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Rumor: A Current Redskin beats his high school son with a bat


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I'm not sure if anyone else heard this this morning but they talked about this from about 9am-10am on DC 101.

On the way down to Kings Dominion this morning, my friend and I were listening to The Elliot Show and he was talking about how parents used to beat the kids with belts or spank them when they did something bad and how this hardly ever occurs now-a-days. A lady called in and claimed that her neighbor is a current Redskin (she lives in the Ashburn area) and that she had witnessed the player beat his son with a bat. She said that he would hit him in the knee and in the ribs.

She went on to say that many neighbors have called the cops but nothing has really happened. She also said that the player and her husband aren't very good friend and that they've cursed each other out many times. She also said that her husband (claimed to be 6'7"-6'8") could easily beat this players ass given the size difference. She wouldn't give any hints as to who it was besides the fact that his number was double digit and that he is a pretty popular player.

After the lady caller, a younger guy called and said that he worked at a hotel close to where the lady lives and said that he has seen the same player (don't know how he knows who the player is) go into the hotel alone rent a room for only a couple hours and pay in cash. He went on to say that the player has a Georgia license and told Elliot the players name off the air.

Now the only 2 guys that I can think of that are from Georgia and are old enough to have a son in high school are Phillip Daniels and Randy Thomas. Neither of them seem like the type of father that would beat their own son at all, let alone a bat. Also neither of them I would consider to be "small" and both are very strong.

Maybe she was misstaken and that her neighbor isn't a current Redskin but I just thought I should share what I heard...

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Irresponsible rumor spreading. Not what you are doing, but what this lady and another anonymous caller are doing. If someone is honest to God committing child abuse and whacking your son with a baseball bat can't be anything but child abuse, then you do everything in your power to protect the kid. If police and social service ignore it and you keep seeing it, get your cell phone out video tape it, take some pics, get it on you-tube, and fire up the media. Protect the kid.

Making anonymous allegations without even naming the player makes me think this is garbage. You act or you don't act. You don't half step and do nothing.

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Considering that you're 17, that's a pretty good piece you wrote up. While I'm not calling you a liar, you have to keep in mind how you present information. DC 101 did not report this. This is just a rumor that some (random) people created. For all we know, they may have been sitting next to each other during those calls. There may be substance to it and there may not be. However, you should state that it's a rumor in your title.

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I remember a WHILE ago on the radio they mentioned there's a current Redskin player who is gay and people called in about it and the radio host knew who it was but wouldn't so. Don't know if that picked up any heat.. probably will die just like this.

P.S. why in the hell weren't you listening to ESPN 980!?!?!

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I would probably change your thread title to exclude the current source you have posted. I seriously expected a real news article when I clicked on this thread and not a rumor you heard on the radio.

Put "rumor" or something instead. I don't know. Just seems bad to put a source in the thread title when it was just a caller...

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I hope this is simply a rumor. Like earlier poster said, I was REALLY worried when I opened this thread. Sounds pretty bogus

Kinda reminded me of 2 years ago when I came to extreme skins with the thread title "A current Redskin has been shot"

All I was thinking when clicking on that was please dont be Sean Taylor please dont be Sean Taylor....

And the rest is history....

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I doubt it's a baseball bat, maybe one of those plastic whiffle ball bats. I've been hit with worse. Besides, I hit my kids with stuff all the time; pillows, cardboard tubes from wrapping paper, noodles for swimming, elbows, knuckle sandwiches.

I mean, depending on the intent it's not that big of a deal. I'm sure if I had a whiffle ball bat I'd whack them a good one on the arse for a lark.

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I will vouge for the OP, I heard it too on Elliot in the morning, as well as my friend, and we talked about it wondering who it was. Apparantly it is one "of the smaller Redskins", so I wonder who it could be....

Or it could just be a silly rumor, who knows.

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I'm sorry but if Burress gets put in jail for 2 years for shooting himself, and Vick gets 2 years for dog fighting, there's no way the police would overlook a Redskins player who was beating his son in the ribs and knees with a baseball bat in the front yard.

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