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Per 980 Twitter: Stallworth Suspended All Season, No Pay


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How the hell can you say the punishment fit the crime?


I can guarantee if he killed one of your relatives etc you would feel entirely different on the subject.

What if it was your brother? Your mother?

I'm sure you would say:

"Ah. Bummer. But he paid for his crime."

See what Stallworth did was make a huge, tragic mistake, and he did not run from it. Also, it was known that he was not the only one at fault that night, the man he killed ran out into traffic, which played a large role into why he was hit and killed that morning. The DA knew Stallworth was not fully to blame because of the actions of the man who was killed. It's not like Stallworth went out meaning to kill someone that night/morning, it was once again a horrible, tragic mistake.

For you to condem his like this, it must mean that you've never gone out and drank then driven home? If you have then cast the stone; however, if you have gone out and drank then driven home then who are you to condem Stallworth for what he did, because you were just lucky enough not to have someone to run out in the middle of traffic and be unfortunate enough that he happens to run out in front of your vehicle.

Also, if this case was my mother or brother and there were witnesses who said he/she darted out into traffic illegally to catch the bus and was accidently killed because of it, then I would of course be upset; however, I couldn't fully place the blame on Stallworth's shoulders because of the actions of my family member.

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That's a slap on the wrist, dude. Killing a man while under the influence and you get only 24 days in jail, 5 years probation, 2 years house arrest, and suspended this season? That's it? That's way too light. Another human being is dead because of his stupidity. I get so tired of hearing professional athletes say they're sorry and they take responsibilities for their actions. The only thing they're sorry about is the fact that they got caught. And to think Vick got two years in prison for what he did. That's jacked up for real. Something's not right.

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I get so tired of hearing professional athletes say they're sorry and they take responsibilities for their actions. The only thing they're sorry about is the fact that they got caught. And to think Vick got two years in prison for what he did. That's jacked up for real. Something's not right.

So you're tired of hearing professional athletes say they're sorry and take responsibilities for their actions? So you would rather them go down Vick's route of taking no responsibility and saying "I'm Michael Vick and no matter what happens the world is going to love me!" Vick never was charged for his dog fighting crimes, he got a slap on the wrist for killing all of those dogs by the Surry DA. Vick was charged for financing a gambling ring and illegal drug trafficking charges.

There's a huge difference between what Stallworth did and what Vick did. Stallworth made a MISTAKE, and a large one at that, while Vick committed a crime for 6 years every single day, woke up day after day and continued to do the same thing he had done the previous day. Vick then went on the defensive and denied and lied his ass off to his employers (Goodell and Blank), while Stallworth owned up to his crime, stayed at the scene, didn't deny anything and allowed the judical process to take place. You can't compare what Stallworth and Vick did, because it's comparing apples to oranges.

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So you're tired of hearing professional athletes say they're sorry and take responsibilities for their actions? So you would rather them go down Vick's route of taking no responsibility and saying "I'm Michael Vick and no matter what happens the world is going to love me!" Vick never was charged for his dog fighting crimes, he got a slap on the wrist for killing all of those dogs by the Surry DA. Vick was charged for financing a gambling ring and illegal drug trafficking charges.

There's a huge difference between what Stallworth did and what Vick did. Stallworth made a MISTAKE, and a large one at that, while Vick committed a crime for 6 years every single day, woke up day after day and continued to do the same thing he had done the previous day. Vick then went on the defensive and denied and lied his ass off to his employers (Goodell and Blank), while Stallworth owned up to his crime, stayed at the scene, didn't deny anything and allowed the judical process to take place. You can't compare what Stallworth and Vick did, because it's comparing apples to oranges.

Yeah, I'm tired of it. They KNOW what they're doing is wrong, yet they continue to do it. Remember, it's not Stallworth's first time in trouble with the law. And it'd been hard for Stallworth to deny his crime, don't ya think?

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And to think Vick got two years in prison for what he did. That's jacked up for real. Something's not right.

Vick organized a crime ring. Stallworth got drunk and wasn't even found completely responsible for the accident. Are you really arguing that a drunk driver that hits a person that ran out into traffic is a bigger criminal, a bigger threat to society, than someone that organizes and illegal crime organization spanning multiple states?

Oh right... Vick just hurt some dogs right? yeah... keep telling yourself that bull****.

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What would happen if Stallworth was sober when this happened? It's not like the guy drove on the sidewalk like grand theft auto.
I don't think he would have been punished at all. If they only gave him DAYS in prison for being drunk that means there was good reason to think he wasn't responsible for the accident. DA's don't go soft on famous people, they all want a big name conviction as a nice feather in their cap. Think of what they tried to do to Taylor and what they are doing to Plaxico (3 years for shooting yourself?!).
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The guy was crossing a median on a highway in the middle of the night. I'm sorry but he risked getting hit. Would stallworths reaction time been quicker had he not been drunk? probably. But at the same time, it's not like he was out of control and hit the dude on a side walk. HE WAS CROSSING A HIGHWAY, he risked getting hit.

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See what Stallworth did was make a huge, tragic mistake, and he did not run from it. Also, it was known that he was not the only one at fault that night, the man he killed ran out into traffic, which played a large role into why he was hit and killed that morning. The DA knew Stallworth was not fully to blame because of the actions of the man who was killed. It's not like Stallworth went out meaning to kill someone that night/morning, it was once again a horrible, tragic mistake.

For you to condem his like this, it must mean that you've never gone out and drank then driven home? If you have then cast the stone; however, if you have gone out and drank then driven home then who are you to condem Stallworth for what he did, because you were just lucky enough not to have someone to run out in the middle of traffic and be unfortunate enough that he happens to run out in front of your vehicle.

Also, if this case was my mother or brother and there were witnesses who said he/she darted out into traffic illegally to catch the bus and was accidently killed because of it, then I would of course be upset; however, I couldn't fully place the blame on Stallworth's shoulders because of the actions of my family member.

First off.

I don't drink.

Secondly, you can never ever justify what he did. He was drunk. Plain and simple.

Regardless if you think it's a 'tragic' mistake. The facts of the matter are that he killed someone.

Was it in self defense?

Was he fearful of his life?


He was drunk and hit a pedestrian.

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:doh::doh::doh::doh:I did not say that at all. Everytime anyone gets behind the wheel there is a possibility of accidentally killing someone. There are plenty of people that have had accidents and killed someone with a car and never served time. Stallworth did not intend on killing anyone. Vick had every intention on doing exactly what he did.

An accident and being drunk and high driving a car are not equal.

An accident is when your brakes cease to function and you hit someone.

When you get behind the steering wheel drunk and high you have every intention of causing an accident.

It is verifiable as well as proven that your cognitive abilities are impaired when under the influence.

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I think the fact that the guy dashed into the middle of the road, at night, without giving Stallworth much of a reasonable chance to stop in time AND the fact that he didn't try to run despite knowing he was intoxicated and that would be trouble are huge factors in why his sentence was as light as it was and I agree with that. Yes, drinking and driving is dangerous and irresponsible but, in this case, it was not the cause of the accident. I mean, if someone plows into you and dies while you're stopped at a red light is that automatically vehicular manslauther because you were drunk? There still has to be fault there, regardless of intoxication.

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not to drag michael vick into this, but lets take a gander:

stallworth drives drunk and kills a man - serves almost no jail time, one year suspension from NFL.

michael vicks runs a cruel dogfighting ring and gets almost 2 years in jail, and probably a 4 game suspension.

someone explain this to me.

All I see is that Stallworth is getting a year suspension while Vick just gets 4 games. Driving drunk should be a minimum of a year in jail. Driving drunk, and killing a guy, deserves at least 5-10.

Our legal system seems worse than the NFL's punishment system.

Intent has something to do with it. One is very malicious and the other was an "accident". Although Stallworth was drunk and killed a man, there was no intent whatsoever. That was not what he set out to do. Vick on the otherhand, bankrolled the operation, owned dogs particpating and he participated in brutally killing dogs that did not perform. Vick knew what he was doing and had every intention on keeping the operation going, until he got caught.

Are you sure everything you said there is true. I'm not sure, but I don't think Vick plead guilty to all those things.

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An accident and being drunk and high driving a car are not equal.

An accident is when your brakes cease to function and you hit someone.

When you get behind the steering wheel drunk and high you have every intention of causing an accident.

It is verifiable as well as proven that your cognitive abilities are impaired when under the influence.

just agree to disagree in this case. both sides are valid.

you have to look at the fact that he was comparing what vick did to what stallworth did, in that vick was consciously and in sound mind killing dogs while stallworths mind was altered and he did not have the intention of killing someone. it's one of the differences between 1st and 2nd degree murder.

yes, you should know better than to drive a car drunk/high, but both those things can alter the way you think.

so lets just hang this up.

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good- I was afraid it wouldn't be that long. The only reason he isn't in jail for a few years is that he is an NFL player- and could pay off the family. If it had been my family- I would not have accepted the money and wanted him in jail.

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good- I was afraid it wouldn't be that long. The only reason he isn't in jail for a few years is that he is an NFL player- and could pay off the family. If it had been my family- I would not have accepted the money and wanted him in jail.

I don't understand why the family would get money just because a family-member dies. It's fair to give them something if the dead person was the breadwinner in the family, but to pay them an exorbitant amount to ease their sorrows is lame.

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not to drag michael vick into this, but lets take a gander:

stallworth drives drunk and kills a man - serves almost no jail time, one year suspension from NFL.

michael vicks runs a cruel dogfighting ring and gets almost 2 years in jail, and probably a 4 game suspension.

someone explain this to me.

Several years ago, his BAC wouldn't have been illegal. It's the M.A.D.D. prohibitionists who have demonized alcohol consumption. The guy walked out in front of him. This was a total accident. I think he shouldn't have even been suspended. A B.A.C. of .15 should be limit. .08 is way too harsh.

Vick shouldn't even be allowed to come back for another year or two.

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:doh::doh::doh::doh:I did not say that at all. Everytime anyone gets behind the wheel there is a possibility of accidentally killing someone. There are plenty of people that have had accidents and killed someone with a car and never served time. Stallworth did not intend on killing anyone. Vick had every intention on doing exactly what he did.

True. But EVERYONE knows that drinking and driving is a horrible idea and is ILLEGAL. I'm not making any excuses for Vick, but to say Stallworth didn't know what he was doing is a little silly.

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Vick organized a crime ring. Stallworth got drunk and wasn't even found completely responsible for the accident. Are you really arguing that a drunk driver that hits a person that ran out into traffic is a bigger criminal, a bigger threat to society, than someone that organizes and illegal crime organization spanning multiple states?

Oh right... Vick just hurt some dogs right? yeah... keep telling yourself that bull****.

I agree with this 100%. Like I said in the other thread, several years ago Stallworth's B.A.C. wouldn't have been considered illegal. I think the laws are way too tough on drunk driving, but that's just my opinion. I think Goodell is just appeasing the M.A.D.D. prohibitionists.

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An accident and being drunk and high driving a car are not equal.
I never said it was.
An accident is when your brakes cease to function and you hit someone.
When you get behind the steering wheel drunk and high you have every intention of causing an accident.
:hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:Now your are trying to be a comedian or an idiot. I cannot tell which.
It is verifiable as well as proven that your cognitive abilities are impaired when under the influence.
Thanks Captain Obvious.
True. But EVERYONE knows that drinking and driving is a horrible idea and is ILLEGAL. I'm not making any excuses for Vick, but to say Stallworth didn't know what he was doing is a little silly.
Reread the bolded area of what you quoted. I never once implied Stallworth did not know what he was doing. I explicitly said that Stallworth did not get in his car and look for someone to run over. His intention was to drive home without harming anyone. The pedestrian ran out in front of him, at night, on a highway, at the last second.
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