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Which colleges have produced more successful NBA and NFL players?!


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Pipeline to the NFL? Big states, schools are key

• NFL teams have selected 136 Hurricanes, more than any other school. Florida State (125) is second followed by Tennessee (120), Ohio State (116) and Notre Dame (115). Miami takes advantage of homegrown talent — 66% of its draft picks are from Florida.

• Think the best football is played in the Southeastern Conference? The SEC, now 12 teams strong, leads all conferences with 754 players drafted. The Big Ten and Pac-10 are second at 649.

NFL Draft: Finding the Talent

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University of Miami.


Florida State.

North Carolina.


Michigan State.


These are just the school I can name off the top of my head this morning.

What do you mean by successful? Like sticking around at the end of the bench for multiple years? Or being an all star at least once? Or being a flat out star?

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