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Another gem from my wife...(guess the Redskins player)


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Alright, guess I'll need to get some help with this one. My wife just called, apparently there's a bunch of gossip coming from her work, because one of her co-workers is dating an ex-Redskin. She asked me who it was based on the following information.

1. He retired from the Skins 2-3 years ago, circa 2007.

2. He's really good looking and apparently loaded.

That's all the information she could give me:doh:

Anyone? Bueller?

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retired or went to another team? I like the Ray Brown guess but I thought he was married (not that it would prevent him from dating) but kind of a longshot, I suppose.

I think retired completely, but really, who the hell knows with her. Keep in mind, she knows precious little about sports, and I don't think her co-workers are any better. I'm not being given much to work with here.

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Okay, we've eliminated Matt Bowen based on pictures. This co-worker is 25-26. I'm kind of wondering what their definition of "loaded" is because let's face it, a majority of ex-skins in that age range wouldn't have been much more than training camp fodder.

Oh, and apparently, she met the guy at a club, so I think that eliminates Brunell.

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Alright, guess I'll need to get some help with this one. My wife just called, apparently there's a bunch of gossip coming from her work, because one of her co-workers is dating an ex-Redskin. She asked me who it was based on the following information.

1. He retired from the Skins 2-3 years ago, circa 2007.

2. He's really good looking and apparently loaded.

That's all the information she could give me:doh:

Anyone? Bueller?

If he is "loaded" then all girls think he is good looking.:silly:

Maybe Troy Vincent?

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