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More Bad Playcalling: Portis Tackled for a Safety


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Yes, Heyer gets blown up, but Sellers has to put his pads on somebody in that situation.

To me this comes down to either coaching or simply poor awareness by Sellers.

Given Sellers recent penchant for whiffing on blocks it makes me wonder if it couldn't be the latter.

Sellers went to the outside man which was the right move. Had Portis followed to the outside he could have had a better chance. Fact is, Portis while a good back is lacking his veiw. He has a habit of running into his blocking and then staying there while nothing is happening. I know that he is supposed to follow his blocks but what ever happened to making decisions on the fly like A. Peterson? This play was on Portis. He blew it! You don't run east and west in your own goal! I think that we should use Mason more often. Again, I'm not saying the Portis is weak, but Mason would be a great addition to the offense.

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What about Campbell wasting a timeout because he was confused about what to do with the look he was getting. Dumb.

Seriously man. After five years, he still looks lost out there. :doh:

He called the time out because he didn't have the time to audible out of the play that was called. He wasn't confused about the defense he wanted to exploit the defensive play called. Pay attention to the game and stop listening to the announcers.

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Sellers went to the outside man which was the right move. Had Portis followed to the outside he could have had a better chance. Fact is, Portis while a good back is lacking his veiw. He has a habit of running into his blocking and then staying there while nothing is happening. I know that he is supposed to follow his blocks but what ever happened to making decisions on the fly like A. Peterson? This play was on Portis. He blew it! You don't run east and west in your own goal! I think that we should use Mason more often. Again, I'm not saying the Portis is weak, but Mason would be a great addition to the offense.

That play was Portis' fault? So Portis allowed Peppers to blow through two players? :doh:

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Sam Huff screamed "dumb play call" as soon as the play developed. What planet is Zorn on to make that call?!? Is he trying to get himself fired? He's been doing a great job of that so far this season.

I don't think his opinion carries much weight. Sam doesn't even know what down it is most of the time. Anything that doesn't work is dumb to Sam.

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He called the time out because he didn't have the time to audible out of the play that was called. He wasn't confused about the defense he wanted to exploit the defensive play called. Pay attention to the game and stop listening to the announcers.

OK Jason. I mean you must be Jason since you know exactly what he was thinking right? :rolleyes:

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I'm a Sellers critic but after looking at that play again, he shouldn't take heat for it.

Heyer got blown up by Peppers.

Yes Sellers ignored Peppers and continued outside but that wasn't his man. Peppers was not supposed to be there. I mean Heyer was barely a speed bump.

I can't blame Sellers or even Zorn for the call. Heyer played that play about as well as I would have if I had been asked to block Peppers. The play turned into a disaster because one player could not even play at a competent level of professional football.

This and should end discussion.

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I think the QB sneak call before that one showed a complete lack of confidence. The next play proved they were right.

you always run that just to give yourself some room to work with. here's novel idea though, remember when we had all those 4th and ones on the goal line?!

maybe we should have run one of those.

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So Portis called the play, set up blocking, and blocked, etc. No, it was not a single person. It was all Portis, huh?

No, one man is not the team, however he did have a out and didn't take it. If you look at his running, he's had a habit of doing what has been scripted and not improvizing. Again, I'm not saying that he is a piece of trash, but he could do a better job of doing what he "use" to do. Also, how can you deny that Mason wouldn't be a great addition to the offense with his smash mouth running?

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No, one man is not the team, however he did have a out and didn't take it. If you look at his running, he's had a habit of doing what has been scripted and not improvizing. Again, I'm not saying that he is a piece of trash, but he could do a better job of doing what he "use" to do. Also, how can you deny that Mason wouldn't be a great addition to the offense with his smash mouth running?

I'm not denying Mason and his abilities. He's a solid addition to this team. The play call was a stretch though. If everyone would have completed their assignments on the play, it would have worked. Portis could have made the cut and I'm not denying that either. But the main issue is what Portis almost went to blows for earlier in the week. These guys are not completing their blocks. Not on just this one play, but the majority of plays (defense and offense). No one player is going to make this team better...that's the way Snyder thinks and we all know that type of thinking is way off base.

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Another great example of our offensive playcalling genius.

We're back on our what, second yard line? We call a stretch play to the right. WHY ARE WE RUNNING WIDE IN OUR OWN ENDZONE? GET OUT OF THE ENDZONE AS QUICKLY AS YOU CAN!

So not only was the playcall stupid, but I'm pretty sure Portis wasn't thinking on that play, either. He should have cut straight forward as soon as he saw he was being closed in on to at least get close to the 1. Just a bad play all around, and came at a terrible time as this play really gave the Panthers some life.

Was anyone else screaming at the TV during this play?

No I was screaming at Sellers (yep missed another block) for WAVING on Peppers. :doh:

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I'm not denying Mason and his abilities. He's a solid addition to this team. The play call was a stretch though. If everyone would have completed their assignments on the play, it would have worked. Portis could have made the cut and I'm not denying that either. But the main issue is what Portis almost went to blows for earlier in the week. These guys are not completing their blocks. Not on just this one play, but the majority of plays (defense and offense). No one player is going to make this team better...that's the way Snyder thinks and we all know that type of thinking is way off base.


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I'm a Sellers critic but after looking at that play again, he shouldn't take heat for it.

Heyer got blown up by Peppers.

Yes Sellers ignored Peppers and continued outside but that wasn't his man. Peppers was not supposed to be there. I mean Heyer was barely a speed bump.

I can't blame Sellers or even Zorn for the call. Heyer played that play about as well as I would have if I had been asked to block Peppers. The play turned into a disaster because one player could not even play at a competent level of professional football.

It is his man if he makes it past the RT. :doh:

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I'm not denying Mason and his abilities. He's a solid addition to this team. The play call was a stretch though. If everyone would have completed their assignments on the play, it would have worked. Portis could have made the cut and I'm not denying that either. But the main issue is what Portis almost went to blows for earlier in the week. These guys are not completing their blocks. Not on just this one play, but the majority of plays (defense and offense). No one player is going to make this team better...that's the way Snyder thinks and we all know that type of thinking is way off base.

Well, can't argue that point. We need much help on our "O" line. I just wish that Portis would make those big runs,decisions that he used to make. Again, a good back, but tired............

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