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Tape Shows Beating on Bus of St. Louis Teen


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Why is this news?

Maybe I'm just a little more sensitive to this type of attack, as I said in my previous post that an attack like this killed a 14 year old kid about 2 miles from my house and my daughter goes to the school as the attackers/victim.

I wish more 'fights' like this were news and garnered more attention.

This was not a fight, this was an attack and a beating. There was one kid, more or less by himself, trying to sit in an area with a group of kids who at least appear to know each other on some level. I believe the attack was more a case of 'mob mentality', where people in a group do things they may not normally do without that group around. Once the first kid pushes, then punches the victim, the group cheers, laughs, and generally eggs the attack on. In the second circumstance, the attacker has already seen that the victim will not fight back, the bus driver (more on him in a minute) will do nothing, and the rest of the kid reward an attacker, so he feels no shame or fear of retribution in attacking the victim. That is a typical thug move - my bet is that kid would NEVER do anything like that if the roles were reversed.

If I were in charge, the two attackers would be arrested and charged. If they are convicted, the face the full extent of the law. They would be expelled from school and their parents would be financially responsible for any medical or other related expenses incurred by the victim. If that means paying for him to have private transportation to school, too bad.

Next, the bus driver would be fired and also subject to a lawsuit. He obviously can see what is going on as he tells the kid to sit down at least twice. He should have stopped the bus and intervened in the beating. If he felt too afraid, he should have at least called police and have them intervene. What a coward!!!

Anyone seen cheering/assisting in the attack would be suspended (at least) and arrested (if they assisted the attack in any way). They would also lose their bus privilidges and their parents would be responsible for getting them to/from school.

At some point, violence in school needs to be addressed, harshly. I don't want to hear the parent's can afford to pay when their kids act up. Too bad - maybe you should parent in such a way as to not have your kids attack an innocent person.

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Barack Obama wasn't born in Kenya and traveled all the way to the United States for this.

We're in a post-racial world. All I see is one kid getting beat up by another kid and I judge both only by the content of their character.

Still it is valid to say that were it a black kid being beat by a white kid, with white kids cheering in the background, Sharpton and others would be all over it screaming "hate crime"

This was obviously "Hate Crime" and the guilty should be charged as such

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Maybe I'm just a little more sensitive to this type of attack, as I said in my previous post that an attack like this killed a 14 year old kid about 2 miles from my house and my daughter goes to the school as the attackers/victim.

I wish more 'fights' like this were news and garnered more attention.


At some point, violence in school needs to be addressed, harshly. I don't want to hear the parent's can afford to pay when their kids act up. Too bad - maybe you should parent in such a way as to not have your kids attack an innocent person.

Unfortunately these sort of beatings are becoming more and more common. "Back in the day," at least when I went to school, fights tended to be one on one affairs, so I don't know when this trend of group attacks began as a trend. And it is bad enough that guys do this, but girls are also becoming a bit on the nasty side, with girls brawling, often cheered on by guys, which is entirely befuddling to me.

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This has racism written all over it.


Yeah it does and it is some bull. Black people always wonder why other races look at them like they are crazy. It is because of stuff like this, because of the way they act on the train. Now I know that other races do crazy things, but black people take it to another level. And as a black man it pains me. I don't like seeing things like this. I want to see stories of teenagers getting 4.0s and blue ribbons. And it is the younger generation too. Them are the ones who want to act tough and think they are "thugged out" or whatever. Man that is for lames, I don't condone it, and I hurt when I see it.

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What cowards. The guy who hit him second, after he saw the kid not fight back in the first fight, is disgusting. He wanted to be all big and bad and beat someone up, but only after he knew the other kid wouldnt fight back. What a punk.

Kids preying on other kids like this is an all too common trend now a days. I don't know the circumstances of why this "fight" started, whether it was racially started or not, but I do know it is sick, and schools should not tolerate this type of behavior. I do applaud the school for taking action, and hopefully the two will be properly punished.

As for the bus driver, well, dont get me started. On a sidenote, a few weeks ago I remember a story about a football player wrestling a gun away from someone on a bus to prevent anything from happening and it had a video to it, when did cameras start being a fixture on school buses? Anyone know if it was a specific case like one of these and it clicked in someones mind that this would be a good idea?

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I don't think it's "obviously" race related. I mean what makes that obvious?

I grew up in a majority black/latino neighborhood. Never had a problem. The kid that got picked on the most? Some kid from Africa. I don't think kids that young are really that concerned with race. It's more of a cool kid/not cool kid thing.

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Still it is valid to say that were it a black kid being beat by a white kid, with white kids cheering in the background, Sharpton and others would be all over it screaming "hate crime"

This was obviously "Hate Crime" and the guilty should be charged as such

Oh, Sharpton, et al, would be all over this in a heart beat if it was reversed. I bet we don't hear one word from him.

But, I don't think you can tell from the video if was racially motivated. I think the cheering was probably due to kids being stupid kids. As for 'Hate Crimes', I don't think they should exist. A crimes a crime, but that discussion is for another thread.

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Oh, Sharpton, et al, would be all over this in a heart beat if it was reversed. I bet we don't hear one word from him.

But, I don't think you can tell from the video if was racially motivated. I think the cheering was probably due to kids being stupid kids. As for 'Hate Crimes', I don't think they should exist. A crimes a crime, but that discussion is for another thread.

The police should lock those 2 animals up that assulted that kid. get them off the street before they do somthing worse. Behavior like that reflects on their parents, therefore there is no chance for improvement on their part.

Jail is the only answer for some.

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The police should lock those 2 animals up that assulted that kid. get them off the street before they do somthing worse. Behavior like that reflects on their parents, therefore there is no chance for improvement on their part.

Jail is the only answer for some.

How about instead they get a group home where they can get an education or develop a skill, get some counseling, etc. That way they aren't getting out when they're 18/21 and having gone from school bully to hardened criminal with no hope for a future. Probably would be better for everyone, no?

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How about instead they get a group home where they can get an education or develop a skill, get some counseling, etc. That way they aren't getting out when they're 18/21 and having gone from school bully to hardened criminal with no hope for a future. Probably would be better for everyone, no?

Actually, the best thing that could happen to those kids would be for them to be locked up in a state juvenile institution far from their homes, their friends, and their lifestyle. They can learn a trade, will have an opportunity to get away from the peer pressure, and will be returned to society with a much better chance.

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Yeah it does and it is some bull. Black people always wonder why other races look at them like they are crazy. It is because of stuff like this, because of the way they act on the train. Now I know that other races do crazy things, but black people take it to another level. And as a black man it pains me. I don't like seeing things like this. I want to see stories of teenagers getting 4.0s and blue ribbons. And it is the younger generation too. Them are the ones who want to act tough and think they are "thugged out" or whatever. Man that is for lames, I don't condone it, and I hurt when I see it.


I am glad you said this. This is how everyone feels, but if I, or any other white person for that matter were to say this, it would be considered racist. Thank you for saying this.

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Looks like the local authorities have some 'grits' after all:


Students in Belleville school bus attack are charged

BELLEVILLE -- Two Belleville West High School students were charged under the juvenile code today with felony counts of aggravated battery stemming from the violent beating of a 17-year-old student on a school bus earlier this week.

The incident grabbed national headlines and incited a heated debate about race when police said the incident, involving a white victim and black assailants, may have been racially motivated. They later recanted that claim.

The two teenagers—who are 14 and 15 years-old—were charged as juveniles because they are under the age of 17. Illinois law shields the disclosure of their names because they are minors. <more at link>

I just hope the driver at least loses his job as well. Hopefully these two thugs get convicted.

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I am glad you said this. This is how everyone feels, but if I, or any other white person for that matter were to say this, it would be considered racist. Thank you for saying this.

Some would say that I am racist by saying that, but it is the truth. If you want people to to view you different, you have to act different. Now I am not saying you have to give your culture the cold shoulder, I am just saying that you have to think about what you are doing and how you look while doing. Punching a defenseless kid on a school bus is not a smart thing to do and it will garner some bad attention.

I just hope the driver at least loses his job as well. Hopefully these two thugs get convicted.

See that is what I am saying. When you act like thugs, you get called a thug. Now had they did something constructive maybe they would have gotten some props.

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The police should lock those 2 animals up that assulted that kid. get them off the street before they do somthing worse. Behavior like that reflects on their parents, therefore there is no chance for improvement on their part.

Jail is the only answer for some.

Yes, everyone who gets in a fight is a bad person with no chance for rehabilitation.

Well, it's just a black bully that was beating up on a white kid. No racial motivation. However, for some reason, it reminded me of what happened to Rosa Parks.

I actually had some black kid do that to me. He said something like, "You used to (referring to white people) do it to us, now I'm doing it to you." I thought to myself "None of my ancestors even lived in the United States when this happened, and didn't they try to make her sit in the back of the bus, not the front?"

Of course I didn't say those things because this guy was a true crazy thug (he stabbed his best friend in the chest), and luckily everyone told him to STFU and I got a seat. Most black kids in my neighborhood didn't seem to like sitting next to a white person they didn't know.

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Yes, everyone who gets in a fight is a bad person with no chance for rehabilitation.

That wasn't a fight. That was a cheap shot followed by a merciless beating. Anyone who can't resolve something like who can sit by them without beating someone to a pulp has no place in our society. Lock 'em up.

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All i'm saying is if the role's were reversed, the media would be labeling it a hate crime.

As a person with a light complexion, I couldn't care less. They're the ones who look dumb.

That wasn't a fight. That was a cheap shot followed by a merciless beating. Anyone who can't resolve something like who can sit by them without beating someone to a pulp has no place in our society. Lock 'em up.

It was bullying. There should be punishment, but I don't think any 15 year old is beyond help.

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