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Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince


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Is anyone else excited for the premiere?

Before anyone turns this into a Harry Potter flame-fest, hear me out.

I'm 22 years old, and began reading the books when they were released in 1998. The series was completed when the 7th book was released in 2007, when I was 20 years old.

When you read a series like this, you can't skip the last few books because you're "too old"! What's so wrong with escaping to my childhood by re-reading a few books and going to see the movie adaptations?

I have a sneaking suspicion that these people who hate on Harry Potter have their own nerd interests, but are afraid to voice them for fear of ridicule.

Only one more sleep till HP!!!

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YESSSSSSs!!!! I already have my tickets for the midnight show tomorrow night!!! I also just re-read book 6 so I'm well-prepared, and I've watched movies 1-3 in the past few weeks and just watched number 4 last night. Tonight it's number 5 so I'm ready!!!!

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Yeh, I'm all about seeing it, but I may wait a week. For the 5th movie, I went the day it came out (not the midnight showing, but later that evening), and got too annoyed with the teenie bopper crowd there. I'd just rather wait a week and enjoy it w/o having to listen to 14 year old girl commentary. I probably have followed that series closer than most, there is no way a dumb 14 year old girl can tell me anything new with her incessant babbling throughout the movie.

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I am stoked to see this. Isn't this the darkest movie in the series? I am surprised that it only has a PG rating.

I watched the making of it on HBO last night.... from what the producers were saying, they made it seem like it was more lighthearted than the last one. I think it's because the only "dark" part, really, is at the end. I am curious about the PG rating as well. I do know this movie focuses on the budding relationships of Hermione/Ron/Lavender and Harry/Ginny.

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I watched the making of it on HBO last night.... from what the producers were saying, they made it seem like it was more lighthearted than the last one. I think it's because the only "dark" part, really, is at the end. I am curious about the PG rating as well. I do know this movie focuses on the budding relationships of Hermione/Ron/Lavender and Harry/Ginny.

Snap! Wish I had HBO.

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Snap! Wish I had HBO.

We only have it because of Entourage.... my boyfriend ordered it yesterday:silly:

Oh, and they did say that we won't see as much of the Pensieve in this movie as in the book- which was where we learn all about Voldemort and his past. So I don't know how they'll do that.

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I didn't read a single book until September of 2007. I was never interested, but a friend of mine finally got me to start reading that fall. The rest is history. I finished all 7 books in about 2-3 weeks and at times didn't leave my apartment because of it. I will definitely be seeing the movie but I doubt it will until the weekend at the earliest. Obviously I don't have to worry about spoilers since I know what happens. lol

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I can't wait for this movie.

I started reading and got the Potter series just after the 7th book came out as the result of years of bugging by my ex. A few paragraphs in to the first one and I was hooked. I've only read through the series once, but am planning on reading through it again later this year.

I just wish I knew someone who wanted to go tonight and was not on vacation :(

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I can't wait for this movie.

I started reading and got the Potter series just after the 7th book came out as the result of years of bugging by my ex. A few paragraphs in to the first one and I was hooked. I've only read through the series once, but am planning on reading through it again later this year.

I just wish I knew someone who wanted to go tonight and was not on vacation :(

Wait, are they really on vacation or do they just say that when you ask them if they wanna see the movie with you? lol.gif

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