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Petition to keep the ES tailgate (relax, it's a 2009 thread, MET)


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All we have just received word that we might not be able to have an ES tailgate this season due to parking lot changes and issues. Here is what might take place:

1 all cash lots will be private lots so people can charge whatever fee they decide.

2. First in will be directed to park in certain areas. You are not allowed to choose where you want to park and you are forced to park where they tell you to.

3. Only the last few rows will be allowed to tailgate. No tailgateing will be permitted in the platinum lots and they have changed lot colors.

Please sign a petition here and put your comments in this thread. I will be printing this thread to send to the ticket office. Hopefully we can make enough noise to continue the ES tailgate this season.

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I'll sign this petition. Tailgating is a huge part of the experience, it would be a horrible idea to take that away, especially the tailgate of the team's official messageboard, a gathering of some of the most dedicated and extreme fans.

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**petition signed**

I will not be renewing my three season tickets, keeping my parking pass or attending any other team functions after this year if this absurd plan is actually put in to place.

I understand limiting tailgating to the last few rows but I can not understand the need for being directed in to a specific parking spot. We have a group of people, some of which drive 100's of miles every week to come to the games AND to tailgate with the ExtremeSkins group of tailgaters. This new policy will in fact make it impossible to maintain any sort of unified tailgate.

I hope for the sake of maintaining a customer for life you rethink these new policies before the 2009 season kicks off.

May I also add that I think every person that signs this petition should send a strongly worded e-mail to the Redskins organization. Mine has been sent.

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It seems as if the organization has decided to focus on catering to the suite and 'premium' ticket holders, at the expense of the 'regular' folk...which, to me, is sad. Chalk one up for the wine 'n cheesers.

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**petition signed**

I am one of the tailgaters that arrives at 5:30 in the morning so I can get a spot up front and close. I do not want to get there that early in the morning just to be forced to park in the back of the parking lot. Why shouold people that arrive late be rewarded with a Premium Parking Location?

I understand the Redskins are trying to make it a more pleasant Game Day experience but this is not helping! Let the individuals that arrive there the first half hour or hour park where they desire and then organize the rest accordingly.

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Seeing the pics of the Tailgating and reading about the stories is one of the things I appriciate the most about this message board. It's a great feeling to see so many people expressing their love of this team in so many different ways.

I am hoping to get to a game this year, and seeing everyone that I met in Canton was something I was looking forward to the most.



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I've only gone to a few games and I cannot see how this can be enforced. There are more tailgaters than non-tailgaters. With 40 or 50 thousand people grilling, partying, etc, your going to have a riot on your hands.

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I think they tried to do this last year and after the first game they gave up. We have a group of people who tailgate in the same section every game arriving at different times.

If they try this BS, I am not renewing my season tickets, this will be the last straw!

Where was the petition link? I don't see it. Where did you here this from?

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When you can't consistently field a winning team, tailgating IS the experience. To take that away is just another slap in the face of die hard fans that arrive at 5am for a 1pm game.

Why someone would want to take something that means so much to so many is beyond me. I'd like to hear an official explanation on how someone thought this would be a good idea to improve the game day experience when it's already being met with pitchforks & torches.

This blunder & the whole debacle with the Ticket Office is making this season one to remember. For all the WRONG reasons.

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When you can't consistently field a winning team, tailgating IS the experience. To take that away is just another slap in the face of die hard fans that arrive at 5am for a 1pm game.

Why someone would want to take something that means so much to so many is beyond me. I'd like to hear an official explanation on how someone thought this would be a good idea to improve the game day experience when it's already being met with pitchforks & torches.

This blunder & the whole debacle with the Ticket Office is making this season one to remember. For all the WRONG reasons.

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I'm assuming that placing my name in this thread is signing the petition.

Put me down as well.

The community of the Redskins is as important and fun as the game. For me, the Tailgate is one of the most important reasons to actually go to a game. I've had great seats and nosebleeds, 300 dollar seats and cheapies, but the best part (other than a win) is socializing and sharing that feeling of unity before, during and after the game.

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***petition Signed***

I genernally come up to 2 games a year from Florida. The Tailgating is as much of the gameday experience as the game itself. This is a horrible idea with no good intentions.

If this happens, i will NEVER attend another game.

It should also be noted that I hope and plan to move back to VA in 2-3 years and was looking forward to becoming a season ticket holder, if this were to happen, I can promise that seasons tickets would NEVER be a thought and consideration.

Just my .02 worth

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They are definitely catering to the wine and cheese crowd now. Next thing is we will not be allowed to stand up while the team is on defense and we won't be able to cheer when they score a touchdown.

I was okay with them not allowing tailgating except the last few rows of each lot, but not allowing people at the front of the gate...at 5 AM to pick their parking spots :doh:

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Glad to sign it.

The ES Tailgates are just that - for members of ES.

If the powers that be want to end this tradition, then the Redskins risk losing this forum to a competing entity. That's not a threat - it's a simple reality. I'm sure that they have no desire to turn this blunder into a complete PR disaster with a vast majority of the fans.

ES will be heard and ES will prevail. If the Redskins decide to keep this new policy, then ES members can revolt in many ways that will have a significant impact.

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Petition signed.

Its not just the ES tailgaters - there are groups all over the parking lot who have been in the same spot for years. My buddy's family has been in the same spot for entire history of FedEx, and have had a block of season tickets since the 70s. This is just ridiculous.

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