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Tiger Woods throws his club at the Barclays


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Understanding someone's motivation does not equate to condoning their actions. I can understand why someone might commit suicide, I don't agree with it or support it.

Nobody else is motivated out on the course. Just Tiger. It's amazing. Philly Mick slams his club and curses all the time. Ernie Els too. Same with Vijay. And Goosen. And and and and and and and and.

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Are you serious??? You just condoned it in the very next sentence!

I would ask if you're serious, but I know you actually believe what you just typed and submitted it to this thread. I said I wasn't surprised, I'm not surprised when a wild animal attacks a hiker ... it's happens. Do I want it to happen, am I cool with it happening? No. But I know that if I go into a wild animal's element I might want to be concerned with what may happen to me.

Tiger throwing the club is not cool. But when I saw that video it didn't really shock and anger me. If he was ****ing back and tossing it as far as he could I'd be shocked and angered. But as someone who's golfed (nowhere near Tiger's level of pressure), who's played sports, who has competed in a number of areas and is very competitive, the reaction that he had doesn't surprise me. You'd hope that you don't see him throwing clubs all day like it's nothing, but sometimes you can't help but react, and at times it's tough to know how you're going to react when the time comes. As Chris Rock would say, "I'm not saying he shoulda thrown the club ... but I understand."

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Real simple. You have never been taught the etiquette. The unspoken rules that have been around LONG before Tiger showed up.

Well Tiger is around, and I hardly see a problem with him. Time for golf to evolve, because without him half of the courses around this country would be townhouse complexes. I would LOVE for my kid to watch Tiger, even if Tiger lips the F word every so often. Slamming clubs isn't that bad.

I know you have these predetermined "unspoken rules", but behavior has been evolving with the intensity levels in sports throughout the past century. Equate it to a batter getting pissed when he strikes out on a close pitch nowadays, or football player when no interferance is called these days. How about a basketball player when he disagrees with a foul?

Compare those reactions to the reactions of people in 1940. It's a completely different era. Time to catch up, golf. News flash, you're a tad boring.

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I would ask if you're serious, but I know you actually believe what you just typed and submitted it to this thread. I said I wasn't surprised, I'm not surprised when a wild animal attacks a hiker

What the **** does that mean??????????? So, you're saying that Tiger has an anger problem and thrwos temper tantrums and it is to be expected??? That's the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You condoned it because he is very motivated or whatever. C'mon, man. Why are you and others repeatedly defending this? Can you name 15-20 other golfers other than Tiger without googling it? I bet not. When did you start to play golf? I bet it's recently. Oh, he's so competitive. Like no other.

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because without him half of the courses around this country would be townhouse complexes.

HAHAHA...WRONG. It's amazing how old this sport is yet it just arrived in minds of people like you who would have never thought of playing.

I know you have these predetermined "unspoken rules", but behavior has been evolving with the intensity levels in sports throughout the past century. Equate it to a batter getting pissed when he strikes out on a close pitch nowadays, or football player when no interferance is called these days. How about a basketball player when he disagrees with a foul?

This is another story and another I completely disagree with. I was just speaking to my brother about it. Getting in a ref's face is almost mandatory nowadays. What the ****!

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That's right it just arrived in my mind, and for one reason, TIGER WOODS.

It's like hardcore golf fans don't want their sport to grow because it might actually change its machine-like personality. A lot more people might actually become interested in it, but wait, that might make your sport evolve. Good heavens no!

You're just a traditionalist, which is commendable. But everybody has to change their original diaper some time, and it stinks in here. Don't be afraid of change.

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That's right it just arrived in my mind, and for one reason, TIGER WOODS.

It's like hardcore golf fans don't want their sport to grow because it might actually change its machine-like personality. A lot more people might actually become interested in it, but wait, that might make your sport evolve. Good heavens no!

You're just a traditionalist, which is commendable. But everybody has to change their original diaper some time, and it stinks in here. Don't be afraid of change.

Yep, change to being a whiny brat when your shot doesn't go your way. Throw them clubs! Curse! Slam those clubs!

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You're just a traditionalist, which is commendable. But everybody has to change their original diaper some time, and it stinks in here. Don't be afraid of change.

I like golf the way it is...I cant stand going to these tournaments and seeing people wearing wife beaters and screaming 'IN THE HOLE!' on par 5's when they know Tiger has no shot of even coming close to getting a hole in one

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Yep, change to being a whiny brat when your shot doesn't go your way. Throw them clubs! Curse! Slam those clubs!

Hell yeah baby! Now we're talking.

The throwing clubs thing is reprehensable, but let a guy fighting for the top of the mountain within his profession curse a little when he makes a mistake. Jesus Christ! It's ****ing cursing!

Don't let your kids watch GOLF if it's too HARDCORE for them.

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Yep, change to being a whiny brat when your shot doesn't go your way. Throw them clubs! Curse! Slam those clubs!

Oh no not that... throw a club? This must be stopped immediately.

frankly I hope you win the debate. I hope golf remains an exclusive game for yuppies. I'd love nothing more than to never see a golf "highlight" on sportscenter ever again.

It's boring as hell and the only function it serves in the american sporting environment is to make baseball seem exciting.

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What the **** does that mean??????????? So, you're saying that Tiger has an anger problem and thrwos temper tantrums and it is to be expected??? That's the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You condoned it because he is very motivated or whatever. C'mon, man. Why are you and others repeatedly defending this? Can you name 15-20 other golfers other than Tiger without googling it? I bet not. When did you start to play golf? I bet it's recently. Oh, he's so competitive. Like no other.

Excuse me sir, but the foul language and yelling (as indicated by the plethora of exclamation points), should be toned down as outburst such as that should never be exhibited when engaging in any strenuous or otherwise frustrating and challenging activity. There may be some posters on here who regard you as a role model and I don't want them to think that's cool to do when arguing their points in the real world.

So because I'm not jumping on my pulpit preaching how horrible Tiger Woods is, and how bad an influence he is to our children, that equates to me condoning the action? Sorry if I don't share your zeal for golfing and it's rules. You're right, I haven't been golfing very long. It's not because of Tiger, just because I never had many opportunities to play coming up, wasn't exactly on the menu when I was a child, plus as I got older I didn't have many friends who just wanted to go out and hit some balls until recently.

Anyway, when I say I'm not surprised it means exactly that, I don't find it particularly shocking to see a guy who competes at a high-level react harshly when he screws up with thousands, even millions, of people watching him and tons of pressure, especially in the heat of the moment. I'm not saying it's the right thing to do, I'm not saying I hope everyone does it, I'm not saying he's a better competitor than any other golfer who didn't/doesn't react in the same manner. Just saying that it doesn't make me think that he's any less of a man, golfer or role model if someone chose to make him such.

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Hell yeah baby! Now we're talking.

The throwing clubs thing is reprehensable, but let a guy fighting for the top of the mountain within his profession curse a little when he makes a mistake. Jesus Christ! It's ****ing cursing!

Don't let your kids watch GOLF if it's too HARDCORE for them.

C'mon, man. You picked out cursing out of the 3 examples and the cursing is the one I least have a problem with. You agreed with the throwing clubs so I would assume you would agree with slamming clubs because that looks even more child-like. See, we can agree on something! Yay!!!!!

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EVERY COMPETITOR THROWS A TEMPER TANTRUM ... from time to time. :silly:
But it is pretty easy to see why a guy who competes at the highest level of his sport loses his cool.
But I know that if I go into a wild animal's element I might want to be concerned with what may happen to me.

...but sometimes you can't help but react, and at times it's tough to know how you're going to react when the time comes. As Chris Rock would say, "I'm not saying he shoulda thrown the club ... but I understand."

I don't find it particularly shocking to see a guy who competes at a high-level react harshly when he screws up with thousands, even millions, of people watching him and tons of pressure, especially in the heat of the moment.

  • Main Entry: con·done
  • Pronunciation: \kən-ˈdōn\
  • Function: transitive verb
  • Inflected Form(s): con·doned; con·don·ing
  • Etymology: Latin condonare to absolve, from com- + donare to give — more at donation
  • Date: 1805

: to regard or treat (something bad or blameworthy) as acceptable, forgivable, or harmless

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  • Main Entry: con·done
  • Pronunciation: \kən-ˈdōn\
  • Function: transitive verb
  • Inflected Form(s): con·doned; con·don·ing
  • Etymology: Latin condonare to absolve, from com- + donare to give — more at donation
  • Date: 1805

: to regard or treat (something bad or blameworthy) as acceptable, forgivable, or harmless

Fair enough. Though my point has always been that I'm not a fan of his actions in throwing the club, I do find it to be forgivable as I do understand and know what it's like to have a moment of rage in tense situations. I never said it was harmless, because throwing a club is obviously the furthest from safe. I just think the seeming outrage over the toss of the club is a bit melodramatic.

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Golf is a gentleman's sport. I know people who don't know golf etiquette will have no clue...but you just don't slam your clubs, yell curse words, and now throw your clubs. You just don't do it.

you're also supposed to wear a collared shirt when you play golf. something tells me you're shirtless by hole #4.

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Fair enough. Though my point has always been that I'm not a fan of his actions in throwing the club, I do find it to be forgivable as I do understand and know what it's like to have a moment of rage in tense situations. I never said it was harmless, because throwing a club is obviously the furthest from safe. I just think the seeming outrage over the toss of the club is a bit melodramatic.

Cool, man. I can agree with that. Basically, my whole point is that I just wish Tiger knew better. Everybody thinks with age, he will mature and get better at not having so many outbursts and fits of rage...but it seems to happen more and more.

you're also supposed to wear a collared shirt when you play golf. something tells me you're shirtless by hole #4.

You forgot a smiley? :silly:

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That's the problem. What will the PGA do about it? Most likely nothing unless a public outrage occurs, which it won't. I've been playing golf for about 20 years way before Tiger came along. Over the last few years, I have seen absolutely ridiculous behavior by kids on the golf course. Is this attributed to Tiger's behavior? I say yes.

Tiger has gotten more people to play golf, so it's more likely to get see people with tempers on the golf course considering there's more people.

What's wrong with releasing frustration and tossing a club anyway? As long as you're not aiming for anyone, so what?

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