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THE Fire Greg Blache Thread ..


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Zorn and Blache shouldn't be allowed back on the plane.

Why is Orakpo not in a four-point stance the entire game? I am so ****ing sick of this "coaching" staff.

Now, you can yell at me if I'm wrong, but weren't you one of the folks saying that Blache knew what he was doing by making Orakpo the SAM linebacker?

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I would fire Blache before Zorn. He is given a ton of talent on the field and just can't seem to figure out how to use it. It is ridiculous that he can't dial up some blitzes to get to the QB at some point in the game....or at least make it look like you are trying to stop the other team on 3rd down. Just plain horrible game planning.

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LOL... The guys who want to fire Blache are the guys who want to keep campbell as our QB. D held lions the whole second half and all the offense could muster was 7 points in the third and a trash score on prevent D in the 4th. You guys are certified crazy.

Did you forget we only scored 14 points? lol.. Thanks for the laugh.

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on Post game now making excuses about how we should not be "shocked" by this loss. Un freaking believable!!! I don't know what to even say. Complete and Epic FAIL on every level.

Just the fact that HE is "not shocked" is in itself SHOCKING!

With the personnel he has, there is NO excuse for today's "defensive" performance!

I said it in another thread: The ONLY player on this team that cosistently plays with heart is London Fletcher. The rest of the players and coaches can GO TO HELL!

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I agree he is a large part of the problem, #4 ranking last year dont mean nothing, we allow too many long time consuming drives and did last year too, even if you hold to a field goal this kills you as a team, it disheartens the offense, tires the defense, yes you can blame alot on missed tackles, but this gameplan sucked. He slows the other team down but when they have 4 possesions of 75 yards plus drives, makes your defense look good on paper, you can say we only allowed 300 yard in game, but you give up 21-28 points per game, and keeps your offense off the field, he likes to play safe defense and wait for other team to mess themselves up. I think we do have good talent on defense, but to have a good defense you must apply pressure especially to a rookie quarterback, not like we were playing peyton or tom brady, but even than its about confusing the quarterback and pressure, look what giants did too brady in superbowl, and what new england did to peyton in all those playoff games prior to that. I am sick of this passive defense, attack, attack I say, that is how you get turnovers and defensive scores. With any of the following d.c. greg williams, dom capers etc are defense would be better.

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