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Rick Sanchez SLAMS O'Reilly


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Not a huge fan of Rich Sanchez, I think something about his voice annoys me. He sounds whinny.

But he does not slam O'Reilly, he destroys him. 24 hour cable news (including CNN, MSNBC) just suck. Sad.

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Props to CNN for standing up to FoxNews, in particular O'Rielly. One shouldn't claim to be the better guy when they are really just part of the problem.

Funny thing. When people slam FN for being a right wing news station, FN always throws out the excuse that they have many commentary shows. In some extent, they claim to be a commentary station.

I bet though, if you asked people who only watch FN what their favorite news network is... they'd say FoxNews. So basically, those people get their "news" from a station claims to be "commentary". Funny thing.

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What a horrible apology.

I LOLed when I heard him refer to the "snide" guy on CNN. Yes Bill, you are SO far from being snide.

Prime time CNN definitely carried the story...to the point where it was annoying.

Bill, just apologize and get on with it. Theres no reason for you to throw in anything extra.

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I think Obama said something on that Dateline special that really resonates with how I feel.

He said something to the effect of: I don't pay those shows too much mind because each one has a part to play and you know what they are going to say in advance.

To me, these shows are not bad theatre or sports, but in terms of analysis or thoughtful commentary or honest insight... so many of these shows are sincerely lacking. They are actors on a stage playing their typecast roles. Whether it's Oberman or Buchanon or Rush or O'Reilly, or Williams. Some are slightly better, but they do analysis as if they were cartoon characters.

Why do so many shows think you can only get people's attention through bombast, hyperbole, and exageration... (and sometimes very nearly creating fiction). And I'm talking about the whole cadre of commentators masquerading as professionals.

edit: Just watched the video and while I still think this is mostly about theatre. O'Reilly did get slapped down pretty well.

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Any chance O'Riely responds?

I don't think he has to, who is Rick Sanchez in the big scheme of things? I remember Rick Sanchez was a name here in Miami as a local newscaster, but what has he done ever since? He's not in the same league as Bill.

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I don't think he has to, who is Rick Sanchez in the big scheme of things? I remember Rick Sanchez was a name here in Miami as a local newscaster, but what has he done ever since? He's not in the same league as Bill.

Is that who this guy is? Remember Elita Loresca? :drool:

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