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Greatest Cameo Ever?


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I was just watching Coming to America for about the third time ever, but I must have had inconvenient bathroom breaks or something the first two times, because this was the first I'd seen of Akeem giving money to the homeless Randolph and Mortimer Duke. It was hilarious, and definitely produced an "OMG" moment for me.

Off the top of my head, I'd now rate that as my favorite cameo of all-time, but I know there are some other damn good ones. Anyone got a few to throw out there?

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Arthur Clarke appeared twice in 2010.

The first is when Heywood Floyd (Roy Scheider) goes to Washington to convince the head of the NCA that they should send three Americans on a Russian spacecraft to Discovery. The conversation takes place on a park bench in front of the White House. Arthur Clarke is an Old Guy on a park bench, feeding pigeons.

The second is when David Bowman returns to Earth as the classic sci-fi Superior Energy Being, to visit his dying mother in a nursing home. He brushes Mom's hair, and she dies. Cut to the nurses station, where the Code Blue alarm goes off. Nurse throws a magazine on the monitor as she jumps up.

The magazine is Time. Cover art shows the White House, and the Kremlin. US and Russian flags. Two faces (supposedly the US and Russian Presidents), and the word "WAR?". The two faces were Arthur Clarke and Stanley Kubrick.


Danny Glover in Maverick.

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How about this one:

Alec Baldwin in Glengary Glen Ross. (I think it was a short enough role to qualify as a cameo and let's face it, it was probably the best part that he's ever played).

Coffee is for closers.

F*&k you, that's my name!

Great stuff.

How about Stan Lee and Lou Ferrigno in the incredible Hulk movie?

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I liked Lee's cameo as Hugh Hefner in Iron Man

Bill Bixby's cameo in Hulk was pretty cool.

Does Tom Cruise count for Tropic Thunder? He's not listed in the credits I don't think, and in an already hilarious movie, his character was over the top knock me on the floor funny.


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Martin Sheen in Hot Shots 2

"Loved you in Wall Street!"

BTW, another satire of that one I saw:

Apocalypse Now
, Francis Ford Coppola appears in the "Ride of the Valkeries" scene as a journalist on the beach with a camera, filming the firefight, while yelling "Don't look at the camera! Just keep going. Like you're fighting!"

If the satire,
Pork Lips Now
, (in which our central character is cruising up Hollywood Boulevard in a convertible), Fred "Ford" Foselius (sp?) appears in the front lawn of a house, with a camcorder, yelling "Don't look at the camera! Like you're acting!"

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Is a cameo when the actor/actress portrays themselves or the character they are most associated with?

I just finished watching Naked Gun 331/3. There was both in that one. I liked when the Brady Bunch Alice appeared. Struck me a pretty funny. Funny show although it drug at the end.

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