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Tiger Woods throws his club at the Barclays


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Playing against yourself is far more frustrating than playing against other people if you're the extremely competitive type. You also can't really channel your anger into playing harder in a game of finesse.

Then how come Jack Nickolaus never gets angry like that? Since he is the best?

I mean, Tiger Woods is going to break his records and he's still angry? Talk about a guy who is living proof that he can't be happy when living in paradise.

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Then how come Jack Nickolaus never gets angry like that? Since he is the best?

I mean, Tiger Woods is going to break his records and he's still angry? Talk about a guy who is living proof that he can't be happy when living in paradise.

Or he's so driven he expects more out of himself once in awhile.
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Playing against yourself is far more frustrating than playing against other people if you're the extremely competitive type. You also can't really channel your anger into playing harder in a game of finesse.

Yeah, channel that anger by throwing clubs, cursing, and slamming clubs. Everything's cool.

It hasn't happened in years, but I've thrown a club before.

Hell, I've even thrown a club further than the ball I hit, (which precipitated the thrown club in the first place)

Big deal.

Are you the most visible golfer on the planet? Other than your own, do kids look up to you and watch you on television?


They simply have different personality types.

Yep that's it. Couldn't be respect for the sport. Nope. How many golfers tee it up every week? 128? 156??? Tiger is the one who does this. And he does it several times a round!

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Nicklaus used to absolutely seethe on the course. He was as competitive as it gets. The reason Arnold Palmer was so popular was that he was the happy, engaging, approachable superstar as a counterpoint to Jack's icy, ultra-competitive demeanor. Tiger's intensity is nothing new, he just exists in the age of youtube...

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Or he's so driven he expects more out of himself once in awhile.

Nicklaus definitely may have had a more casual approach to his game. Let himself go a little about halfway through his PGA career before getting it back in gear and neglected his short game, knowing that he could get by simply on his driving distance.

Yep that's it. Couldn't be respect for the sport. Nope. How many golfers tee it up every week? 128? 156??? Tiger is the one who does this. And he does it several times a round!

Incidentally, he's also the most successful.

Edit: I stand somewhat corrected on the Nicklaus comment. I'll go with it, though.

Nicklaus used to absolutely seethe on the course. He was as competitive as it gets.
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I don't get it.... Anyone ever play golf before? If it were me, and I had a gun, I would have been blasting away at the greens.

Okay, that's ****ing hilarious!!! This is us. We're not Tiger. There aren't fans watching us and cheering us on. They're aren't kids following our every move.

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Tiger's job is to play golf. The responsibility of teaching kids good sportsmanship falls primarily to parents and coaches.

Tiger's job is to display good sportsmanship. Not teach it. Basically, you're saying that it's all his father's fault that Tiger is acting that way.

Not true. Tiger's father is a good man.

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One of the first things my dad taught me about golf 30+ years ago. It was part of the etiquette of the game. I was with 2 friends of mine on the HAFB golf course way back in the mid 80's when a retired guy asked if we needed a 4th. Sure we said. About the 5th hole,he duffed one. He followed that with a shot in to the trees. He followed that with a shot in to the trees on the other side of the fairway. At that point in time he proceeded to beat the hell out of the tree beside him and then his golf bag with his iron. We just watched and shook our heads. I don't think he even made it to 9 before he left. One of the most surprising,horrible displays I've ever seen.

What Tiger did wasn't close to that,but it was disappointing to see. Tiger,like many of his peers now and before him,are held to a higher standard. Right or wrong,that's the reality of the situation. What he did there is something you just don't do. Of course,like everyone else,Tiger,(like most of his before mentioned peers) has his bad days too. This was one of them. And overall,it's not as big of a deal,(though it's not a minor one where the PGA is concerned especially),as it will probably be made out to be . It is and will be a big deal because of who he is more than it is about the game of golf. Again,just like those peers. It's not the end of the world and I doubt we'll see kids throwing clubs to the ground like that by the thousands any time in the near future. I'm sure he'll discuss this and talk about how this isn't the thing to do as will any parents and/or coaches out there who have kids golfing. Just like my dad did. He's about the best golfer I've ever seen imho. Hopefully he'll be able to hold in this temper better down the road. Like Jack said,(and Jack had a temper himself):

"Ask yourself how many shots you would

have saved if you never lost your temper, never

got down on yourself, always developed a

strategy before you hit, and always

played within your own capabilities."

Jack knew from experience.

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Great post, PCS.

Tiger's job is to display good sportsmanship. Not teach it. Basically, you're saying that it's all his father's fault that Tiger is acting that way.

Not true. Tiger's father is a good man.

If Tiger is not doing his job then the PGA should be taking action against him. I also never said or implied that his poor sportsmanship is his father's fault. You can absolutely drill good sportsmanship into someone's head all you want but they will still ultimately have the free will decline to follow through on what they've been taught.

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Yeah, so there you have it, kids. Throw them clubs. Curse it up. Slam that driver in the ground. Tiger does it and look how successful he is.

hahaha, this has gotten comical. I don't think anyone is condoning it. But it is pretty easy to see why a guy who competes at the highest level of his sport loses his cool. It's not something anyone wants to see, and it's not good sportsmanship, but it's not that hard to see why he may go off on his tantrums. He may be the worst out there at hiding his true feelings when he screws up, but it doesn't make him the most deplorable person in the world. I think most are just acknowledging that no one is perfect.

Also I think more people are mimicking Happy Gilmore as he made the whole flipped out golfer thing funny. All kids are stupid, I was, your kids are/will be, my kid will be, even you were dumb as a kid and probably thought doing some dumb **** out there was funny/cool. If they are being influenced solely by Tiger and his outbursts, then this is obviously a time in which we learn a valuable lesson about not making sports figures/actors/tv personalities role models. Because when their imperfections come to life, you may find you're following the wrong person's lead. I hope you've taken the time to go and educate those kids about what proper etiquette is on a golf course when you see them doing such things.

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I love Tiger's attitude. I don't care about golf's overly-pompous stranglehold on behavior. I mean on one hand, it's actually amazing to watch huge crowds stay completely silent (for the most part) when players are shooting. On the other hand I don't see why people can't appreciate the raw emotion Tiger shows while playing the game they love along with him.

When it comes down to it, this is part of the reason some people don't consider it a sport. Intensity is limited to fist pumps and waving to crowds with a fake smile. If you read the lips of somebody saying the F word it's taken note of? Give me a God damned break.

I know that "it's just the way you're supposed to act", and what Tiger did was a mistake. He's being called out, which is warranted. But as far as screaming and slamming your club or cussing on TV, whatever man. Remember to give your kids blindfolds and earplugs before they go in to the real world. If Tiger is their role model, they are in good shape.

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I like Tiger Woods. I have grown up watching him when he was 18 all the way to his current age.

I must agree that Tiger has revolutionized the game and that he has influenced me to play golf harder.

The one thing I don't like is his attitude. That is why I have been posting on here.

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I'm sure he'll discuss this and talk about how this isn't the thing to do

I'll be waiting. The Barclays ended on August 30th. Where's the speech?

hahaha, this has gotten comical. I don't think anyone is condoning it. But it is pretty easy to see why a guy who competes at the highest level of his sport loses his cool.

Are you serious??? You just condoned it in the very next sentence!

I love Tiger's attitude. I don't care about golf's overly-pompous stranglehold on behavior. I mean on one hand, it's actually amazing to watch huge crowds stay completely silent (for the most part) when players are shooting. On the other hand I don't see why people can't appreciate the raw emotion Tiger shows while playing the game they love along with him.

When it comes down to it, this is part of the reason some people don't consider it a sport. Intensity is limited to fist pumps and waving to crowds with a fake smile. If you read the lips of somebody saying the F word it's taken note of? Give me a God damned break.

I know that "it's just the way you're supposed to act", and what Tiger did was a mistake. He's being called out, which is warranted. But as far as screaming and slamming your club or cussing on TV, whatever man. Remember to give your kids blindfolds and earplugs before they go in to the real world. If Tiger is their role model, they are in good shape.

Real simple. You have never been taught the etiquette. The unspoken rules that have been around LONG before Tiger showed up.

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