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I apologize to the board on ES


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Hey folks. I dont want to see my name in lights here but I just wanted to take the time to apologize to all of my friends on ES.

The last couple of weeks have been hard on me. My good friend was killed in May, and my wife has recently had complications from surgery. We may be looking at a malpractice lawsuit. Anyway, I have made ridiculous thread posts and stupid comments, that are not a reflection of me normally. The "just a bus driver" rant stands out to many i'm sure. Also calling out Obama as a muslim was not good, and muslim/terrorists just to name a few. I am sorry. I forgot that a few of my friends are actually muslim.

So i am through the bad spot in my life i hope, and want to get back on track. I was banned once from the board in 2006, and was pretty good for a long time until things recently just kind of overtook me. So i ask you all to forgive me and let me get back to being a positive reflection of the ES community.



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Mark, You were forgiven even before this post in my book. We all fall into the easy path of negativity here at times, heck, I've been banned many times for straying from the rules.

I am so sorry to hear of your troubles and I'll be praying that life eases up on you and your family soon.

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Mark, You were forgiven even before this post in my book. We all fall into the easy path of negativity here at times, heck, I've been banned many times for straying from the rules.

I am so sorry to hear of your troubles and I'll be praying that life eases up on you and your family soon.

Thank you so much. We are through the bad spell in my opinion. My wife's only problem now is being burned from the tanning bed last night! Life deals everybody bad cards and i handled worse than some IMO.

I honestly thought about just leaving the board out of embarrasment over what i've said. But i tell you, this board is different than others. I really feel that we are different here. I feel like i know these people even though i only personally know a few. So i felt like i was doing friends wrong, you know? Anyway thanks again.

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If people were forced to leave the board because they said things that were deemed out of line I wouldnt have made it past my first week.

It takes a big man to step up and post something like this man and you are more then forgiven in my book. even though you did no wrong to me..


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This board is pure entertainment in my book. Home to a few jerks (I might be one).

After sitting for more than a week on a malpractice jury, I would not wish that whole thing on anyone. Among the worst experiences in my life. I can't imagine the pain for the plaintiffs or the doctor. I hope all ends up well for you.

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To the OP: Man I know how it is. I'm not easily offended and I try to take everything posted on a message board with a grain of salt. All I can say to you is that every morning is a new beginning.

I hope things take a turn for the better with you and the family.

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