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JP: Jimmy Carter escapes assassination attempt on visit to Gaza


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Report: Carter escapes assassination attempt on visit to Gaza

Palestinian sources reported Tuesday that former US president Jimmy Carter was the target of a thwarted assassination attempt, according to Israel Radio.

Reportedly, there was a cluster of explosive devices stashed near a road he was scheduled to travel during a visit to the Gaza Strip. The Jerusalem Post could not verify the report.

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Serious question.

Was this an attempt by the Palestinians or the Israelis?

Good question.

Whichever one it is, I can't see how it would further their agenda by killing him. If the Israelis did it for his backing of Hamas, they look like Ogres. If the Palestinians did it, who the hell is going to ever trust them again? He's their friend, what purpose would it serve?

Frankly, I can see more reason for Israel doing it and framing the Palestinians.


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Frankly, I can see more reason for Israel doing it and framing the Palestinians.


If they wanted to be this underhanded, you think it would have been more of a coordinated attack, instead of a cluster of munitions left on the side of a road that apparently he didn't take. The Israeli's would know his travel route due to having to coordinate protection while in Israel with the secret service.

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Serious question.

Was this an attempt by the Palestinians or the Israelis?

If the Israelis tried to kill him, he'd be dead.

On a lighter note, I wonder if JC was more scared than that time the rabbit tried to eat him?

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If they wanted to be this underhanded, you think it would have been more of a coordinated attack, instead of a cluster of munitions left on the side of a road that apparently he didn't take. The Israeli's would know his travel route due to having to coordinate protection while in Israel with the secret service.

Israel doesn't have its own fringe groups? They speak with one voice and are interconnected with the government? It is like linking the moron at the museum with the government of the US.

I severely doubt, despite all of the other assassination and quasi-terrorist activities Israel's government has participated in, that they would ever be involved even remotely in an assassination attempt of a former US president.

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If they wanted to be this underhanded, you think it would have been more of a coordinated attack, instead of a cluster of munitions left on the side of a road that apparently he didn't take. The Israeli's would know his travel route due to having to coordinate protection while in Israel with the secret service.

Yeah, it is sloppy, I agree with Thiebear as well, if the Israelis want you dead, you aren't seeing sunset.

I just can't figure out a single reasonable motive for the Palestinians to do it, unless it is maybe an anti-Hamas faction.


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Serious question.

Was this an attempt by the Palestinians or the Israelis?

The report says the Palestinians in Gaza, which means Hamas uncovered the explosives. I think they are blaming it on a more radical Palestinian faction.

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Yeah, it is sloppy, I agree with Thiebear as well, if the Israelis want you dead, you aren't seeing sunset.

I just can't figure out a single reasonable motive for the Palestinians to do it, unless it is maybe an anti-Hamas faction.


Anti-Peace faction. Same philosophy which got Rabin and Sadat, as Pridicto said.

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Personally, I think that the whole thing was set up. Place roadside bombs by the side of the road, have a palestinian boy call it in, then have the Hamas police come out and make it safe. See, we are the good guys, we wanted to keep Carter safe. We are not terrorists. Whatever, this is just propagand from Hamas. I don't buy it. Funny how this also coincides with Carter's "Take Hamas off the terrorism list" plea. I just wonder if Carter was in on it too.

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So Israeli security says they tipped off Hamas security to the threat from AQ affiliates which foiled it...Which never happened according to the Hamas Interior director...God love that area:silly::chair:

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