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The Worst and Saddest of Yahoo Answers


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that is epic. And I love the 2nd to last post

I would say definitely keep seeing chicks on the side. But you made one major error. From the get go, get them all in to this "roll playing" scheme, and tell them you do it out of habit all the time.

Problem solved. I call my wife other names all the time, and she just goes with it, because she is easily duped.

If that doesn't work, get her to roll play first and call you a different name, so when she does, you can get all defensive and accuse her of cheating. That way, whenever you yell out another girl's name by accident, you can tell her you're ******* with her to get back at her.

If she argues, accuse her of having a guilty conscience. Go for sympathy head ;)

What up ES?

Hope this helps.

hilarious. Who on here has a yahoo account "Extreme"

It's gotta be someone on here.

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I dunno. Maybe its just me, but when you are obviously writing fake problems it completely ruins the relevance of the " worst and saddest of yahoo answers". I dont think its all that funny. I think its funnier when there are people who ask real stupid questions. Not people who ask fake stupid questions. To each his own i guess.

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Looks like they deleted the question.

EDIT: Weird, it wouldn't come up for me for a couple of tries, and told me the question had been deleted, but I tried again and now can see the question.

Yeah, it seems to have a glitch in the system.

The purpose of asking the questions is to come off naive and stupid. Pissing off women is the easiest way to getting a ton of responses. The best part of the whole thing is the stupid people answering the question will all sincerity trying to get the 'best answer'. :rotflmao:

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