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WND: Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez


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Wrong Himmler:silly:

You are free to disobey any order you feel unlawful...and you better hope you ain't wrong:chair:

I think that's accurate. You don't swear fidelity to the President, but to defend the constitution.

Just to diverge from popular sentiment here for a moment. So far their have been what 14 court cases against Obama for not being born in the US. All have been thrown out of court before being heard because of no standing from those bringing the case.

Is it possible that this guy would have legal standing. I don't know. Either way I don't think they have a case against Obama. Even if all their suspicions are correct, and the Governor, local newspaper from 1962, Atterney General were all lieing) which is unlikely, the tin foil hat folks still only have a technical case, not something that would really negate Obama's election.

Fact is Mitt Romney's father was born in Mexico and lived their for more than a decade after birth, and the courts said he was eligible to run for President. Mitt's father being born to two Mormons involved in a poligamy who fled the US after poligamy was outlawed. Both of mitt's parrents were American, and only one of Obama's is; but Obama even if you believe the conspiracy folks came to the US within days, not decades.

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Something to add: there is such a thing as "stop loss," where they issue orders to a particular unit that no one may leave the Army whether by termination of the contract or by resignation by an officer, which is something I overlooked in my previous posts.

When I served in the National Guard, my CO at my unit got cold feet when we deployed. He resigned his commission and did not make the trip with us.

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would anybody be shocked if it came out this guy volunteered just to do this because he's already part of the "Obama isn't legally the Prez" movement?

Oh, I've been assuming that since the story first broke. The guy's a loon who volunteered to be The Test Case.

(I really hope somebody explained to him the consequences of refusing to obey a lawful order while the country's at war. I hope it was an informed decision.)

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Then who's authority is it?

If the US Government is in violation of the US Constitution, then, in your opinion, who does have the authority to say so?

(I wouldn't mind seeing the Supreme Court answering that question, either.)

As a member of the military, you are supposed to obey orders from a superior officer. Officers do not get more superior than the President. The order was not unlawful so there was no reason to obey it. What the person was objecting to is that the POTUS was a superior officer. The POTUS is not determined by an individual in the military and as long as the POTUS is the POTUS, orders must be obeyed. If the POTUS is determined to be illigitemate at a different time, then orders no longer have to be followed but until that is determined (and not by this officer) then orders must be followed and the officer has no right whatsoever to object to a legal order.

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would anybody be shocked if it came out this guy volunteered just to do this because he's already part of the "Obama isn't legally the Prez" movement?

Not really. I served during the Clinton era, and I recall that most military folks were RABIDLY anti-Clinton, or anti liberal Democrat in general. It wouldn't surprise me if many soldiers were just as anti-Obama.

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would anybody be shocked if it came out this guy volunteered just to do this because he's already part of the "Obama isn't legally the Prez" movement?

Seems to be the case:


Earlier today, Quon said Cook submitted a formal written request to Human Resources Command-St. Louis on May 8, 2009 volunteering to serve one year in Afghanistan with Special Operations Command, U.S. Army Central Command, beginning July 15, 2009. The soldier's orders were issued on June 9, Quon said.

His attorney is shady too

Taitz, who has also challenged the legitimacy of Obama’s presidency in other courts, filed the 20-page document on July 8 with the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgia.
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Everything you said is completely true for enlisted soldiers, but for officers it's a whole different ballgame. If an officer is not under contract (most field grade officers who are of the rank of major and above are not under contract), then they can resign their commission whenever they choose.

That doesn't make it right, but officers do not operate under the same laws as the enlisted folks who do not have a choice once they sign their contracts.

The author at WND obviously has no clue about military law, and makes the ridiculous assumption that the military revoked this clown's orders because "they couldn't find any evidence of Obama's citizenship." I would be willing to bet that the military's decision had absloutely NOTHING to do with Obama.

The author is not the only one that could use a little more info on military law. There is one, and only one, Uniform Code of Military Justice. It applies to officer and enlisted of all the services.

Most officers are not on a "contract" like you say. Some senior enlisted are "voluntary indefinite" as well. As a service member with no ETS(expiration, term of service) people in a vountary indef status have to request a release from active duty, or resignation. These can be approved or disapproved. Plenty of officers do have ADSO's(active duty service obligation) which are a part of any military or advanced civilian schooling or PCS. It is not nearly as simple as an officer can resign whenever they want.

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"The Commanding General of SOCCENT has determined that he does not want

the services of Major Cook, and has revoked his deployment orders."

In civilian language: "I don't want this asshat in the military."

And now apparently he's been fired from his civilian job :hysterical:


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Whatever happened to the good ole fashioned ways of trying to get out of a war?


Col. Potter wouldn't except the "he's not my President" bit either.

My favorite was Ted Nugents strategy which was a steady does of malnutrition so you crap and piss yourself so much they think you're an insane vagrant.

Funny how he goes around pointing loaded guns at people onstage and calling people wimps all the time now....

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My opinion...

I did not vote for Obama, I don't like his politics but he is the ELECTED President!If he sends the military into war then we need to go with no questions asked.People need to respect democracy! When in life do you get everything you want? Suck it up and deal with the Change!

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(I really hope somebody explained to him the consequences of refusing to obey a lawful order while the country's at war. I hope it was an informed decision.)

Well, the big variable is he is a reservist, and an officer. It's not like a full time career enlisted man under contract, which is what most people seem to be referring to when talking about it.

And if you want to get technical, you can bring up the "country at war" argument. It's the same as the d-bags that refused when Bush was President to go to an illegal war. As the Bush-haters pointed out back then- Congress has not declared war, you can't use enhanced punishment for "wartime" offenses.

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