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Hopkins student kills intruder with samurai sword


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although jsut to give conservatives another thing to take umbrage to, i will say it is an ugly and ignorant thing to take pride in defending your posessions (as opposed to your body) with lethal force.
Wow. It's a good thing that we're talking about a melee weapon in this case, which means the body of the victim (the student) was very much at stake at the time.

While I agree property isn't worth life, that ugliness and ignorance primarily belongs to those who risk their own lives, and innocent strangers lives, in trying to illegally seize said possessions.

Food for thought.

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although jsut to give conservatives another thing to take umbrage to, i will say it is an ugly and ignorant thing to take pride in defending your posessions (as opposed to your body) with lethal force.

But that's just the problem in the story. If the guy in the garage had put whatever he was stealing down, and quietly sprawled out on the floor without a fight until the cops showed up, he might be both alive and unharmed. But the guy lunged at and grabbed the kid. Then it was no longer "defending your possessions (as opposed to your body)," it was defending his body and therefore his life.

But that's just my opinion.

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actually it was a detached garage. the kid grabbed a sword, left his own home, walked across his lawn, saw the door to the garage ajar, entered (thereby blocking the only exit) and killled the guy inside.

but yeah i'm sure you guys are right -- the kid probably did a criminal background check on the guy, and knowing his existing criminal record, was therefore qualified to serve as executioner.

LMAO, you are insane. I don't care if someone broke into my house to get a glass of water, he is getting mauled by a pit and he is taking rounds from an AK47 soon as I hear something upstairs. THEY BROKE IN. He didn't belong somewhere that wasn't his and used force entry. It was almost 1:20AM......that's even more justified. Props to the kid for taking scum off the streets. I heard in an interview he was most pissed about the PS3 but even more pissed that the COD5 disc was in the console.

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No offense, but that's horse****.

So you can only stab an intruder after you yourself have been stabbed?

And please don't spew any crap about the intruder not having a weapon. There was no way this kid could have known if the guy had a weapon or not. I guess if somebody breaks into your house and lunges at you, you would call a timeout and ask him if he has any weapons on him so that you could apply the appropriate amount of force to defend yourself?

Green I suspect that, and Ive thought about this alot(I don't think you will have the "ntegrity" to answer this in any way that any one rational will exzcept.) Go away. NOW Scum.

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To anyone in this thread who is defending the burglar in this case because he got sliced and diced... :doh:

I don't think anybody is really "defending" the burglar's actions, but they are questioning whether the kid had the right to slice him up under these circumstances.

I think most people in this thread think that he did have that right.

Americans are tired of being victimized.

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No offense, but that's horse****.

So you can only stab an intruder after you yourself have been stabbed?

And please don't spew any crap about the intruder not having a weapon. There was no way this kid could have known if the guy had a weapon or not. I guess if somebody breaks into your house and lunges at you, you would call a timeout and ask him if he has any weapons on him so that you could apply the appropriate amount of force to defend yourself?

i didn't make the law, man. don't get mad at me. the kid will probably be charged (whether or not a jury will convict him is another matter).

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The case has made national news. Just FYI there is a poll up that asks if the kids story checks out, should he be charged with anything. I'm not surprised by the results in the slightest. Like I said, American are tired of being victimized.


If the student's story checks out, should he be charged?

No 92%

I am not sure 5%

Yes 3%

Total Votes: 68,658

Note on Poll Results

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From link posted above.

"One can genuinely and reasonably be in fear of one's own safety even if the burglar is unarmed," said Andrew D. Levy, a Baltimore defense attorney and an adjunct professor at the University of Maryland School of Law. "But nonetheless, it would be something that a good prosecutor would consider."

Consider is probably all that will happen here.

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The case has made national news. Just FYI there is a poll up that asks if the kids story checks out, should he be charged with anything. I'm not surprised by the results in the slightest. Like I said, American are tired of being victimized.


i don't think anyone is questioning the bloodthirst of americans here any more than they are defending criminals.

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man the sorry state of journalism is so frustrating. now CNN is reporting that *4* students confronted the burglar in the garage, one of whom was armed with the sword.

Johns Hopkins student kills apparent burglar with sword


the story repeats the "lunged" thing but i find it a little unlikely a burglar would lunge at 4 guys, one with a sword, unless he was trying to get away. who knows at this point.

edit: nice headline, CNN. dangling modifier makes it sound like the burglar had the sword :facepalm:

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bottom line is NO you cannot shoot someone for merely breaking into your house, you trigger happy tough-guys.

You can in Texas. And that's the way it should be. You should never be expected to even think about it. When there is an intruder in your house, the assumption has to be that they mean you and your family harm. Shoot them and continue shooting them until they stop moving.

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From my reading of it he defended himself in the process of protecting his property.

The idea that a intruder has a right to be present or to access to your property is asinine....Duty to retreat my ass

By their acts ,they forfeit their rights and endanger themselves.

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When I lived on St. Paul st. (Baltimore) we had a guy trying to break into our house one night. Instead of calling the cops I loaded my shotgun and sat at the end of the hallway opposite the door he was trying to get in. Whoever he/she was, should consider themselves lucky.

The majority of B-more is ghetto, one of the nicer areas is Hopkins University. The problem is, if you walk 5 blocks north, south, east or west and you are in the hood. I didn't think my neighborhood was bad, the one thre blocks behind me was so,so. 15 Blocks behind me was a very major hood, which surrounded one of the greatest hospitals in the world.

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