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O'Reilly on MJ


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Don't forget that Jermaine married his brother (Randy) wife/girlfriend who Randy had 2 kids with. That whole family is a mess and being how huge MJ was/is, I can see why he was a bit weird. Just like you mentioned

Exactly...but O'Reilly seems to think because he had "white kids" he should be disqualfy him as an African American icon. He sounds likes a fool.

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I never could stand O'Reilly, I seriously just can't watch that garbage. He constantly feeds the people who wish to argue and dwell on anger.

I will give him this, he did leave the family out of his criticism which is respectful. However to say MJ is not a black icon because he had a white woman mother his children is beyond foolish. Also, it's mentioned that the skin disease causes white patches. For someone who's obviously obsessed with his looks, how is it that outlandish that he'd want his entire body to have the same skin tone?

To even go as far as to calling him selfish because he spent money on himself? Michael Jackson, selfish, the man who has most likely dont MORE charity work than anyone, is selfish because he spent money on himself? Take a look at all of his charity work, you know, research before you begin name calling, oh wait that's what a reporter does, nevermind.


If that's selfish, than we're all HORRIBLE people.

Damn that's a lot of donating and helping people. I couldn't even read them all. Takes to long. LOL

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Please tell me this is a joke.

The whole thing is a joke.

So of course Im making another one.

This isnt a black or white issue, it's not worhty of O"Reilly making it that way or people arguing with him about it.

It's our countries crazy obsession with celebrity.

I laughed hysterically at the people who were crying over his death. Not his friends and family. For them this is a tragedy. For the rest of the idiots "mourning" him, it's a distraction from the normal suckitude of their own existence.

He was a brilliant artist. Nothing more, nothing less.

The media deification of him is nauseating, but who cares. I expect nothing less from gossip mag that all media has now become.

And O'Reilly is part of it.

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The whole thing is a joke.

So of course Im making another one.

This isnt a black or white issue, it's not worhty of O"Reilly making it that way or people arguing with him about it.

It's our countries crazy obsession with celebrity.

I laughed hysterically at the people who were crying over his death. Not his friends and family. For them this is a tragedy. For the rest of the idiots "mourning" him, it's a distraction from the normal suckitude of their own existence.

He was a brilliant artist. Nothing more, nothing less.

The media deification of him is nauseating, but who cares. I expect nothing less from gossip mag that all media has now become.

And O'Reilly is part of it.

So I guess myself and a bunch of people on this board are "idiots" for crying when Sean taylor died.

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The whole thing is a joke.

So of course Im making another one.

This isnt a black or white issue, it's not worhty of O"Reilly making it that way or people arguing with him about it.

It's our countries crazy obsession with celebrity.

I laughed hysterically at the people who were crying over his death. Not his friends and family. For them this is a tragedy. For the rest of the idiots "mourning" him, it's a distraction from the normal suckitude of their own existence.

He was a brilliant artist. Nothing more, nothing less.

The media deification of him is nauseating, but who cares. I expect nothing less from gossip mag that all media has now become.

And O'Reilly is part of it.

Awesome post.

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Was Michael Jackson a weirdo? Of course he was a weirdo.

But maybe if you had been in the public eye since you were 7, had grown ass women throwing themselves at you since you were 13, suffered physical abuse at the hands of your father, watched your father and older brothers engage in sex with groupies on tour as a child, were called "Big Nose" and "ugly" by both family members AND fans, developed a skin disease that took away the one thing you repeatedly expressed your pride for, and spent the last half of your life as the most famous person on Earth, you'd probably be a bit of a weirdo too.

And the notion that he bleached his skin and had kids by a white woman because he hated being black is a crock of BS. I mean seriously this is a man who:

-portrayed Black people as kings and queens in ancient Egypt ("Remember the Time" video)

-called Tommy Mottola (his then label boss) a devil and a racist

-sang "white man's gotta make a change" live on the Grammies in '88

-sang about a beautiful African woman in "Liberian Girl"

-featured an African chant at the end of "Wanna Be Startin Somethin"

-donated over $25 million to the United Negro College Fund

-sang "I ain't scared of no sheets" in "Black or White" and upped the ante by morphing into a BLACK PANTHER at the video's end

-wrote a song called "They Don't Really Care About Us," with a Spike Lee-directed video that featured prisoners raising the Black power fist

-uhhh “We Are The World” and USA for Africa, anyone?

It would be nice is Bill did his research before he ran his mouth.

you got this from a blog

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I dont think there is any shame in crying over a person's passing if said person affected your life or brough joy to it in some form. I don't think it makes you an idiot.

We're talking about a minstrel. And undeniably talented minstrel, but nothing more than that.

This isnt the President. Or the Pope.

Maybe idiot is the wrong term, but the point is that too many people have become so obsessed with celebrity that deaths like this DO cause people to break down. That's a sad commentary on what people feel is important to them.

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We're talking about a minstrel. And undeniably talented minstrel, but nothing more than that.

This isnt the President. Or the Pope.

Maybe idiot is the wrong term, but the point is that too many people have become so obsessed with celebrity that deaths like this DO cause people to break down. That's a sad commentary on what people feel is important to them.

Minstrel? :doh:

And then why is crying over Sean's death OK? Either it isn't, or you're calling 'Skins fans idiots (or I'm missing something).

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Same type of thing. So crying over Sean Taylor's death is fine (I think it is), while crying over MJ's death means you're an idiot? :no:

I think crying over the death of any celebrity shows that a person has become too obsessed with things outside their own existence. And THAT makes them an idiot.

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We're talking about a minstrel. And undeniably talented minstrel, but nothing more than that.

This isnt the President. Or the Pope.

Maybe idiot is the wrong term, but the point is that too many people have become so obsessed with celebrity that deaths like this DO cause people to break down. That's a sad commentary on what people feel is important to them.

Read about his charitable work then get back with me on the minstrel comment.

The whole point of someone becoming a celebrity is that they connect with people, and have many people who love and idolize them. This isn't something new, popular people are loved it's just the way it is. Just because he isn't important to you doesn't make others feelings any less valid.

I don't personally consider him one of my idols, but if Michael Jordan, Cal Ripken, Art Monk, or Darrell Green pass I can assure you I will be upset just as I was when Sean Taylor passed.

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