS CALLED, on a certain part of the field, where failure by almost anyone would have left us with either taking a safety, or even worse, Portis fumbling the ball in the endzone, resulting in a defensive TD.

This play should not have been called. It was bold and brash, yes, but our line is not good enough to run this play to perfection. Our blocking has been suspect all season, so why run a stretch play in our own endzone?

We may have a 50/50 chance of gaining yards on the play, but because it was called in our endzone, failure meant certain points for our opponents.

It was a failure of a playcall. Good playcalling takes into account the abilities of your players, and respects the opponents. We overestimated the ability of our players, and didn't respect our opponents. That's why this play sucked. Don't put it solely on our players--this play shouldn't have been called in the first place.

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You could call any play, and if everyone on the offense played it perfectly, it would always work. Saying that "if everyone would have completed their assignments on the play, it would have worked" is true no matter what you call. If your team plays perfect, it would always win, will it not?

The issue is that the play WAS CALLED, on a certain part of the field, where failure by almost anyone would have left us with either taking a safety, or even worse, Portis fumbling the ball in the endzone, resulting in a defensive TD.

This play should not have been called. It was bold and brash, yes, but our line is not good enough to run this play to perfection. Our blocking has been suspect all season, so why run a stretch play in our own endzone?

We may have a 50/50 chance of gaining yards on the play, but because it was called in our endzone, failure meant certain points for our opponents.

It was a failure of a playcall. Good playcalling takes into account the abilities of your players, and respects the opponents. We overestimated the ability of our players, and didn't respect our opponents. That's why this play sucked. Don't put it solely on our players--this play shouldn't have been called in the first place.

You are so right. I didn't mean to make it seem that I was blaming only the players. I only talked about the players because that's where the discussion was....

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The play call wasn't great...

But Portis not running hard and forward to get out of the endzone was even more pathetic. Have a football IQ.

It's hard for me to rip on Clinton. I love watching him play, but holy crap man.

WTF dumb post.....Peppers blew Hyer all the way into the backfield:doh:then Sellers was just in the way blocking no one..WTF IS CP TO DO? Even Barry Sanders couldn't have got out of the endzone with that blocking:doh:

How the hell do you balme CP? this is just a dumbass post really:chair:

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It is his man if he makes it past the RT. :doh:

Yeah but Peppers was in there so fast. Sellers was almost past him anyway. If he went back to try and block Peppers, he would have cut Portis off anyway and the play still would have resulted in a safety.

Sellers sucks, no doubt but that play got all screwed up because of one player and one player only and that was Heyer.

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You could call any play, and if everyone on the offense played it perfectly, it would always work. Saying that "if everyone would have completed their assignments on the play, it would have worked" is true no matter what you call. If your team plays perfect, it would always win, will it not?

The issue is that the play WAS CALLED, on a certain part of the field, where failure by almost anyone would have left us with either taking a safety, or even worse, Portis fumbling the ball in the endzone, resulting in a defensive TD.

This play should not have been called. It was bold and brash, yes, but our line is not good enough to run this play to perfection. Our blocking has been suspect all season, so why run a stretch play in our own endzone?

We may have a 50/50 chance of gaining yards on the play, but because it was called in our endzone, failure meant certain points for our opponents.

It was a failure of a playcall. Good playcalling takes into account the abilities of your players, and respects the opponents. We overestimated the ability of our players, and didn't respect our opponents. That's why this play sucked. Don't put it solely on our players--this play shouldn't have been called in the first place.

Spoken like a champ

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Another great example of our offensive playcalling genius.

We're back on our what, second yard line? We call a stretch play to the right. WHY ARE WE RUNNING WIDE IN OUR OWN ENDZONE? GET OUT OF THE ENDZONE AS QUICKLY AS YOU CAN!

So not only was the playcall stupid, but I'm pretty sure Portis wasn't thinking on that play, either. He should have cut straight forward as soon as he saw he was being closed in on to at least get close to the 1. Just a bad play all around, and came at a terrible time as this play really gave the Panthers some life.

Was anyone else screaming at the TV during this play?

Either Zorn has no faith in JC, or Zorn doesn't know how to play call. I don't care how bad the oline is, quick slants or roll outs by the RB do not take a lot of time.

Whatever the problem, the offense (to include JC's stats) is near the bottom of the league.

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Either Zorn has no faith in JC, or Zorn doesn't know how to play call. I don't care how bad the oline is, quick slants or roll outs by the RB do not take a lot of time.

Whatever the problem, the offense (to include JC's stats) is near the bottom of the league.


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What about Campbell wasting a timeout because he was confused about what to do with the look he was getting. Dumb.

Seriously man. After five years, he still looks lost out there. :doh:

Probably, I think Zorn should have anticipated Campbell's reaction.

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Peppers spent 1/2 the day in the Skins backfield!

It is and should have been so obvious to Z, after the qb sneak, a quick slant would have worked better, but yet another poorly called running play rears its ugly head.

And for the life of me, I do not underdstand why they keep insisting on showing run, THEN RUNNING! They could have at least put a few receivers out there to spread the defense a little, but with JC at the helm, it doesn't matter.

I would give my right n%@ to be able to tell Zorn, "get the hec outta here", and take JC with you since you love him so much...

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He looking for Sellers to block for him.

Another great example of our offensive playcalling genius.

We're back on our what, second yard line? We call a stretch play to the right. WHY ARE WE RUNNING WIDE IN OUR OWN ENDZONE? GET OUT OF THE ENDZONE AS QUICKLY AS YOU CAN!

So not only was the playcall stupid, but I'm pretty sure Portis wasn't thinking on that play, either. He should have cut straight forward as soon as he saw he was being closed in on to at least get close to the 1. Just a bad play all around, and came at a terrible time as this play really gave the Panthers some life.

Was anyone else screaming at the TV during this play?

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The play failed because Heyer and Sellers completely whiffed on their blocks. It wasn't a high percentage play call anyway, but it failed because those two gave 0 effort in a critical situation. We already knew Heyer's limitations but I think it's time for us to either bench Sellers or show him the door with another piss poor effort like that. Right now we're better off going single back all of the time since he can neither block, run routes, or catch. He's a freaking team captain and he's out there half assing crucial plays. If that's him giving his best effort then that means he just plain sucks.

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Holly crap.

I just watched the replay in slow mo and all I can say is Clinton... I'm sorry. You were right. BENCH SELLERS.

Yeah, Peppers blows up Heyer but there is still a huge lane to the right if Sellers keeps running forward. Instead, Sellers stops running forward behind the goal line, getting in CPs way and slowing him down, runs sideways along the line and actually runs out of the way of Peppers who then tackles CP for the safety.

WTF man? This is basic ****. Your a blocker. GO HIT SOMEONE. :doh:

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I just wanna know how Portis got less than 100 yds vs. the worst rush D :mad:

thats Easy...the other team is focusing on stopping CP..Running against 8 in the box defense with the worst line in the NFL...Then Coach Corn only calls one deep shot all game:doh: Imo cant get going in a game like this

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Holly crap.

I just watched the replay in slow mo and all I can say is Clinton... I'm sorry. You were right. BENCH SELLERS.

Yeah, Peppers blows up Heyer but there is still a huge lane to the right if Sellers keeps running forward. Instead, Sellers stops running forward behind the goal line, getting in CPs way and slowing him down, runs sideways along the line and actually runs out of the way of Peppers who then tackles CP for the safety.

WTF man? This is basic ****. Your a blocker. GO HIT SOMEONE. :doh:

I watched it again and it's pretty obvious it was because Heyer couldn't hold his man and keep him towards the interior of the line. Because of this, Peppers was able to disrupt the play. Sellers was looking to stretch the play out further and block his man (safety, #52), but the speed of Peppers was too much for Heyer and this allowed him to get a shot on Portis.

So this wasn't really on Portis as much as I originally thought. He simply had nowhere to go. Heyer was simply too soft on Peppers.

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A 2 yard gain is 'beautiful'? Well, I guess for THIS team...

Personally, I think it was a give up call that any successful offense wouldn't even consider.

The QB sneak was one of the better playcalls all game. Virtually no chance of a safety, and you pick up 2 or 3 yards, which gives you some room to work as opposed to being at the 1 foot line.

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