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Ambush at the Meadowlands


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I also hope that if we lose to the Giants again this year to start the season it isnt armageddon on this board come 7:30pm or whenever the final buzzer sounds...its one of 16 games and last year should show you that we can dig ourselves out of a 0-1 hole.

You know better than that, there will always be a few who lose their mind and proclaim the seasons over and we will never win another game again. If we do get beat, I hope it's a close well faught game that shows we took the extra step we needed to. NY is a great team after all, and this sure isn't going to be a walk in the park.

If we end up spanking the Giants good in their stadium, which no team has pushed them around there since they learned Coughlins system, that's a whole different step we just took. Hang the signs in FedEx, the road to Super Bowl 44 goes through here!

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I whole heartedly agree! I saw us win there once and it was a joy to behold the looks of shock and disbelief.

Whether I bet or not doesn't matter much because I already have a lot riding on this game and on this season. If a much-improved Redskins team fails to show up, I'll be forced to admit to myself that I don't know a damn thing about the NFL game.


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Thanks, MB.

We have a better punter. I expect Suisham to rebound --because kickers do that. As for our coverage, I think we have more young talent now than in recent years. I expect coverage to be just fine once the bell rings.

Totally agree about Hunter the Punter. I've just seen holes on Kickoff and Punt returns. We've been quite good on both the last few years, though, and we do have more youth than usual there. Hopefully thy will look better now that it's for real.

I'm cautiously optimistic about this year. The O-line worries me still because I just dont think it's going to remain healthy and we have no tackle depth at all. But..... if they do, I really dont see us having many holes. Campbell I think is solid and will have a pretty good year. Our WR's have been seriously upgraded. CP with a healthy O-line is what he is, one of the best. Defensively we have one of the best secondaries and now one of the best D-lines. If Orakpo can assimulate to SAM, our LB core will be exceptional. On paper, we do look like we can take the division if the O-line can hold up for 16+ games.

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Oldfan, I really appreciate your optimism. It seems as if you are really shooting for the moon this year, as I think during one of those prediction threads that you had us winning 13 games. Given that, is there a record you have in mind that, if we go below it, you'll be disappointed?

Also keep in mind that even if this team does not put its best foot forward Sunday, it is still a four-month long (and more, we hope) journey. A win in the Meadowlands would be nice, but we also have three straight games right after that we SHOULD win.

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Oldfan, I really appreciate your optimism. It seems as if you are really shooting for the moon this year, as I think during one of those prediction threads that you had us winning 13 games. Given that, is there a record you have in mind that, if we go below it, you'll be disappointed?

My prediction was 11-13 wins, so I start to get unhappy at ten.:D

Also keep in mind that even if this team does not put its best foot forward Sunday, it is still a four-month long (and more, we hope) journey. A win in the Meadowlands would be nice, but we also have three straight games right after that we SHOULD win.

True , but one reason for my optimism was that I expect the Giants to slip. I'd hate to find out that I was wrong about that Sunday.

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Oldfan, well done. I think the key to the game is Heyer, if he plays well we win.


Heyer's play will certainly be a significant factor. I think Blache has to unleash the dogs on Eli also. I hope not to see him spending too much of our resources on stopping the running game.

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Heyer's play will certainly be a significant factor. I think Blache has to unleash the dogs on Eli also. I hope not to see him spending too much of our resources on stopping the running game.

First game last season they seemed focused on Burress and the passing game, so Jacobs burned them according to Blache later -- on the rematch they focused on Jacobs and Eli burned them. Eli talked about that this week in the NY press.

The NY media seems to think the Eagles found a potential template to stop the Giants which is to stop Jacobs, now that the Giants don't have Burress. Jim Johnson said as much after the Eagles beat them -- that the Giants are much easier to defend without Burress, you stack up an extra safety in the box and take your chances with their receivers.

I know you aren't a big stop the run first guy -- but aren't their sometimes exceptions, didn't the Giants have one of the tops if not the top running game in the league last season?

I am all for bringing on pressure -- but I can't see how they can't focus some on Jacobs. I watched the NY news tonight on Direct TV, and the Giants talked about stopping Portis as their main mission and always is playing the Skins.

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I know you aren't a big stop the run first guy -- but aren't their sometimes exceptions, didn't the Giants have one of the tops if not the top running game in the league last season.

I said " I hope not to see him spending too much of our resources on stopping the running game."

Belichik's philosophy is to take away what the opponent's offense does best. That makes sense to me. But the Giants are a balanced offense. Stopping their run would not have the same priority as it would if the Vikings were the opponent.

Yes, the loss of Plaxico has probably weakened their passing game somewhat, but I hope Blache won't stack eight against the run unless seven with Haynesworth can't get the job done -- and it's hard for me to imagine that it can't. That's why Dan paid the man.

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Excellent thread, OF.

I will be looking for the face shot.

In fact, I have been anticipating it for weeks now.

He always looks so smug and in control.

I want to see him when the wheels come off.

No...I want to see him realizing that the wheels are getting ready to come off.

Whether we need this game or not,

This is one I want real, real bad.

I haven't been this excited for an opener in a long while.

And here is why:

This is valid.

But there is a big difference this year on the forum.

In the past, the same homers would always say 11-5 or 12-4, and it was always insane. Those people obviously had no idea what they were talking about.

This year......the posters that others called "haters", you know, the ones that have been absolutely correct.....those who have been negative on the franchise and have been correct, are starting to become positive.

That is the point at which you know the Skins are good. When the people who told you they were mediocre to awful, begin to tell you they are good.

It was the same in the stock market. Very few said we would crash. Those that did, were riciduled.

When the mkt later crashed, they were called genius.

When those bears began buying again, that was the sign that a bottom had been put in.

My advice? Never listen to the homers. They are broken records, and can't separate logic from emotion. Worthless in trying to gauge the team.

Look for changes from the formerly called "haters." They have been right, and they are the people who will likely be right again.

I have been reading these forums for a very long time, but only recently did I join up.

I noticed this trend as well, and I can't help but get excited over it.


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I don't want to shiat on anyone's parade but don't expect to much from the skins.like every game, every season, the skins always feel hyped coming out, but end up mediocre, regardless of what we do.

Besides that fact, we are going to **** the giants up!

LOL, I know the feeling, you'd think we'd learn, but what the hell....We are gonna bring it in NY!!!!!!


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I said " I hope not to see him spending too much of our resources on stopping the running game."

Belichik's philosophy is to take away what the opponent's offense does best. That makes sense to me. But the Giants are a balanced offense. Stopping their run would not have the same priority as it would if the Vikings were the opponent.

Yes, the loss of Plaxico has probably weakened their passing game somewhat, but I hope Blache won't stack eight against the run unless seven with Haynesworth can't get the job done -- and it's hard for me to imagine that it can't. That's why Dan paid the man.

OK if Haynsworth can pull that off terrific but they can work around him at least some I'd assume. I recall Barber (discovered later at the urging of Pierce) ran at Andre Carter like crazy. Bradshaw has the speed to run around the edges.

I am not so sure that the Giants have a balanced offense anymore, which seemed to be Jim Johnson's point. Ironically the only team that they were strong against in the passing game (I might be missing another) with Burress out was the Redskins last year. Toomer had a big game then. But he's gone now too.

I have never been a big Eli guy. He loved to lob ugly looking high passes to Burress, now he can't do that anymore. But will see. Hicks, Dixon, Smith -- at least on paper to me don't seem daunting. Boss is all right but is no Cooley. Who is their dangerous weapon now? One of those guys has to emerge.

The Cowboys have Witten who can kill you, the Eagles Jackson. The Giants?

Edit: rereading your post, we aren't far apart if at all on this point. Becuase my other thing about Eli is he seems to rattle under pressure, more so than the typical QB. If I recall he was blitzed (on the 5 man blitz) more than any QB last year. Their O line is formidable, so even with medicore WR's (and one potentially good one with their rookie, Nicks) he can still exploit the secondary.

I have stuck in my heads Jacobs big game against them in the opener last year. i was there, and it wasn't pretty. And in his day Barber would kill us. the Giants running game has been a thorn. But I love the idea of rattiling Eli too -- so some sort of balanced approach.

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The Cowboys have Witten who can kill you, the Eagles Jackson. The Giants?

Right now, no name pops to mind. But, I don't want Sunday's game to give us a name to answer your question. Blache has enough firepower to stop Jacobs AND Eli if he doesn't waste it worrying too much about Jacobs.

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Blache has enough firepower to stop Jacobs AND Eli if he doesn't waste it worrying too much about Jacobs.


I agree with Oldfan! :)

I worry about whether the right side of the Oline will hold up in pass pro and if the run blocking for Portis/Betts,etc will be there.

As for the OP, I hope you're right Oldfan.

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This is valid.

But there is a big difference this year on the forum.

In the past, the same homers would always say 11-5 or 12-4, and it was always insane. Those people obviously had no idea what they were talking about.

This year......the posters that others called "haters", you know, the ones that have been absolutely correct.....those who have been negative on the franchise and have been correct, are starting to become positive.

That is the point at which you know the Skins are good. When the people who told you they were mediocre to awful, begin to tell you they are good.

It was the same in the stock market. Very few said we would crash. Those that did, were riciduled.

When the mkt later crashed, they were called genius.

When those bears began buying again, that was the sign that a bottom had been put in.

My advice? Never listen to the homers. They are broken records, and can't separate logic from emotion. Worthless in trying to gauge the team.

Look for changes from the formerly called "haters." They have been right, and they are the people who will likely be right again.

:hysterical: A big difference this year on the forum? Are you serious? This had to be one of the most tumultuous, negative-feeling infested offseason in the history of ES! Not since 2006 have I seen anything like it.

lol... this is what you call damage control. All offseason you've been singing a different tune my man and you think you can disrespect those who've been confident throughout? Those who've believed, including Oldfan, who for some reason you seem to imply has been on your method the last two years? Now you want to label them as blind homers?

Oh, and the negative among us haven't been "confident" and aren't just suddenly becoming positive. They've just been quiet. Very quiet. Their lack of faith and negativity all offseason has led to what they fear will be a validation of their ignorance, a huge slap in the face. Ever since the third preseason game against New England, those who posted like mad men because they were obsessed with proving they knew this team sucked before everyone else have shown early signs of humiliation... creeping back into the realm of a few posts here and there. They feel sheepish for raining on the parade of any Redskin fan who simply believed this team could put it together, with the starting QB currently in place.

If we start to lose, you, along with the rest of them will be just as loud as ever. You can't fool us McD5. Don't make me show everyone the one stat that'll embarrass you, and might bring into question your true status as a fan or troll. I think you know what I'm talking about. I really was enjoying this thread until you came along and threw this junk out there. We're all happy that there's a lot to look forward to right now about this organization... don't come and put down those who had seen it coming. Just enjoy it with everyone else, and we'll forgive ya for your foolishness before. We'll laugh at you, but we'll forgive you. ;)

It was these "homers" you speak of who believed in last years draft, and it was you along with your negative crew that didn't.

It was these "homers" you speak of who believed in Malcolm Kelly, and it was you along with your negative crew that felt the need to use insulting language when it came to his knees.

It was these "homers" you speak of who believed in Jason Campbell, and it was you along with your negative crew that refused to believe he did anything good last season, and could do anything moving forward with this team.

It was these "homers" you speak of who believed the FO has been making sound decisions, and it was you along with your negative crew who refused to believe Vinnny/Danny (or as you guys love to call them Snyderatto) could do anything right.

It was these "homers" you speak of who believed Zorn could get it together and adjust after learning on the job, and it was you along with your negative crew who refused to believe he was anything but a stop gap.

It was these "homers" you speak of who always knew Portis was the best RB on this team bar none, and it was you and your... well, it was just you who was so blinded by that rage you've shown an impressive ability to target our players with that allowed you to not see it for years.

I say sit down and clap quietly in the background for the team you showed no patience with or faith in while the rest of us enjoy the rewarding feeling only one who shows patience through adversity can ever feel when that adversity is over with. After hardship comes ease. After hardship comes ease.

We'll see what happens if we somehow still struggle. We'll see what you say then. ;)

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Right now, no name pops to mind. But, I don't want Sunday's game to give us a name to answer your question. Blache has enough firepower to stop Jacobs AND Eli if he doesn't waste it worrying too much about Jacobs.

I am actually interested in watching their passing game, yeah and agree hopefully nobody emerges, they don't from what I have read have a burner, Nicks I read is big and strong but not as fast as Burress.

The Giants have had their share of injuries over the years but remarkably not on the offensive line, I believe its two years in a row with zip injuries there. It's not like its a young line either -- if their luck runs out this year, this team might not be as formidable as the NFL pundits think they are.

Eli has had almost everything you can dream of for a QB's supporting cast. One of the best if not best O lines in the game, ditto for the running game, and an elite receiving crew. At looks like he will lose at least one of those variables this year, possible two if their luck runs out on the O line.

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