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Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince


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Can't stand potter. Was dragged by wife to see all of the movies so far, and they all sucked. The last one was tolerable. I have a few problems with the movies, which I won't go into here, but I've been told the books are better. Which makes me laugh, becuase I'm not a book reader type and don't have the stomach to read those thick mindnumbing books.

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Saw the movie last night!

Not amazed with it, but I didn't expect to be blow away. If you haven't read the books, it can be mildly confusing. They leave a lot of things unexplained, sort of just assuming you have read the book

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Yeah, the books are so good. They are written towards adults, though- I'm sure the books are hard for most kids to comprehend.

I wouldn't say they're written for adults, but they definitely aren't children's books. I'd say they are written for teens/young adults, but they are very well written for that genre, so their popularity is widespread.

No it's not. HBP is 645 pages. Deathly Hallows is over 700.

EDIT: From Amazon: HBP- 652 pages

Deathly Hallows- 784 pages

That's what I remembered - they progressively got longer as the series went on.

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Saw the movie last night!

Not amazed with it, but I didn't expect to be blow away. If you haven't read the books, it can be mildly confusing. They leave a lot of things unexplained, sort of just assuming you have read the book

Ugh, that's what they did with the last suckfest. I will be waiting for this to come out on video.

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I'm semi-tempted to see this one...I haven't read the book yet and I didn't see the last movie...but I am tempted because the showed the preview during the "Transformers" and at the end of the preview my 5 year old son in a whisper just said, "Wow." So I don't know yet.

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Haven't read the book, but my wife and 9 yr old have. We went to see the movie last night. I enjoyed it, but didnt really like the way that they ended the movie. I guess that it is just setting it up for the next 2 movies. Wife and daughter loved the movie, but did say that they could have followed the book more. Overall, I like it and will probably go and see it again.

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Not sure how I felt about this movie.
Saw the movie last night!

Not amazed with it, but I didn't expect to be blow away. If you haven't read the books, it can be mildly confusing. They leave a lot of things unexplained, sort of just assuming you have read the book

I know, me too....especially since I just re-read the book

Agreed with the above. I haven't really liked the last few movies, especially the 4th and 5th, but they are movies I would still watch. They at least resembled the books relatively well and kept the focus similar evne though they took their liberties.

This movie, wow.... I just felt it didn't even follow the book until they go to the cave. They focused too much on the other things and made it really cheesy. JK Rowling already makes the love stories in the books pretty cheesy, I didn't think they could make it cheesier until I saw this movie. They also just added completely new scenes that were never in the book and did not contribute in any way. I have never actually wanted to leave a Harry Potter movie like I wanted to last night. I don't know how it's getting all these good reviews, it doesn't even seem good from a "movie" standpoint like the third movie was.

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umstew, the Death Race with Jason Statham? It wasn't a masterpiece, but IMO was the PERFECT "shut your brain down and enjoy the action" type of flick.

And Natalie "Case" Martinez :drool:

Find the original "Death Race 2000" with David Carradine from the 70's. You will laugh your ass off. American International schlock at it's best.

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Saw it last night. It was decent but I was not overly impressed. It seemed like they left out a lot of what would have made it a good movie like the fight scene when they get back from the cave. Overall, I think they did a good job sticking to the book for the most part but I thought it was a little dry for a movie. Hopefully they will make the last two movies more enjoyable.

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Saw it last night. It was decent but I was not overly impressed. It seemed like they left out a lot of what would have made it a good movie like the fight scene when they get back from the cave. Overall, I think they did a good job sticking to the book for the most part but I thought it was a little dry for a movie. Hopefully they will make the last two movies more enjoyable.

I agree, I thought it was the weakest film. Voldimort didn't even make an appearance. It's like they filled the movie up with fluff and background and then ended it prematurely... Now we have to wait another few years for the "rest of the story".....

We don't know anything for certain... At best this film informed us of noting and didn't move the story line along at all.

Two things. Two things were important in this film and one of them we aren't sure off.

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I should probably revise my statement that violence is less objectionable to the MPAA then language which is less objectionable then sexual content.

Though I don't think it's something unique to motion pictures. The level of violence you can get away with on prime time network television is much greater then language or sexual content. Watch Jack Bauer torture and kill all while not having sex or saying "****"...

We're a strange country.

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