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THE Fire Greg Blache Thread ..


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Blache has to go:

1 - Zorn called out the cushions the defense was giving opposing. Blache did it anyway. Does this idiot know that he isn't the head coach?

2 - Blache blew up at a reporter for asking him about the pass rush. week 3 is in the books and nothing. His defense has taken a massive step back despite getting all the upgrades this offseason.

3 - Blache today in the presser talked about the redskins OFFENSE not being able to get the job done. The ultimate disrespect for his head coach and frankly unbelievable considering that his defense made a QB that had thrown 5 picks and one touchdown look like a future allstar in the league.

Blache is a failure in every aspect of his job with the redskins. he needs to be fired NOW.

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LOL... The guys who want to fire Blache are the guys who want to keep campbell as our QB. D held lions the whole second half and all the offense could muster was 7 points in the third and a trash score on prevent D in the 4th. You guys are certified crazy.

Did you forget we only scored 14 points? lol.. Thanks for the laugh.

Hmmmm, do u understand the game of football? They had the ball 22 minutes in the first half. I mean our offense didnt do squat but I mean how many drives did they have. Blache is running an outdated defensive scheme...he cant dial up pressure, he doesnt confuse the qb w/ zone blitzes...he doesnt put players in positions to make plays...any interception we get is b/c someone makes a great individual play...Blache is trash, Zorn is trash, everyone on the Skins roster not named Fletcher, McIntosh, Orakpo, Hunter Smith is trash

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This really pisses me off because we have soooo much talent on defense. What we lack is an aggresive scheme and attitude. Two things that come from the coach. Blache calls the same old soft defenses and the players play soft. The only reason our D isn't complete push overs is because of the talent we have on the field. Blache shouldn't get any credit for that #4 ranking because it wasn't because of him.

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Blache never should have been hired in the first place. His defenses are allergic to turnovers and sacks other than one year in Chicago. That despite having a lot of talent in both spots.

There was a reason this BUM came over here to work under Williams instead of being a defensive coordinator. He sucks. He's also a loose canon that is disrespectful towards his coach.

Fire him now.

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Blache is the worst D coordinator we've had this decade. He needs to go. Sacks are NOT OVERRATED. Pressure is NOT OVERRATED. Fire this chump now.

That is the thing that I dont understand. He always talks about getting pressure on the QB but we cant do it on a consistent basis. I always hear him say pressure on the QB leads to turnovers, but when was the last time were in the top half of the league in this stat? I cant remeber.

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This thread should have been created a long time ago.

Can't stand Blache or his "coaching." Pathetic. We were good last year on talent and talent alone. Would be the same this year, but unfortunately he must have gotten big headed or something because now his "coaching" is interfering with the talent.

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Somebody said it earlier, Greg Williams must be laughing his ass off right now.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

If we lose the rest of our games, we pull off the trifecta:

  1. 1st Round Draft Pick
  2. Zorn... Gone.
  3. Blache... Gone.

...And if we're really LUCKY, Snyder sells the team.

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I've been thinking Blache sucks for awhile. He was bragging in the preseason how vanilla his defense is and that we can win playing basic stuff. I remember thinking to myself that he was an idiot for actually believing that you can just line up and beat someone playing vanilla defense. Look at the Ravens, Eagles, Jets, Steelers, and Giants, the best defenses in the league, they hardly play vanilla defense. What makes them good is you don't know where the blitz is coming from. Blache is almost as conservative as Zorn.

All the coaches need to go, except Danny Smith. Trade Moss while he still has value.

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It's clear that the defense has quit on Blache. It's also clear that Blache's conservative approach is killing this team. He does not have effective blitz packages, plays too soft in the secondary, and is completely mis-using our most dangerous players (Landry, Orakpo, etc.).

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The Skins play archaic not-to-lose football on both sides of the ball. The entire coaching staff looks clueless right now. And they both lack fire. The misuse of Orakpo alone is so obvious that any 16-year old Madden geek can see it.

As for Bugel, this line has done really good with what it is. No quarterback goes untouched in this league, especially not when the offense is in an empty set and the defense rushes 7 guys. Bugel's line has outperformed its talent level this year IMO. Samuels is the only "good" lineman on the team. Dockery is better than average. Rabach is average and the other two spots are patched up by youngsters (1 spot was patched by a has-been until Thomas got hurt). Yet we have given up 3 sacks in 3 games (I think). That certainly isn't the sign of a poorly coached unit.

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Take that bull **** some where else. The 90+ yard drives in the first half. The horrible 3rd down defensive conversion percentage. The time of possesion. The 0 pressure on a rookie QB. The 100 yards rushing for Smith through 2 1/2 qtrs. The lack of turnovers against a team that turns it over consistently. Learn some football. Our defense was sorry as hell today. And that falls on Blache.

And hence ALL THAT happened in the first half!!! They shut down Detroit the whole second half except for one questionable pass int call. You can't win when you avg less than 14 pts per game. Its not BS its fact and I'm sorry you can't handle it.

Skins had a chance to win today and they blew it because they can't score. Campbell was horrible this game. Its time for collins.

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Still haven't got to see the pressers but if blache really said the offense didn't hold up their end, maybe he is just trying to lose so he can get H.C. job, seriously though Zorn called defense out after first game and soft coverages, and with this d-line we should be getting more pressure too many stunts and poor disguises on blitzes is killing us, it was more like let the rookie quarter back just make mistakes on his own rather than forcing the issue ( there is a reason why this guy was a first round pick), Zorn is right there is no way this defense should allow a 99 yard drive, but i dont think zorn would be allowed to fire blache, blache was begged to stay by snyder and company, to keep what gregg williams built here but blache obviously wants to play defense like it was played 20+years ago, he is all about his system when it doesnt work it is all the players fault or the offense did not hold up their end blah blah blah. If we had gregg williams here as H.C. with zorn as O.C. we may still have lost to the giants but we would of blown out rams and detroit. Well by at least 2 touchdowns anyways. This d-line aint doing the worst but they could be so much better.

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And hence ALL THAT happened in the first half!!! They shut down Detroit the whole second half except for one questionable pass int call. You can't win when you avg less than 14 pts per game. Its not BS its fact and I'm sorry you can't handle it.

Skins had a chance to win today and they blew it because they can't score. Campbell was horrible this game. Its time for collins.

and its hard to score points when your defense doesn't get off the field and lets teams eat up clock and go up and down the field.

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