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NY Daily News: Giants "Secondary looking thin"

Califan007 The Constipated

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Not sure if Dockery practiced today...gotta go check. Anyway, it's not looking too promising for the Giants' secondary, at least as of yesterday:

The same four players who sat out practice yesterday, sat out practice today. And that’s not good news for the Giants’ defense.

With CB Aaron Ross (hamstring) and CB Kevin Dockery (hamstring) still on the sidelines, it’s looking like undrafted rookie free agent Bruce Johnson will be the nickel back in the Giants’ defense on Sunday against the Washington Redskins. As I told you yesterday, Terrell Thomas has already been told that he’ll be starting opposite Corey Webster, which means Ross is definitely out. Dockery’s status is unclear. Tom Coughlin said yesterday his absence from practice was “precautiounary,” but if he sits out two days it’s likely a little more than that.

The real test, of course, will be in whether Dockery is on the field for practice tomorrow.

If Ross and Dockery are out, the secondary will suddenly look very then, with only three corners (Webster, Thomas, Johnson) and three safeties (Kenny Phillips, Michael Johnson, C.C. Brown).


Oh, and if you want to see THE world's ugliest, migraine-inducing web page, check out this Giants Twitter page lol:


I'm guessing this guy is a fan...but lord, I felt queasy after viewing that page for only a few seconds.

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Campbell just needs to stop being scared and throw the damn ball. Im sure that conversation that he had with Brett Favre on his ranch might help him actually stop being so carefull (Brett Favre doesnt give a crap about taking chances) If Campbell would learn to play like this he would be rediculous.

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Spread the dang offense out! No way can all our weapons be covered...

The Giants still have an dangerous D line that can make any secondary better.

*If* we can protect Campbell and Campbell plays well we could have a big day. If not, it wont matter what play is called and spreading us out may be the worst thing we can do.

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Campbell just needs to stop being scared and throw the damn ball. Im sure that conversation that he had with Brett Favre on his ranch might help him actually stop being so carefull (Brett Favre doesnt give a crap about taking chances) If Campbell would learn to play like this he would be rediculous.

he would also have a TD INT Ratio of 1-1.:logo:

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Four and five wide, lots of three step drops -- lots of RAC yardage from Tana, Kelly, Thomas, El and even Marko.

Exploit the heck out of those matchups and get the ball out quickly to beat that pass rush.

What he said ^^^

Only add Fred Davis to this. I'd love to see 4 wide with Kelley, Thomas, Davis & Marko..Yoder at TE to help with the blocking & an empty backfield.

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The game is there for the taking but it will depend on us. We are as healthy coming into a season as I can ever remember. We have multiple developing weapons on both offense and defense. It is going to come down to two things. Campbell and Zorn. Will we see the calm and cool Campbell that we saw against New England a couple of weeks ago or the indecisive, conservative Campbell of last year. And then has Zorn gameplanned plays to negate the Giants pass rush. I think we will do a good job on Brandon Jacobs because the key to stopping him is getting penetration up the middle. Haynesworth will obviously be a big help here but I think his presence will also be a huge factor in Cornelius Griffin being able to wreak havoc. He has been the #1 guy on the line for five years now and I believe that having the lines attention focused somewhere else will be huge for him.

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You can't show that page to us Asians. You know we get epileptic seizures when playing video games, staring into bright lights, etc. lol

I am so f-ing amped for sunday, and its only friday. last nights game was a joke.

Hopefully the Skins "make" that secondary look thin.

Me thinks their pass rush will be able to make up for it, though.

I dare them to send blitzers when we have 2 very dangerous deep threats

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Spread the dang offense out! No way can all our weapons be covered...

Remember that was the plan last year... with Sammy "OLD Timer" Knight and G. Wilson in the secondary....If JC isn't protected from that front 4 then it won't matter this year either. I pray Heyer shows up and Rabach can make the right line calls...I pray.

In Theory if we can by JC some time and all of our weapons running wild down the field should make for some explosive plays.

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Four and five wide, lots of three step drops -- lots of RAC yardage from Tana, Kelly, Thomas, El and even Marko.

Exploit the heck out of those matchups and get the ball out quickly to beat that pass rush.

I agree, even if the giants do get all of there secondary healthy enough to play, by the sounds of it they wont be 100 percent. So throw throw throw!! And Dont forget cooley, he should be in the mix as well to catch some balls as well.

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