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THE Fire Greg Blache Thread ..


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If our offense scored any points at all this thread would not exist.

The defense played terrible on Sunday. Terrible. But in case anyone needs a history lesson, since Blache has taken over the defense has been the only part of the team that has had even the remote possibility of keeping us in games. But sure, call for his head. He's the reason we couldn't put up 20 against the freaking LIONS!

Maybe if he did his job we wouldn't have one of the worst 3rd %'s? Maybe if he did his job, he would have seen that problem after our first pre-season game and every game there after. Maybe he is the reason that we are one of the worst blitzing teams in the NFL. Maybe if he did his job then a defense that added the premier DT in the NFL would actually show improvement instead of a decline. Wait, just maybe....just maybe he is the problem as we NEVER seems to make any adjustments to our defensive play calling. Yeah, he might not be responsible for putting up 20 pts in the game, but he's got plate full of other responsibilities that are NOT getting done.

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If our offense scored any points at all this thread would not exist.

The defense played terrible on Sunday. Terrible. But in case anyone needs a history lesson, since Blache has taken over the defense has been the only part of the team that has had even the remote possibility of keeping us in games. But sure, call for his head. He's the reason we couldn't put up 20 against the freaking LIONS!

That is simply wrong as 2 boys in a church parking lot! I can't believe you even said that...

99 yards on their 2nd drive? Did you miss that?

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You make a good point. I would add that they didn't play liket his last year and we were half way decent. #4 in the league I believe.

Our main problem so far this season is the lack of effort and execution. We're lazy and slow. i firmly believe that you can yell and teach all you want, but when it comes game time, if you don't execute, that isn't the coachs fault.

It is if the coach allows it to continue. That's another great purpose for the BENCH; if you can't produce, sit on it. If I'm the coach, I don't keep losing with the same guy, just because he's the starter.

I'm turning to the bench and asking, "Who, can win me this game?! And whatever motivated guy says, "ME COACH!", is going to get the nod. "OK Barnes, you're in for Hall." When starters know that somebody can actually TAKE, their job, they're going to start producing. You better believe that.

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It is if the coach allows it to continue. That's another great purpose for the BENCH; if you can't produce, sit on it. If I'm the coach, I don't keep losing with the same guy, just because he's the starter.

I'm turning to the bench and asking, "Who, can win me this game?! And whatever motivated guy says, "ME COACH!", is going to get the nod. "OK Barnes, you're in for Hall." When starters know that somebody can actually TAKE, their job, they're going to start producing. You better believe that.

Well, it doesn't work quite that way, but I like the sentiment anyway.

Fact is, he's seriously hamstringing the defense with

1) Landry stepping backward almost the entire game, then arriving late or never. Did you watch the 99 yard drive with Detroit? Watch it again. Almost no contact by him. When your Free safety is making no contact except on the 19 yard gains, you've got a big problem.

There's what you would like a FS to add every once in a while. Landry isn't contributing on that 1st 99 yard drive at all.

2) Not allowing Haynesworth freedom to move. I was worried about this before the season, and my worries are now justified. Haynesworth is dangerous when he can have a little freedom. He doesn't have that. Now, Haynesworth is playing fine, and he's drawing doubleteams, etc, but he's not contributing as much as he could, because he's being used inappropriately. And that's Blache.

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2) Not allowing Haynesworth freedom to move. I was worried about this before the season, and my worries are now justified. Haynesworth is dangerous when he can have a little freedom. He doesn't have that. Now, Haynesworth is playing fine, and he's drawing doubleteams, etc, but he's not contributing as much as he could, because he's being used inappropriately. And that's Blache.

yep, and taking away a young fast DE to help relieve that pressure doesn't help one bit, along with the fact that with Landry 30 deep its basically 10 v. 11 not to mention he needs to know when to use Albert, the guy has NEVER been an all game every play guy and they are forcing him to carry the load which will just get him hurt or make him a non factor.

Now we've got reed starting wake me when the guy gets 60 tackles in 16 games. lol A ROOOKIE!!! Horton gets 3 picks and 76 tackles and he isn't allowed to progress :hysterical::hysterical:

This 10 yards deep crap our dbs play also makes them look silly as hell when they are all alone and are at the mercy of what the WR can shake on them when its a 3-10 yard pass( how many times would those short passes we get crushed on not have been there had our DBs been up on press coverage) instead the qb checks during pressure sees someone open or the DB 5+ yards back and dumps it off for a gain.

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I'll join in and say we need to fire blache. How do you have all that talent and not pressure the QB?

Only stupidity defines it. When I saw the rookie QB for the Lions pick us apart, and Blache not even go after him, I knew he has over stayed his welcome. This defense is too talented to be tamed.

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Sign me up on the petition. I've been saying it for years that Blache is a douchebag and doesn't deserve his job. You give him the best players in the league and he won't know how to maximize their talents. Instead he just sticks to his best buddies no matter how bad they suck, puts players in positions that doesn't suit them, and patronize reporters for calling him out on it. Oh no, he's never wrong... what an idiot.

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Sign me up on the petition. I've been saying it for years that Blache is a douchebag and doesn't deserve his job. You give him the best players in the league and he won't know how to maximize their talents. Instead he just sticks to his best buddies no matter how bad they suck, puts players in positions that doesn't suit them, and patronize reporters for calling him out on it. Oh no, he's never wrong... what an idiot.

Seems like a lot of our coaches feel this way, idk what's the deal with it...

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I dont know why old cast off coaches and re-treads who have never won anything always get jobs in this league. I have not looked and please correct me if I am wrong, but what has this guy ever done in this league to be so well regarded enough to earn our d-coord job anyway?

The numbers dont lie, we are a bad defense right now.

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Maybe if he did his job we wouldn't have one of the worst 3rd %'s? Maybe if he did his job, he would have seen that problem after our first pre-season game and every game there after. Maybe he is the reason that we are one of the worst blitzing teams in the NFL. Maybe if he did his job then a defense that added the premier DT in the NFL would actually show improvement instead of a decline. Wait, just maybe....just maybe he is the problem as we NEVER seems to make any adjustments to our defensive play calling. Yeah, he might not be responsible for putting up 20 pts in the game, but he's got plate full of other responsibilities that are NOT getting done.

I feel like our players aren't even taught how to properly blitz. It seems as though he just runs the same blitzes without any type of adjustment for how the opposing team picks up blitzes. Most teams are unique in how they block and pickup pressure and good defensive coordinators design and adjust their blitzes accordingly. Blache does not. He just goes into games with his same old playbook. Hes like the old college coach that refuses to scout anymore because he feels he has already "earned his stripes".

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The Packers let an even worse offense (Rams) with a backup nobody QB score 17 points on them this week. Funny thing is nobody cares or even takes notice because the offense took care of business.

The defense played a bad game. The offense is just plain pathetic.

Yeah, and it's kind of hard to run an attacking defense when the offense puts up 0 in the first half of every game. At least kick the FG when your red zone offense fails on 3 downs without throwing into the end zone (WCO? LOL) once again.

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We need a younder D coordinator with some balls. Of course there are older coordinators out there getting it done, but they still have their balls.

At least we held the Rams to three and out in their last possession... that is something we wouldn't have done in the past.

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While we're on the subject, I never understood the Tampa 2 play call where they drop the MIddle Linebacker all the way back deep into the farthest part of the middle of the feild to cover zone the entire rear end of the defense in pass coverage. I don't care who you are, a Linebacker is no match for 90% of the Recievers in this league. They are just too fast. The LB has to turn his back on the QB just to get back to the zone. That's rediculous! It's a complete mismatch so why would you put yourself in such a mismatch/disadvantage? I recall losing a game a few years ago because Marshall couldn't keep up with a Reciever. That play needs to be scratched from the playbook. It's the safeties job to cover the deep middle zone, not the linebacker.

TEs these days are also too talented for alot of LBs these days, for the record.

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Yeah, and it's kind of hard to run an attacking defense when the offense puts up 0 in the first half of every game.

That didn't deter Gregg Williams. We know the offense has serious problems right now, but Blache's sole concern should be stopping conversions and getting his defense off the field and not what the offense is or not doing. Blache is terrible. I work with a former Redskins linebacker and he feels the same about him too.

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Yeah, and it's kind of hard to run an attacking defense when the offense puts up 0 in the first half of every game. At least kick the FG when your red zone offense fails on 3 downs without throwing into the end zone (WCO? LOL) once again.

I don't buy this at all.

There have been plenty of teams where the defense runs the show, and the offense is pitiful.

Look at our own skins when Gregg Williams was here.

Look at the Ravens in 2000.

Look at the '91 Eagles.

When people see effort, they don't mind. When I see poor tackling, poor coverage, lack of effort on the defense, I mind.

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