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O'Reilly on MJ


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hmm, who sounds like more of a bigot here? you, or O'Reilly?

It's not medically possible for that condition to affect the entire body anyway. Jackson would be a fascination to science if it really was a disease that changed his skin.

RS59 was saying that MJ had his skin bleached because he had vitiligo. Looking at pictures of it I can't really blame MJ for doing it. Actually I can't blame him for doing it even if he didn't have vitiligo. It's his body he could do with it what he pleases.

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O'Reilly is just a racist white guy, nothing more, nothing less. While every doctor who knews Jacskon says he had to bleach his skin because he had vitiligo(like the doctor who was on Larry King Live tonight. Yes, Jackson's dermatologist said that TONIGHT.), O'Reilly repeats the nonsense that he bleached himself because he hated himself.

Let's face it. O'Reilly is just pandering to his WHITE audience--most of whom are conservative. Now, being conservative itself doesn't make you racist. However, his audience happens to be mostly old people--you know, guys who dream about segregation. Probably 90% of people who watch him are Whites. Fox news is a white channel.

LOL, you obviously never watch my man Bill. If you did, you would realize that Bill O'Reilly tells it like he see's it and I respect him for it (not even MJ related). Please tell me what the difference between your opinion just now and Bill O'Reilly's opinion on MJ? If I had to make an assumption, your the racist.

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O'Reilly is just a racist white guy, nothing more, nothing less. While every doctor who knews Jacskon says he had to bleach his skin because he had vitiligo(like the doctor who was on Larry King Live tonight. Yes, Jackson's dermatologist said that TONIGHT.), O'Reilly repeats the nonsense that he bleached himself because he hated himself.

Let's face it. O'Reilly is just pandering to his WHITE audience--most of whom are conservative. Now, being conservative itself doesn't make you racist. However, his audience happens to be mostly old people--you know, guys who dream about segregation. Probably 90% of people who watch him are Whites. Fox news is a white channel.

Are you serious? Wow, dude...

If you're going to make an argument that O'Reilly is racist then at least find some facts to support it with. I'm not an O'Reilly apologist and I'm certainly not a fan of his show. However.. I don't think he's a racist. I don't know how you could get that from watching this clip.

I've been trying to keep an open mind about both sides (liberal and conservative) lately. You should try it out.

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Jackson never said that the condition affected his entire body.

Supposedly he bleached his body to even up the skin tone.

The coroner has supposedly told news agencies that Jackson's body was paper-white on all portions of his body. every single square inch of skin was altered.
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Yeah, I heard that. :(
idk, sounds to me that the change was pretty intentional. There's actually a piece about the disease on CNN.com I think, and skin alteration is a drastic last resort for a vast majority of the small population this disease affects. at most, all it causes is milky spots on the skin. and when people do make the bleaching alteration to acheive one skin tone, they often only do it on the visible areas, such as arms, legs, etc. Jackson was 100% altered, which would make his case a) extraodrinary in the relam of medicine and science or B) a sad case of self-loathing taken to an extreme level.

either way, I think it's evident that Jackson led an extremely messed up and tortured life. Despite the fact that I am not sad at all that he is dead and nothing excuses his behavior, I do pitty his exsistence.

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He nails the Sharpton and Jesse Jackson issues.

He's not really insulting MJ here. He's basically saying that worshiping an idol is crazy and the media coverage was excessive.

I think the funny part here is he states his views about too much MJ coverage but then goes on having 3 more segments about it. More proof he is just ratings driven...

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Bill tells it like it is. He actually debates different people people with opposing viewpoints unlike some commentaters who only bring on people who agree with their point of view.

The media milked this out way more than they should have completely ignoring other events that were news worthy.

Ill admit Micheal was a great entertainer but you judge a person on there actions as a whole not one part of their lives.

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Some solid points by O'Reilly :puke: but I think he is wrong for criticizing how MJ chose to spend his money. He kept talking about being American. Well, MJ was known for donating a lot to charities. Its American to work hard, make a lot of money, and indulge. Isn't donating money a socialist act, something O'Reilly would never want to be a part of!?

Donating isn't socialist because its voluntary. That is the capitalist method of charity. The best run charities for the best causes will get funding by those who choose to donate.

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Bill tells it like it is. He actually debates different people people with opposing viewpoints unlike some commentaters who only bring on people who agree with their point of view.

Are you talking about the same Bill O'Reilly that yells & tries to bully his guest anytime he starts losing an argument. You probably thank that Fox News is really "Fair & Balanced".

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O'Reilly is just a racist white guy, nothing more, nothing less. While every doctor who knews Jacskon says he had to bleach his skin because he had vitiligo(like the doctor who was on Larry King Live tonight. Yes, Jackson's dermatologist said that TONIGHT.), O'Reilly repeats the nonsense that he bleached himself because he hated himself.

Let's face it. O'Reilly is just pandering to his WHITE audience--most of whom are conservative. Now, being conservative itself doesn't make you racist. However, his audience happens to be mostly old people--you know, guys who dream about segregation. Probably 90% of people who watch him are Whites. Fox news is a white channel.

I do agree that he's a racist.

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LOL, you obviously never watch my man Bill. If you did, you would realize that Bill O'Reilly tells it like he see's it and I respect him for it (not even MJ related).

What, are you drinking buddies?

"Yeah, man, we got so wasted as the frat house the other night. My man Bill O is badass. Dude always tells it like it is and gets so much ****in' poon."

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Seems like Ol Bill needs to do some research before calling MJ selfish with the way he spends his money. I believe MJ holds the Guiness book of records for the most money donated by a celebrity. That figure would be around 300 million dollars. I'm not so sure thats selfish? what do you think Bill?

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take 1 wooden spoon of abused child both physically and mentally.

throw in a pinch of a disease that destroys your physical sense and worth

and a TON of money

cook it for a while

and your doomed for failure at some level.

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What, are you drinking buddies?

"Yeah, man, we got so wasted as the frat house the other night. My man Bill O is badass. Dude always tells it like it is and gets so much ****in' poon."

Wow, what a horrible attempt on trying to be hilarious on a messageboard. Don't ever seek being comical as a profession.

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Was Michael Jackson a weirdo? Of course he was a weirdo.

But maybe if you had been in the public eye since you were 7, had grown ass women throwing themselves at you since you were 13, suffered physical abuse at the hands of your father, watched your father and older brothers engage in sex with groupies on tour as a child, were called "Big Nose" and "ugly" by both family members AND fans, developed a skin disease that took away the one thing you repeatedly expressed your pride for, and spent the last half of your life as the most famous person on Earth, you'd probably be a bit of a weirdo too.

And the notion that he bleached his skin and had kids by a white woman because he hated being black is a crock of BS. I mean seriously this is a man who:

-portrayed Black people as kings and queens in ancient Egypt ("Remember the Time" video)

-called Tommy Mottola (his then label boss) a devil and a racist

-sang "white man's gotta make a change" live on the Grammies in '88

-sang about a beautiful African woman in "Liberian Girl"

-featured an African chant at the end of "Wanna Be Startin Somethin"

-donated over $25 million to the United Negro College Fund

-sang "I ain't scared of no sheets" in "Black or White" and upped the ante by morphing into a BLACK PANTHER at the video's end

-wrote a song called "They Don't Really Care About Us," with a Spike Lee-directed video that featured prisoners raising the Black power fist

-uhhh “We Are The World” and USA for Africa, anyone?

It would be nice is Bill did his research before he ran his mouth.

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Wow, what a horrible attempt on trying to be hilarious on a messageboard. Don't ever seek being comical as a profession.

Well, I wasn't trying to be hilarious, exactly. Mildly amusing, at best. I suppose I could try to be a cliche, but that seems to be pretty well covered.

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When did Bill "I Was Once on Hardball" O' Rielly suddenly become an aexpert on African American culture? I missed that memo.

I tune in from time to time for some laughs .he has an agenda which thankfully is not partison, just all about his ego.

This too shall pass and the world will continue.

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Was Michael Jackson a weirdo? Of course he was a weirdo.

But maybe if you had been in the public eye since you were 7, had grown ass women throwing themselves at you since you were 13, suffered physical abuse at the hands of your father, watched your father and older brothers engage in sex with groupies on tour as a child, were called "Big Nose" and "ugly" by both family members AND fans, developed a skin disease that took away the one thing you repeatedly expressed your pride for, and spent the last half of your life as the most famous person on Earth, you'd probably be a bit of a weirdo too.

And the notion that he bleached his skin and had kids by a white woman because he hated being black is a crock of BS. I mean seriously this is a man who:

-portrayed Black people as kings and queens in ancient Egypt ("Remember the Time" video)

-called Tommy Mottola (his then label boss) a devil and a racist

-sang "white man's gotta make a change" live on the Grammies in '88

-sang about a beautiful African woman in "Liberian Girl"

-featured an African chant at the end of "Wanna Be Startin Somethin"

-donated over $25 million to the United Negro College Fund

-sang "I ain't scared of no sheets" in "Black or White" and upped the ante by morphing into a BLACK PANTHER at the video's end

-wrote a song called "They Don't Really Care About Us," with a Spike Lee-directed video that featured prisoners raising the Black power fist

-uhhh “We Are The World” and USA for Africa, anyone?

It would be nice is Bill did his research before he ran his mouth.

Don't forget that Jermaine married his brother (Randy) wife/girlfriend who Randy had 2 kids with. That whole family is a mess and being how huge MJ was/is, I can see why he was a bit weird. Just like you mentioned

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I never could stand O'Reilly, I seriously just can't watch that garbage. He constantly feeds the people who wish to argue and dwell on anger.

I will give him this, he did leave the family out of his criticism which is respectful. However to say MJ is not a black icon because he had a white woman mother his children is beyond foolish. Also, it's mentioned that the skin disease causes white patches. For someone who's obviously obsessed with his looks, how is it that outlandish that he'd want his entire body to have the same skin tone?

To even go as far as to calling him selfish because he spent money on himself? Michael Jackson, selfish, the man who has most likely dont MORE charity work than anyone, is selfish because he spent money on himself? Take a look at all of his charity work, you know, research before you begin name calling, oh wait that's what a reporter does, nevermind.


If that's selfish, than we're all HORRIBLE people.

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