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Facebook - What Is Everyones Stance on This?


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Well, like myspace, facebook really wasn't in my world. I thought it was stupid, just another dumbass reason to chat on the internet.

Recently, a close friend of mine moved to Alaska, well, I never get to talk to them anymore and they got me to make a facebook account. I made a fake name, for ****s and giggles and after I got on there, I see the reason why people cling to it.

Knowing what your friends/former friends and enemys are doing is interesting. To a certain degree. I found myself searching for some high school friends and finding some. Then I would search their friends lists and see people that I knew.

I then ran into a profile for my very first girlfriend, the same girl I had my very first kiss with. Anyhow, she eventually dumped me, but we remained friends.

She in fact was part of the reason I met my wife today and have a beutiful baby girl. She ended up being friends with my wife and putting a good word in for me, thus my wife going out with me. Crazy story, but if it wasn't for her, I'd probably not be with my wife and have my beautiful 16 month old baby girl right now.

So, on facebook I thanked her, anyone got any weird stories like this?

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There is a reason Facebook has destroyed MySpace: it's actually a useful tool for finding and keeping in touch with people.

Totally agree.

I fought it for years and years b/c it seemed like a waste to have a myspace and facebook account. I signed up about a month or so ago and it's addictive as hell.

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There is a reason Facebook has destroyed MySpace: it's actually a useful tool for finding and keeping in touch with people.

because Facebook forces you to use your real name, while you're allowed to use fake names on Myspace, like SuperSexyDivaToeJam, making it harder for old friends to find you on myspace.

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because Facebook forces you to use your real name, while you're allowed to use fake names on Myspace, like SuperSexyDivaToeJam, making it harder for old friends to find you on myspace.

Not to burst your bubble, but it allowed me to go with Rod Johnson as my name.......ala, Beavis and Butthead lol.

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I linked up with my best friend from the first grade. I still have a vase that the class made for my Mom (she was the assistant that year). His signature is on it. We remembered each other, but hadn't communicated in 30 years.

I've only been on it for a few weeks, but I'm hooked.

One warning. Remember all the hot chicks from high school that you wanted? You will be in for a rude awakening lol.

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Being that I just signed up not that long ago,(yeah yeah. I finally broke down and got on there),I'll wait a bit before passing judgment. So far so good though. :)

Add yourself to the Extremeskins on Facebook group!! And post yourself in the "Official What is your ES Handle" thread!

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Add yourself to the Extremeskins on Facebook group!! And post yourself in the "Official What is your ES Handle" thread!
I er...didn't know I could do this..er.....yes ma'm. On my way ma'm.
How bout that, I just found you on FB. :hysterical:

:hysterical: Yeah you did. I laughed out loud,(which probably has my neighbors going :wtf:),when the message came through.

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**** peeps, anyone have a compelling story like mine? LOL? Jesus.

I found my dad. Hadn't heard from him since I was a kid. We've spent the past few years talking things out and I'm out in California visiting him now.

So yeah... there ya go.:)

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there really are several people from my past that i'd rather just never talk to.

My thoughts too. I have kept in touch with my good friends that I've had since high school, thru college, etc.

I guess there are a few I've lost touch with, but they're the kind of guys that would find facebook extraordinarily douchy. Trust me.

For the most part though, I have absolutely no desire to reunite with people from high school. Christ, who wants to relive that?


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