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Just because you don't doesn't mean it doesn't happen. You are not in my shoes. You do not live in my area. I believe that you don't. I believe that there are millions that don't. But I have experienced it, especially as a white teacher at a school that is 90% Mexican.

Not saying it doesn't happen, but now try living in a country that is predominately white and you're the minority.

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Not saying it doesn't happen, but now try living in a country that is predominately white and you're the minority.

That doesn't give anyone the excuse to label people racists as they see fit. I can't help that I was born white, just as you can't help being born whatever race you are. And, I am the minority out here in Southern California, and in the very near future, white people will be the minority in the US as a whole.

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That doesn't give anyone the excuse to label people racists as they see fit. I can't help that I was born white, just as you can't help being born whatever race you are. And, I am the minority out here in Southern California, and in the very near future, white people will be the minority in the US as a whole.

but you're using that same logic to make generalizations about your student population...

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that you cant treat white students the same as your hispanic students because they will all react differently and try to accuse you of being racist?

That's not a generalization. That belief comes from my personal experience.

For example, this year one of the white boys in one of my classes was excellent in all areas. He would try hard on all his work, do all of his homework, fix his tests to bring up his grades, and he was very respectful to me. When I would praise him, the kids would say things like "it's cuz he's white" and stuff like that. It's not a generalization, it's what happens. Of course they don't notice when I praise the hispanic students who work just as hard.

When some kids would be disrespectful to me, they would call me racist if they couldn't get their way. No, honey, it's not because I'm racist, it's because you are extremely disrespectful!

I have been called racist by some of my students before, and they honestly don't know what it means. They just hear other people say it, and they repeat it.

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That's not a generalization. That belief comes from my personal experience.

For example, this year one of the white boys in one of my classes was excellent in all areas. He would try hard on all his work, do all of his homework, fix his tests to bring up his grades, and he was very respectful to me. When I would praise him, the kids would say things like "it's cuz he's white" and stuff like that. It's not a generalization, it's what happens. Of course they don't notice when I praise the hispanic students who work just as hard.

When some kids would be disrespectful to me, they would call me racist if they couldn't get their way. No, honey, it's not because I'm racist, it's because you are extremely disrespectful!

I have been called racist by some of my students before, and they honestly don't know what it means. They just hear other people say it, and they repeat it.

so why cant a black mans reaction to what a white man says be excused based on personal experience as well?

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I am not sure if you are speaking in the context of a misntrel show. But it doesn't matter.

Greatness doesn't come around often.

I know it seems that he may be just an entertainer, but he was more than that. 50 Cent is an entertainer, MJ was a pioneer. I know I know, you want to minimize his impact to just music, but you should know by now that his message was universal. The whole world mourned. There was an common accord with people regarding this guy. Give that some respect. The people gave Mike his celebrity. They wanted to find out what made this person tick. The media utilized that appetite. If nobody wanted to know about MJ they would have stop buying those garbage newspaper.

I don't like all the storeis about MJ myself. It seems the media is trying to capitalize on the sensantionalism of his life once again. But that is the state of conditions at this point. I hope it all dies down, and we can just listen to the music. Maybe then people like yourself can sit back and enjoy his work. You will get it then.

I know you want to have a narrow point of veiw. No he isn't the president, or the pope (whatever he does). He was not a head of state, but he moved the people. He had a message on the same accord as MLK, Ghandi, ect. Neither of those men were heads of state, or religious figure heads. It wasn't about politics. It's the message, and how he delivered it that is the genius behind his art. We celebrate those artist all the time. He gave us something to enjoy, and it touched people. We mourn people that touch us. I hope you would. Maybe some cried because they feel cheated, maybe some cried just because. Who knows. But people felt a sense of loss. What is wrong with that? People that sacrificed for the common good are always celebrated. Shoot we have a holiday in December, and marked the beginning of a millenium over a guy that wasn't a figure head, or head of state because of his message. Is that wrong?

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My experience has been that people who cry "Racist!" are usually more racist than most people in this country.

Thats been your experience? Who have you been hanging around? If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then oh well its a duck.

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