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DCEx: It's safe to say Skins unhappy


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If this were Portis, people would be screaming for us to cut him... So let's see how this thread goes...

Situations reversed, if this were Stump Mitchell bemoaning Clinton's lack of attendance publicly, Portis would now be on every radio show that would take him having his latest very public, very petulant temper tantrum and in so doing, throwing another coach under the bus.

But meh, he's the one that sell's all the jerseys so it's only right the owner has his back above anyone else. :doh:

As regards LaRon, it's as disappointing as it would be whomever the player concerned was not in attendance.

Ultimately, he'll still be the starter and rightfully so come the opening kick against the Giants, and he'll be here when it really matters when we pad up in camp; but it would be nice if these guys gave their TOTAL commitment to the organisation that's rewarding them more than handsomely for the short period in their lives that they actually play the game. With NO exceptions.


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The league (Player's Union) says you can't. So if you did that, you wouldn't be a coach for long.

I know but seriously, if my employees (team football players) were making that much money i'd make sure they put in there money's worth and make sure they showed at everything, i know its not about the money but i would put in enough effort to get the teams pride up enough to WANT to show up to every thing mandatory or not

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If Dirty 30 came into camp looking like Mike Williams then we would have a problem. The fact is that he has skipped OTAs before. He comes to camp with his mind set and he's always in phenomenal shape.

Remember this guy writes "Suicide Mission" on his chest b4 games. He's a little off his rocker anyways, but he plays! Im not worried about dirty 30.

Once again, I'll be happy if he gets more INTs than personal foul penalties.

You can be an intimidating hitter without jamming your team up with inopportune late hits that draw 15 yard penalties.

I wonder too if sometimes he's so focused on laying the wood that going for the ball becomes a secondary thought. I hope to see some maturity from him in both those areas this season.

Oh yeah, and if you commit to a public appearance, show up.

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I know but seriously, if my employees (team football players) were making that much money i'd make sure they put in there money's worth and make sure they showed at everything, i know its not about the money but i would put in enough effort to get the teams pride up enough to WANT to show up to every thing mandatory or not

And you don't think every coach in the league already does that? :doh:

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I think it's funny that the players union gets this concession. I mean, the offseason is what it is, but why don't these players have to be responsible to their team year-round?

I don't get someone defending me so that I can get 3 months off per year (for far less money).

I think any team get-togethers should be allowed...

Players ARE responsible year round. They have to stay in shape and prepare on their own for every camp.

But players have rights too and teams would continue adding more and more practices to "get an edge" on their opponents until there was no time off and players were run into the ground.

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Players ARE responsible year round. They have to stay in shape and prepare on their own for every camp.

But players have rights too and teams would continue adding more and more practices to "get an edge" on their opponents until there was no time off and players were run into the ground.

players that want to be succcessful are responsible.

If Landry is getting in shape on his own. probably a better regimin than our trainers.

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it's OTA's, get over it people. It's not even practice.

Football coaches like to keep this myth that what they are doing is so complex and intricate, that if you are not there studying the playbook 20 hours out of a 24 hour day for 300 days a year, then your a bum who doesn't deserve to be in the NFL.

And this claim "he's missing stuff, like coverage calls...blah blah blah" like none of his team mates will inform him of the new calls and just let him hang out to dry.

Now if he misses practice, that's another story, but these are OTA's. I cant stand it when coaches call out players for not being at OTA's, like Del Rio did with Henderson the other day. Overworking theseguys is one of the biggest moral killers out there, especially when you consider most of these guys have been babied all of their lives, and now someone is telling them they HAVE to do something or trying to guilt them into it. Look at how many vets decide to go without a contract solely to avoid going to OTA's and training camp later in their career, it's not that they don't like football, but their bodies just can't take that kind of constant year round beating like they could when they where younger.

I would much rather have my veterans working out on their own in the offseason rather then showing up to an OTA where they get in pads and get an injury because some guy who would be ranked 70th or so on the roster tries to impress a coach and make a big play.

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Did Sean Taylor always show up to these things? If not, then I don't think it's mandatory for him to be there to be elite. But if the entire team is there and you're the only one missing, for no real reason then maybe you should show up for your teammates.

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Landry was among the best on a defensive unit that was pretty good last year. I'm not worried that he's missed some offseason meetings.

Situations reversed, if this were Stump Mitchell bemoaning Clinton's lack of attendance publicly, Portis would now be on every radio show that would take him having his latest very public, very petulant temper tantrum and in so doing, throwing another coach under the bus.

But meh, he's the one that sell's all the jerseys so it's only right the owner has his back above anyone else. :doh:

As regards LaRon, it's as disappointing as it would be whomever the player concerned was not in attendance.

Ultimately, he'll still be the starter and rightfully so come the opening kick against the Giants, and he'll be here when it really matters when we pad up in camp; but it would be nice if these guys gave their TOTAL commitment to the organisation that's rewarding them more than handsomely for the short period in their lives that they actually play the game. With NO exceptions.


So a coach can criticize players publicly, but players can't criticize coaches?

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Many Homers here want Landry to be their new ST. As I've said before it won't happen ... he (LL) is a stiff and will not be extended.

It's true that many people here want him to be their new ST. He isn't.

He certainly has not justified his draft position at this point in his career, but I disagree that he is a stiff. I think he is solid and will be extended---but it will not be at a star level of pay because he has not earned it.

The problem here is that Landry apparently thinks he is already elite. By not showing up, he is telling his teammates that he is special and does not need to do what they need to do. So to that extent I think it is an insult to his teammates.

I'd like him to be there. I think he can be an elite, game-changing player. But he isn't close to that yet. He needs to learn more, get better, and probably most important of all, he needs to get maturity. Those are things that I think he gets by being there and being committed to the team. Acting like you deserve star-treatment before you earned it is not the path to becoming great.

To those defending Landry's absence: how many OTAs do you think Art Monk would have missed?

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Another example of a this "Prima Donna" attitude in today's athlete. Problem is LaRon Landry hasn't done one thing in the NFL to warrant the attitude! He's done absolutely nada, zero, not a sniff, or even scratched the surface of being a top Safety in the league...let alone player.

As someone else put it, he has the choice of being good or not. Then again, he can keep trying to ride what he did in college for the rest of career. Too bad this isn't college ball! :rolleyes:

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"If I can't practice, I can't practice. It is as simple as that. It ain't about that at all. It's easy to sum it up if you're just talking about practice. We're sitting here, and I'm supposed to be the franchise player, and we're talking about practice. I mean listen, we're sitting here talking about practice, not a game, not a game, not a game, but we're talking about practice. Not the game that I go out there and die for and play every game last it's my last but we're talking about practice man. How silly is that?

Now I know that I'm supposed to lead by example and all that but I'm not shoving that aside like it don't mean anything. I know it's important, I honestly do but we're talking about practice. We're talking about practice man. We're talking about practice. We're talking about practice. We're not talking about the game. We're talking about practice. When you come to the arena, and you see me play, you've seen me play right? You've seen me give everything I've got, but we're talking about practice right now.

Reporter: "But it's an issue that your coach continues to raise?"

"Hey I hear you, it's funny to me to, hey it's strange to me too but we're talking about practice man, we're not even talking about the game, when it actually matters, we're talking about practice..."

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